Everything has to be well thought out and rigged perfectly or your odds are reduced significantly. That’s a lot of watching marlin come up behind lures. Symmetrically shaped heads are where the head is concentrically built around the leader tube, which is straight, and centrally located as the two heads shown in Fig 23. Particularly useful for loose free-swinging rigs as they allow a great amount of freedom of action and movement. November 13, 2017. He freely shares his knowledge, tactics, and techniques through numerous seminars and … Electrical shrink tubing (Fig 9) and electrical tape is often used to protect joins, align components and stiffen rigging. eddy lawler. The wrong two hook rig results in a far worse catch rate plus other associated problems such as hook and skirt tangles, line twist and impaired lure action. How to rig trolling lures for marlin fishing was my interest. Correct positioning of the crimp in the pliers' jaws is very important. So it now a simple matter of assembling them in the desired configuration, some of which follow. THE ORIGINS OF LIGHT-GAUGE. It should be a snug fit. Our Pelagic lures are 100% Built in the USA and built to last! Several of the larger types have also got pressure adjustments. Unlike crimping wire the system works by the crimp crushing both the crimp and the nylon. Offshore Trolling Lures and Tackle for Marlin, Wahoo, Dolphin and Tuna. I have several other lures that work well on blues but I am positive these two are the best to do the trick for you. In a career spanning 5 decades I've been fortunate to have caught more marlin over 1,000 pounds than anyone in history. I did not go and buy any new gear. Even the correct twin hook rig results in only marginally better catch rates than using a single hook. The swage should be positioned as in Fig 8 with the oval shape of the crimp vertical. Incorporating this we can actually aim the points of the hooks at a target such as either the upper or lower jaw. These lures include all Pakula type lures, many tuna lures such as clones and bullets and flat-faced pushers. This is a complex rig and full explanation follows including a review of many of the points covered earlier in the article. There are many different ways to rig marlin lures, but this method has been extremely successful for us over the years and has accounted for hundreds of billfish here in New Zealand. Changing any of the above by even a minuscule amount can affect the lures behaviour and its success dramatically. Rigging Supplies Tailchaser offers a full line of rigging supplies to meet ever angler's needs. Thimbles are often supplied with open jaws so they may be passed through hook eyes or rings as shown at the top of Fig 11. One of the main and often overlooked areas of wear is at the point where the back of the lure head rests against a crimp. There are two main types, which have different methods of crimping: - Crimps for multi strand wire are generally binocular or figure 8 crimps, as in Fig 5, are twin barrelled and generally made of coated copper. When it comes to blue marlin one point stands out. It has remained the most successful rigging system since. Permalink. Developing a Predator State of Mind. The hooks self align. This is because many of the species, particularly Marlin and Mahi Mahi are very athletic, spectacular jumpers and head shakers. We target Southern Bluefin Tuna, Yellow fin tuna, Striped Marlin, Blue Marlin, Black Marlin, Mahi Mahi (dolphin fish), Wahoo and everything in between. Latest. Our industry leading … Sometimes the back of the lure head is drilled out to accommodate crimps and lure eyes. Offshore Fishing Lure Rigging Marlin Soft Fishing Lure Wholesale Permalink. Rigging lures is based on specifics, certain rigs work best with certain lures. Because of the heat they become much softer and display a tendency to tangle in the rigs. Nylon leaders in particular are easily abraded and weakened by friction. Short cuts just don't work. A lure rigged incorrectly with two hooks is not as effective as the same lure rigged with a single hook. The stiffer the rig the more inhibited this fish attracting action. By Peter Pakula. Boats. There is no inherent top or bottom to these lures. HEAVY TACKLE TECHNIQUES. Though this certainly offers total customisation there is a very real probability that the lure will not end up in its optimal configuration. Thimbles are often used to protect leaders where they connect to hooks, snaps, and shackles. These have a gap when purchased which must be closed prior to inserting snugly in the leader loop, as under pressure they may twist and sever the leader. Make sure the crimps are the correct type and size for the nylon you are using. Wear and tare on leader, rigs and the lures themselves occur just from being used. Many rigs necessitate securing the rig to the lure head to maintain the alignment of the rig to the lure head. By Sam White. Updated: August 1, 2019. The positioning of the hooks in the lure determines which way up the lure will run as the hooks at this angle will both ride point up when trolled. Ballyhoo Rigs and Offshore Rigging Supplies, choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. As the hooks in this rig are relatively free they exhibit a rocking action that actually enhances the action of the lure by causing the reflective insert in the lure head to flash. Then by pushing the band up or down the leader you can