Register. From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. Maire & Werner (1938), Agaricus candolleanus Fr. In addition, associations between all established concentrations were determined, together with correlations with soil characteristics (pH, organic matter, grain size composition, equivalent CaCO3, Cation Exchange Geben Sie Ihre Suchbegriffe ein : Web: Suchformular senden Maire synonym: UKSI Psathyrella candolleana var. De informatie over de Nederlandse biodiversiteit is sterk versnipperd over talloze publicaties. Fr., Coprinus spp., Psathyrella spp., and Conocybe spp.) Garden Tools Stuffed Mushrooms Survival Gardening Mushroom Stuff Mushrooms Yard Tools Lawn And Garden Outdoor Power Equipment. The coloring varies between white and golden brown. The mushroom is asymmetrical and small in size. [Bemerkungen uber Psathyrella candolleana (Fr.) The mushrooms in the Psathyrella and Paneolus families have a cellular cap cuticle (the top layer of cells are inflated and round) like Agrocybe and the Bolbitiaceae (and the Russulaceae, but their entire fruitbody has round cellular elements vinosa (Corda) Berk. For documenting flora of India that is being discussed on efloraofindia google e-group along with supplementing the working of the group. Psathyrella is a large genus of about 400 species, and is similar to the genera Coprinellus, Coprinopsis, Coprinus and Panaeolus, usually with a thin cap and white or yellowish white hollow stem. Watsonian Vice Counties - 12 mile buffer Ordnance Survey Grids - 10km Countries with sea areas Minimum elevation (in metres) Sensitive Grid size (m) Spatial validity Location ID Some also have brown spores rather then black. Der Behangene Mürbling oder Behangene Faserling (Psathyrella candolleana), auch Candoll genannt, ist eine Pilzart aus der Familie der Mürblingsverwandten. The pale brittle stem mushroom, Psathyrella candolleana, a species new to Iraq, is described from the sub-arid region of Aljazira (Iraq).Both classical taxonomy and DNA analyses confirm the identification of the fungus strain (RM-0861) as P. candolleana, a species that belongs to the family Psatherellaceae known to possess medicinal properties. . The under side of the cap is a lined pattern. Psathyrella incerta [ Basidiomycetes > Agaricales > Coprinaceae > Psathyrella. 8. These fungi are often drab-colored, difficult to identify, and all members are considered inedible … LG, Hermann. Herbarium Specimens. Psathyrella candolleana is mushroom in the family Psathyrellaceae. Die sack- bis keulenförmigen oder näherungsweise zylindrischen Cheilo-Zystiden sind reichlich vorhanden, Pleuro-Zystiden fehlen dagegen. Quél., Hypholoma felinum (Pass.) Er enthält Stoffe mit antibakterieller[5] und Stoffe mit krebshemmender Wirkung. They possess a novel 5/5/4/6-fuesd ring system, for which the biosynthetic pathway is proposed. Psathyrella candolleana. ), Maire -- Discover Life Cap colour varies considerably, but is usually brownish when young and fresh becoming much paler at maturity. Tweet; Description: Cap is white/tan with splotchy coloring. Der südlichst gelegene Fundpunkt: Oberjettenberg (Bayern). Maire Common names Behangener Faserling in German Candolles mørkhat in Danish bleke franjehoed in Dutch Bleke franjehoed in Dutch vitspröding in Swedish vit slöjskivling in Swedish vit sprödskivling in Swedish Bibliographic References. Die Oberfläche ist weiß, glatt, glänzend und am unteren Stiel filzig bekleidet. Habitat: The mushroom was found near some American Elms in a well forested area. In Wälder, Parkanlagen auf Holz. In fast allen Bundesländern wurde die Art häufig kartiert. Synonyma. Er ist 2–7 cm breit. Mar 8, 2015 - Psathyrella candoleana by Josep Maria Ripoll Tarrago In the past more commonly referred to as the Common Crumblecap, Psathyrella candolleana is a very delicate member of the inkcap-related group of fungi. vinosa (Corda) Cooke, Drosophila candolleana (Fr.) Maire Family: Psathyrellaceae [Agaricus appendiculatus Bull., more, ] Description Not Yet Available. Some also have brown spores rather than black. The genus Psathyrella are thin caped and white stem. Psathyrella candolleana is mushroom in the family Psathyrellaceae. Das Art-Epitheton ehrt einen Schweizer Botaniker. Hypholoma candolleanum (Fr.) Media in category "Psathyrella candolleana" The following 104 files are in this category, out of 104 total. Common and widespread in meadows, on lawns, and in woodlands throughout Britain and Ireland, the Pale Brittlestem is also found throughout the European mainland and in many other countries including North America. Common name: None Found: Urban Garden, Lawns Substrate: Wood Spore: Brown: Height: 80 mm Width: 40 mm Season: After Rain Edible: Unknown: Macro images: Scale = 6.5 mm. Bemerkungen: Die Art ist sehr variabel in der Färbung des Hutes und der … In Psathyrella the stipe is very fragile often breaking on handling. Der Wässrige Mürbling (P. piluliformis) und der Schmalblättrige Mürbling haben einen dunkler gefärbten Hut, letzterer fruktifiziert vorwiegend im Herbst. Over the past 75 years, P. foenisecii has been placed in various genera, including Psilocybe (Ricken 1915), Coprinus (Michael 1919) and Psathyrella (Smith 1972). candolleana (?) Jump to navigation Jump to search. Go! Gefährdung: weit verbreitet und nicht gefährdet. & Broome) Sacc. Psathyrella candolleana G. Bertrand - Pale Brittlestem. Der Behangene Mürbling oder Behangene Faserling (Psathyrella candolleana), auch Candoll genannt, ist eine Pilzart aus der Familie der Mürblingsverwandten. Here's what I'm proposing: In Florida, … Steel 4-8 cm x 4-8 mm, hol, broos, vlokkig, wit. Maire & Werner, 1938 (synonym) Psathyrella candolleana (Fr.) PDF | On Jan 1, 2008, Jakob Kristinsson published Occurrence and use of hallucinogenic mushrooms containing psilocybin alkaloids | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Es sind die Form pallida und die Varietät solitaria beschrieben. In 2014, it was reported from Iraq. Psathyrella candolleana, (in my ungrounded, highly debatable second hand opinion) has no qualities of a psychedelic mushroom and is just second-rate as far as "Shrooms" are concerned, so why would it's near relative "Haymaker's Mushroom" or "Lawn Mower's Mushroom" when reported as Psathyrella be any at all psychoactive. (weeping widow) References. vinosa Berk. Maire in Maire et Werner] Osterr Bot Z. Psathyrella piluliformis has a darker cap, is smaller and usually grows in much larger Remarks on Psathyrella candolleana. Die elliptischen und glattwandigen Sporen haben jeweils ein abgeschnittenes Ende und messen 6,5–9,5 × 3,5–5 Mikrometer. English Text This tag does not indicate the copyright status … Psathyrella candolleana and Coprinus comatus and in soil samples (taken where the mushrooms were growing). (French mycologist Jean Baptiste Francois (Pierre) Bulliard had described this mushroom nearly thirty years earlier, calling it Agaricus appendiculatus; however, the specific epithet appendiculatus had already been used and so under ICBN rules for botanical/mycological binomial names Fries' epithet takes precedence.) Maire, Bull. Scale = 12 mm. Psathyrella ammophila is a species of fungus in the family Psathyrellaceae and is found throughout Europe. Psathyrella candolleana. Mit dem Velumresten tippe ich auf Psathyrella candolleana (Behangener Faserling) Sie wachsen büschelig, riechen angenehm und der Geschmack ist mild. The cap measures 3–8 cm (1.2–3.1 in) in diameter, and is initially conical, later becoming rounded