place the hooks exactly where you want them. If you are serious about wanting the best for a big blue, this will give you a shot at a dream. Small stainless steel yachting shackles (Fig 9) are a great way of a very strong (minimum 500lbs) quick connection between leaders and hooks. The hook up rate has remained unsurpassed for many years. You will need to rig your boat for Marlin fishing in order for you to run a decent spread and get your lures swimming properly and effectively, so rod holders, out-riggers, up-rigger and a fighting chair are a must for Marlin fishing. All lures have some type of action if only from the influence of sea conditions and the configuration of the boat wash. Recently there has been a major increase in the use of two hook rigs in skirted trolling lures. Other days on that same trip gave us counts like 4 of 5, 4 of … This is certainly a case of you getting what you pay for. Remember When: A Lifetime Spent at Sea. Stock . This can only be achieved if the ends of the material are cut neatly which involves using the correct tools. Tom Spencer. The Pakula Lumo Sprocket was also ranked third in Marlin magazine's Top Ten Lures of All Time. There is much to learn and much to enjoy in the complex world of the Sports and Game Fishing. The 60-degree set up of the hooks is done by twisting the wire to align the hooks. If a fish bills the lure there is more chance of hooking it in the mouth rather than glancing off a hard bill. 8- Top Hook: The top hook and trailing hook should be the same size to balance the rig. On one hand, the hook-up ratio is better with fine gauge hooks but on the other, hook failure, especially around tracing time, is also more common. There are many instances of getting a flailing hook stuck in one hand while the other is still connected to a sometimes very large and very lively fish. This normally achieved by jamming the leader against the leader tube in the lure head. This is the edge that makes you that bit more aware, to be that little bit ahead of the competition. FREE SHIPPING on all orders over $40.00 Santos Designs is a company with a strong focus on development and refinement of proven technologies and manufacturing techniques. We had 11 marlin hit, 9 hooked up, and 8 landed … all on BFD lures rigged with a single hook swivel rig. A released fish caught on a single hook has more chance of survival, especially if the hook is left in the fish. A Faux Teak Future in Boatbuilding. The decline in the use of single hook rigs has been followed by a general decline in hook-up rates. Perhaps the most important aspect of lure rigging is where the hooks are placed within the length of the skirt. If there are hooks placed well within the skirt the friction and water pressure will stop the lures from rotating on the rig. In areas of 'toothy critters' to minimise skirt damage set the hook right back so that only the eye is within the skirt. If the thimble jaws are left open the thimble can twist in the nylon loop and easily cut through it. Ordinary garden shears do a great job of precisely cutting nylon. No matter how the fish attacks there is a greater chance of hooking it securely. Rigging Marlin Lures for Success. This is to allow the lure the freedom to slide up the leader as discussed earlier in this article. A quick and effective method of positioning hooks within the skirts is by twisting and tying a rubber band around the leader in between the hooks and the back of the lure. Sure, there will be some crossover where you catch dolphin on marlin lures or tuna on marlin lures, but most fishermen have a set criteria in mind when they start rigging trolling lures. rules that most game fishing clubs adhere to. Many of these animals are huge creatures that require as much strength and reliability as possible in the tackle and leaders. ben brown. Rigging up for Trolling Part 1 and Part 2 – Articles by Durban based fishing charter and guide on how to set up, use and rig your lipped and skirted lures for trolling when targeting game fish, big game and marlin … All lures have a more active action when using single hooks. Blue Marlin Rigs were the easiest for me to pick out. All of these items are known as chaffing gear. If this system is used the toothpick should be placed in the back (skirt end) of the lure head. Our mission is to create the best quality offshore big game fishing tackle,Terminal Tackle, Offshore Lures, Big Game Reels, and Fishing Tools for the serious blue water sportsfisherman. Blue Marlin Rigs were the easiest for me to pick out. There is no need to fix the hooks in position, as the drag on the skirt will prevent them from moving. I would think it to be a rarity for a fishermen to decide to just troll lures without intent. I have several other lures that work well on blues but I am positive these two are the best to do the trick for you. The great thing about most technological aspects of the sport is that they are done at home. Once again, I kept this very simple. Bonze Gladiator - rigging Our New Swordfish Range. the following points are in reference to Fig 26. Al aspects of lure rigging are important to the overall balance and resulting action of a lure. On all parts of a rig where the leader comes into contact with any other part that is free to move against it we use protective items such as thimbles, nylon tubing, wire or stainless springs as shown in Fig 9. This is because the lure head and the leader are the only things that mark. The reality is that most of you average closer to 33% on bites to catch ratio. The biggest mistake that you can make while white marlin fishing is thinking that the best way to fish for them is to just fish like you would for a blue marlin. 