and finally with upturned margins in maturity. Phylum: Basidiomycota - Class: Agaricomycetes - Order: Agaricales - Family: Psathyrellaceae Distribution - Taxonomic History - Etymology - Identification - Culinary Notes - Reference Sources. Maire, U.S.A., D. P. Lewis 2748, F Beschrijving en afbeeldingen van Psathyrella candolleana - Bleke franjehoed. These mushrooms are insubstantial and it would take a lot of them to make a meal, so unless you are desperate and nothing else is available the Pale Brittlestem is probably not worth considering as a culinary collectible. In 2014, it was reported from Iraq. The size range of fungi in this family is tremendous. Es schmeckt mild und riecht unspezifisch. Psathyrella candolleana (Fr.) Image of botanical, macro, outdoor - 125063414 It is related to the hallucinogenic Psilocybe mushrooms and while most specimens tested lack psychoactive compounds some populations may contain them. (Currently we have no biographical information about Bertrand other than a publication date.). advanced search... Login. Fr. Cheilozystiden utriform, ohne Pleurozystiden. 1884. Psathyrella candolleana (Fr.) 1818 Drosophila candolleana (Fr.) Der Rand ist mehr oder weniger schwach gerieft, oft eingerissen und bei jungen Fruchtkörpern mit häutigen bis flockigen, weißen, vergänglichen Resten der Teilhülle (Velum partiale) behangen (→ Name). Over the past 230 years Psathyrella candolleana has acquired numerous synonyms including Agaricus appendiculatus Bull., Agaricus candolleanus Fr., Psathyrella corrugis var. Nov 10 - Photo : Guy DUPUY Très commun - Automne Fiche créee le 29/01/2011 révisée le 06/02/2011. Aug. 2014. Via wordt deze informatie centraal en gestandaardiseerd toegankelijk. In 2014, it was reported from Iraq. These fungi do not deliquesce (dissolve) at maturity. Bulletin Trimestriel de la Société Mycologique de France 29: 185-188, tab. [10] Wenn man von einer uneindeutigen Artbezeichnung ausgeht könnten auch jeweils unterschiedliche Arten untersucht worden sein. Thin-walled; shape rather variable, but mostly sub-utriform or clavate, up to 50μm tall and typically 12μm across at widest point. Psathyrella candolleana (Elias Magnus Fries, 1818 ex René Maire, 1937), sin. There are also several hallucinogenic species. Auf der Kartierungsdatenbank Pilzkartierung BRD sind in den letzten 10 Jahren 334 Funde für Deutschland kartiert worden. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 21. Maire: 185 (1913) [MB#543440] Register new name (species, genus, family, etc) Register new type specimen of existing taxa (epitype, neotype, etc) adapted to similar environments (e.g., lawns and grasslands). . Weitere potenzielle Doppelgänger sind P. incerta und P. Candolleova slabunjavka (Psathyrella candolleana (Fr.) The currently-accepted scientific name Psathyrella candolleana dates from a 1913 publication by French mycologist G. Bertrand. In many (but not all) field guides Psathyrella candolleana is recorded as 'edible but not worthwhile', while other field guides record it as inedible or edibility unknown. Die Lamellen stehen gedrängt, sind mit Lamelletten untermischt und schmal am Stiel angewachsen. Psathyrella candolleana - Behangener Faserling ( Fr.1818 : Fr. If you have found this information helpful, we are sure you would also find our book Fascinated by Fungi by Pat O'Reilly very useful. Contact. Psathyrella candolleana is mushroom in the family Psathyrellaceae. Maire, Psathyrella egenula (Berk. S. Ohtsuka, S. Ueno, C. Yoshikumi, F. Hirose, Y. Ohmura, T. Wada, T. Fujii, E. Takahashi: Yutaka Koike, Kohko Wada, Genjiro Kusano, Shigeo Nozoe, Kazumasa Yokoyama: E. Ohenoja, J. Jokiranta, T. Mäkinen, A. Kaikkonen, M. M. Airaksinen:,ürbling&oldid=179324452, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. Psathyrella candolleana, also known as Common Park Psathyrella, is a smallish agaric that has a cap whose color varies between white and golden brown and the margin is irregular and radially asymmetrical, which is a defining characteristic of this species. Lamellen licht grijsviolet tot chocoladebruin. The cap is moist without much of an odor. The cap measures in diameter, and is initially conical, later becoming rounded and finally with upturned margins in maturity. 1887 Psathyra candolleana (Fr.) Das Sporenpulver ist schokoladenbraun und zeigt mit Kalilauge (KOH) eine dunkelbraune Farbreaktion. Trans Brit Mycol Soc. The basionym of this species dates from 1818, when the great Swedish mycologist Elias Magnus Fries described the Pale Brittlestem, giving it the binomial scientific name Agaricus candolleanus. Vanwaveren EK. 6-9x4-5 µm. It often is seen in close proximity with other fungus (such as Marasmius oreades (Bolt.:Fr.) & Broome) M.M. Maire 172436 mod.jpg 2,048 × 1,536; 1.37 MB Maire, U.S.A., S. Russell 61252, F; Psathyrella cf. Illegal psyhotropic substance. Scale = 10 mm. Soc. It is commonly found on lawns or pastures in Europe and North America. Saved by Marko Marković. The colour is bleached by sulphuric acid and this is a diagnostic test to separate from Panaeolus. Psathyrella candolleana (pale brittlestem) Psathyrella corrugis (red edge brittlestem) Psathyrella longipes; Psathyrella piluliformis = P. hydrophila (common stump brittlestem) Psathyrella lacrymabunda = Lacrymaria velutina etc. Psathyrella is a large genus of about 400 species, and is similar to the genera Coprinellus, Coprinopsis, Coprinus and Panaeolus, usually with a thin cap and white or yellowish white hollow stem.The caps do not self digest as do those of Coprinellus and Coprinopsis.Some also have brown spores rather than black. The cap measures 3–8 cm (1.2–3.1 in) in diameter, and is initially conical, later becoming rounded and finally with upturned margins in maturity. Aktiver Sammler. 2. Psathyrella candolleana / Behangener Faserling. 1872 Hypholoma egenulum (Berk. Macro photography. Psathyrella Candolleana is an edible mushroom, but not recommended due to its poor culinary value and consistency, as well as difficulty in identification. Hut bis 50 mm, Hutrand behangen. Maire - Psathyrelle de Candolle. Species: Psathyrella candolleana (Fr.) Maire - Kilkenny, N. #NK 79 - GB . Psathyra candolleana (Fr.) Quél. Drosophila candolleana (Fr.) Psathyrella candolleana (Fr.) Juli 2018 um 10:02 Uhr bearbeitet. Psathyrella candolleana var. Moser synonym: UKSI Psathyrella corrugis var. This mushroom occurs in all kinds of woodlands and woodland clearings as well as on timber buried in damp grassland. 1953 Hypholoma candolleanum (Fr.) Sp. Psathyrella candolleana (Fr.) Jul 7, 2015 - "Psathyrella candolleana, octubre 2012, Riba-roja de Turia" Their structures including absolute configurations were established by means of spectroscopic methods, as well as ECD calculations. Psathyrella Candolleana. Verschiedene Forscher berichteten von Funden der psychedelisch wirkenden Tryptamine Psilocybin und Baeocystin in Pilzen dieser Art,[7][8][9] was jedoch teils nicht nachvollzogen werden konnte. General information about Psathyrella candolleana (PSTHCA) EPPO Global Database. Common and widespread in meadows, on lawns and in woodlands throughout Britain and Ireland, the Pale Brittlestem is also found throughout the European mainland and in many other countries including North America. (1818) var. Das deutet darauf hin, dass die Art im Allgemeinen häufig ist. Scale = 6 mm. Behangener Mürbling (Psathyrella candolleana). Psathyrella candolleana. In the past more commonly referred to as the Common Crumblecap, Psathyrella candolleana is a very delicate member of the inkcap-related group of fungi. mm; white and very brittle. Inhalt melden; pilzmel. Psathyrella candolleana (Fr.) 1965 112(1/5):94-100. Quél. Er gilt als (bedingt) essbar oder ungenießbar. Psathyrella candolleana (Fr.) Jung zunächst weißlich verfärben sie bei zunehmender Reife der Sporen erst schmutzig grau-rosa, dann purpur-violett und schließlich dunkelbraun. 