7- Loose Collar: By using a loose collar the hooks are free to swing and move with the lures action without retarding it. guidelines have approved all the following rigs, though it should be noted that tournament judges have their own interpretation of the rules, so check with them if you are not positive if your gear is in accordance with the rules. When using wire the full length of the crimp should be crimped. The relationship of lure head and skirt is critical. Rigging Marlin Lures. To reach Eye Catcher Lures by telephone 7:00am-9:00pm Eastern Standard time call (252) 333-0810. Cutting tools such as the parrot jawed Felco are perfect for wire. There are many brands available. Promotions, new products and sales. This is often wrongly blamed on toothy fish such as mackerel, wahoo and sharks. Gallery Handmade Tackle Big Game Trolling Lure Shell Inserts Blue Marlin Lure And Rigs. The hooks in the rigs are used as both keels and rudders to orient which side of the lure rides uppermost in the water. Everything you add influences this to some extent.To start we'll review the I.G.F.A. No matter where the fish grabs the lure the hooks are still coming. Though this is discussed under each topic we should at this stage note the natural balance. Travel. No. I didn't shortcut anything for these two rigs. The following is based on many years of trials and statistics. We are the exclusive stockist for Tsutomu Tuna and Marlin Lures. Choose from 50 different lure styles like Jets, Cups, Darts, Slants and many more. Both hooks will ride with their points riding up. Browse and buy exceptional, royalty-free stock clips, handpicked by the best. Charter Fishing in a Pandemic. It is best to get these heads and skirts assembled by either the head manufacturer, the rigger at the shop you bought the lure or an experienced rigger. Inserting a rubber washer between the back of the lure head and the crimp easily solves this as shown in Fig 10. As with all choices in fishing tackle everything is a compromise. I’ve experimented with a lot of hard bodied lures over many years and find the Australian designed Halco Laser Pro lures to be the most reliable and trouble free lures out of the many I have tried. For this reason the crimps used on nylon are usually considerably longer than those used to connect wire as they are based on friction. Both come in a good selection of colours that can also be used to highlight rigs and imitate bait fish lateral lines. The wider the jaws and the heavier the pliers the better. bonze chats with capt. LURE RIGGING & SKIRTING. Nearly all leader manufacturers have a swaging system that incorporates leaders, crimps and pliers and instructions so that the correct components are used as well as the correct crimping position on the pliers is used. Santos - Big Game Fishing, Fishing Supplies, Lures, Reels & Fishing Tools. Our expertise is in Saltwater Game fishing lures, we stock some of the best marlin lures & best tuna lures for Australian waters. For the leader, I have been using Berkley Trilene Big Game for years and it offers a great blend of strength and suppleness, in my opinion. How you rig lures has everything to do with how lures swim in the water and your hook up rate. There is a trend when marlin fishing to use lighter gauge hooks these days, and you hear both good and bad things about these rigs. Normally you would wish to run the lures so the dark side is uppermost. As you can see rigging lures correctly needs a great deal of consideration and understanding, not only to balance the rigging to achieve the best possible action but also to achieve the maximum hook up rate. We tried to implement this on some of our rigging a few years back but were bad mouthed by some people, so we decided to stick with brass on cable just because the myth was so strong. This allows you the peace of mind to enjoy the day a little more and leaves you a little more freedom to concentrate on the other things that catch fish, such as searching for birds and current lines. The way this system works is that the crimp is softer than the wire and when crimped the wire filaments indent the inside surface of the crimp resulting in a very strong connection. When a single hook, on a loose loop is pulled through the water it rides point up, bend down with point riding almost level with the eye as in Fig 15 below. This means leader material, crimps, a crimping tool, chafing tube, lighter, hooks and maybe a cold beer. This rig has many assets: the lure has total freedom of action. - Crimps for nylon are generally oval shaped aluminium as in Fig 6. Does color matter for marlin lures? They work for anything from mahi and blackfin tuna to sailfish, marlin, wahoo, yellowfin tuna, or pretty much anything else that swims. You can change hooks quickly and only need several sets of hooks that can match up with many lures. 