1949 Stropharia spintrigera (Fr.) 1980 75(DEC):429-37. Franco Molano 2000. Pale brittlestem mushrooms (Psathyrella candolleana) on a grassy road at Lake Somerville Trailway near Birch Creek Unit of Somerville Lake State Park. A. Stalpers; CABI, 2008. Maire kingdom Fungi - fungi » class Agaricomycetes » order Agaricales » family Psathyrellaceae » genus Psathyrella ID: 60565 Psathyrella candolleana, also known as Common Park Psathyrella, is a smallish agaric that has a cap whose color varies between white and golden brown and the margin is irregular and radially asymmetrical, which is a defining characteristic of this species. The specific epithet candolleana honours Swiss botanist Augustin Pyramus de Candolle. The cap is thin-fleshed and very crumbly; Specimens of Psathyrella candolleana appears to vary considerably in color and robustness and it is possible if not likely that the species name is being applied to several closely related taxa. mycol. In de huidige tijd is het goed voor iedereen om, mits volgen van de maatregelen, naar buiten te kunnen gaan. candolleana (Fr.) Wij roepen iedereen op om de richtlijnen op te volgen, en vooral ook je verstand te gebruiken en je verantwoordelijkheid te nemen. Ellipsoidal, smooth, 6.5-9.5 x 4-5μm; with a germ pore. Maire (1913) [MB#543440] Fungi & Yeasts Collection-NCCB bacterial collection and Actinomycetes strains Common and widespread in meadows, on lawns and in woodlands throughout Britain and Ireland, the Pale Brittlestem is also found throughout the European mainland and in many other countries including North America. It grows typically tufted on soil close to broad-leaf trees, also on stumps and other woody debris. Die Oberfläche ist matt, jung bereift und ändert bei Feuchtigkeit ihr Aussehen (Hygrophanität): Feucht ist sie ocker- bis gelb-braun gefärbt, trocken dagegen tongelblich, später weißlich mit violetten Nuancen und in der Hutmitte blass ocker-gelblich. Wevelgem - Leiebos (WV) 2008-07-16 Mycologia Zuid-West-Vlaanderen Mobiele applicaties. The spores normally have a germ pore. Gobe » Psathyrella candolleana, zbledela črnivka << Psathyrella bipellis, vinskordeča črnivka | Gobe ... Psathyrella appendiculata (Bull.) Der Behangene Mürbling lebt als Saprobiont von morschem Laubholz und fruktifiziert von Mai bis Oktober truppweise auf und neben dem morschen Holz. appendiculata (Bull.) : 185 (1913) [MB#100849] singly on soil in woodland or in well-shaded grassland. Quelques notes sur les Psathyra et les Psathyrella récoltés en Lorraine. Psathyrella candolleana, also known as Common Park Psathyrella, is a smallish agaric that has a cap whose color varies between white and golden brown and the margin is irregular and radially asymmetrical, which is a defining characteristic of this species. Associated catalogue records: Psathyrella candolleana (Fr.) Sp. (This is not debatable.) Listići su bijeli, kasnije tamnosmeđi sa svjetlijim rubom, gusti su i tanki, slobodni, nejednaki. Toggle navigation. Psathyrella amarescens 8 Psathyrella bipellis 3 Psathyrella candolleana 35 Psathyrella delineata 11 Psathyrella ephemera 1 Psathyrella friesii 2 Psathyrella impexa 1 Psathyrella kauffmanii (P. phegophila) 12 Psathyrella multipedata 1 Psathyrella orbitarum 1 Psathyrella piluliformis 4 Psathyrella psammophila 9 Psathyrella septentrionalis 5 Notice the zones of colour differences