6- Stainless Wire: Use stainless 7 x 7 which is semi rigid so that it lies straight and protects the rig against 'toothy critters'. Rigging techniques that can greatly improve your hookup ratio. Artificial lures should be part of any offshore trolling spread, but if you want them to catch fish, you need to make sure they are properly rigged up. For over 20 years our Handmade in the USA Marlin Lures have been winning tournaments and catching trophy marlin all over the world. This is a major fatigue area that leads to many failures on both wire and nylon. These factors control which way up the lure runs in the water, the impedance on lure action, and to a great extent the hook up rate. The following points are applicable to successful crimping both wire and nylon. bonze chats with capt. Bost Lures can be custom designed by YOU! In addition to developing lures, Pakula is also considered an authority on rigging and effective fishing measures. Ltd. All Rights Reserved 1985. A well-hooked blue marlin behind the boat is a welcome sight, especially in a high-stakes tournament. Ltd. and Gamefish Central Pty. The belief is based on the fact the lure heads are marked by bill swipes. It should also be noted that many of the octopus skirts that are used on today's trolling lures are made out of vinyls developed for skirts that are used for commercial salmon fishing in North America. The fact that the hook point and bend are totally visible does not in any way disturb the fish. They have potentially won more tournaments than This can be overcome by trimming up to an inch of the bottom of the skirts or by stiffening the skirts by washing them in a degreasing detergent. These rules maintain that when using two hooks they are at least the distance of the larger hook apart, and that part (not all!) Gallery Marlin Trolling Lures By Big Tuna Teasers Marlin Teasers. Directly to your inbox. The affect that rigging components have on the finished lure presentation cannot be overstated. Note that all lures work to their ultimate with no hooks or rigging components. rigging heavy tackle. All of our offshore trolling lures are guaranteed not to chip, break or discolor. Hawaiian Lure Makers – Past & Present. My two blue marlin rigs will stack the odds much stronger in your favor but like the best of anything it all comes at a price. Short cuts just don't work. To accomplish this, place both hook points in the dark side of the skirt as shown in Fig 27. There is a right and a wrong way of doing everything. BIG GAME LURE MAKERS. of the trailing hook is within the skirt, that is at least the eye of the hook as in Fig 14. Blue Marlin are found and caught in the same ways as targeting Dolphin and Tuna and can be caught with live bait, dead bait trolling rigs, and most common, with lures. However before crimping the thimble jaws should be closed with a pair of pliers as shown at the bottom of Fig 11. Rigging Lures for Giant Blue Marlin. Just as clearly these large predators, at the top of the food chain, are certainly not less cunning or less intelligent than the smaller species we fish for using gossamer thread and well presented baits in an effort to catch as many or as large a fish as possible. It is far better to run the hooks as far back in the lure as is legal as in Fig 14. However if the rigs are not aligned perfectly they may cause the lure to spin. Check out this video on rigging marlin lures with 'Bonze' Rods and reels. Chinees bait rigging lures enhance appearance the swimming action of ballyhoo and other natural baits Chinees. Travel. If you're not sure which type of twin hook rig to use in a lure then a single will probably give you a higher success rate. These failures are normally blamed on toothy fish such as Wahoo and Mackerel. There are many advantages of combining the Slip Rig with your normal rigging. Effective with both "J" hook and circle hooks, these weights are excellent for trolling rigs of all styles. I am often asked how to select the best marlin lures to create the ideal marlin lure spread. It is also far less dangerous for the crew handling a fish caught on a single hook. Travel. The 60 degree set up as shown in Fig 24 has both hook points riding up. Dedicated swaging pliers with double hinged jaws such as the Jinkai in Fig 7 are a must. And our season for marlin at these levels is more like 60-90 days every year with 6 months of regular marlin … Marlin, Wahoo, Dolphin & Tuna Lures. Below I share some of the knowledge on how to fish marlin lures that has enabled the capture of 77 granders and release of countless others. ... Anglers and Big Game Lures from the annual 3 day Lure Makers Challenge, part of Tropidilla Hawaii Marlin Series Tournaments. With this configuration the hooks naturally ride point up regardless of size aiming at two separate targets on the fish's top jaw. Shop for all your big game fishing tackle and apparel needs. Crimps also known as swages have taken over from using knots in lure rigging essentially because it is quicker and easier to line up and centre the components. You'll wait and wait for your chance, so you need to be ready when the moment comes. You can select from 4 head color options on most lures and 9 of the industries top fish catching skirt combinations. To these lures abrasion against the back of the rig to the as! The relationship of lure rigging videos where the fish 's top jaw Man O War ) and... Marlin easy, and maybe raised 500 or more following points are in to... A cold beer tape or coloured electrical tape is below the skirt ready when the moment comes '' can be! As clones and bullets and flat-faced pushers these two rigs has everything to do with how swim. 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