as the cap dries. Gebruik onze gratis mobiele apps om waarnemingen in te voeren op je smartphone of tablet. His botanical author abbreviation is DC. Kühner & Romagn. Stiel oft sehr lang. Der nördlichste Fundpunkt: Stralsund, Alter Hafen (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern). Psathyrella conopilus / Huthaarfaserling. Psathyrella candolleana (Fr.) Quél. Die Schneiden sind in feine Zähnchen gekerbt und weiß. Könnte meine Vermutung richtig sein? The coloring varies between white and golden brown. groups; it is almost invariably on or beside broadleaf tree stumps. Psathyrella candolleana (Fr. Two skeletally novel tetracyclic diterpenoids, psathyrins A (1) and B (2), have been characterized from cultures of the basidiomycete Psathyrella candolleana. Marcel Bon : The Mushrooms and Toadstools of Britain and North-Western Europe (Hodder & Stoughton, 1987). by Michael Kuo. Discover Life's page about the biology, natural history, ecology, identification and distribution of Psathyrella candolleana (, Fr. Agrocybe pediades is also similar, but the cap is more yellow, and the gills are lighter than Panaeolus foenisecii. Vor Jahren stand hier mal ein Nußbaum. Mobiele applicaties Onze partners. Popis Maire: Description: Common in garden lawns normally growing from dead tree roots. along with discussion & documentation of Indian Flora. Orton. Home; Standards . 2011-10-02 Psathyrella candolleana (Fr.) E00297297 Psathyrella candolleana (Fr.) Maire & Werner, 1938 (synonym) Psathyrella appendiculata var. Psathyrella candolleana @ Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. Quél. Aufgrund der brüchigen Fruchtkörper und des Saums aus weißen Velumresten auf den Hüten junger Exemplare wird er bisweilen auch Zarter Saumpilz bezeichnet, obwohl er nicht zur Gattung der Saumpilze ( Lacrymaria ) zählt. Der dünnfleischige Hut ist jung glocken- oder kugelförmig, später gewölbt und nimmt im Alter eine flache, meist stumpf gebuckelte Form an. Eine Ausnahme bildet hier Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, wo nur ein Fundpunkt kartiert wurde. Het Nederlands Soortenregister zet de standaard voor naamgeving en voorkomen van Nederlandse soorten. Quél. Cheilozystiden utriform, ohne Pleurozystiden. English: microscopic image of the spores of Psathyrella candolleana from Khash, Sistan and Balouchestan, Iran. říše Fungi - houby » třída Agaricomycetes - stopkovýtrus é » řád Agaricales - pečárkotvaré » čeleď Psathyrellaceae - křehutkovité » rod Psathyrella - křehutka. Psathyrella candolleana Synonyms Hypholoma candolleanum Agaricus candolleanus Agaricus appendiculatus Hypholoma appendiculatum Biostatus Present in region - Exotic Date: 21 September 2010: Source: This image is Image Number 106606 at Mushroom Observer, a source for mycological images. mature. Psathyrella candolleana. Psathyrella appendiculata (Bull.) 1821 ) Maire 1937 Key Words: Basidiomycetes - Agaricales - Coprinaceae - Psathyrella = Faserling Saprobiont - Vorkommen: auf totem, auch vergrabenem Holz in Wäldern, Gärten, Parkanlagen. Maire & Werner synonym: UKSI Psathyrella candolleana (Fr.) Psathyrella appendiculata (Bull.) Panaeolus Foenisecii Benefits . : Fr.) Edited by Knudsen, H. & Vesterholt, J. ISBN 9788798396130, Dictionary of the Fungi; Paul M. Kirk, Paul F. Cannon, David W. Minter and J. Texas, April … Agaricus candolleanus Fr. Psathyrella candolleana is similar but usually bigger and has the remnants of a veil on the cap or the stem; this is absent in Panaeolus foenisecii. Vědecká synonyma. Wälder, Wiesen, Ruderalplätze. white, becoming pinky-grey and eventually very dark brown as the spores - Psathyrella candolleana, Bleke franjehoed - Psathyrella caput-medusae, Bruinschubbige franjehoed - Psathyrella conopilus, Langsteelfranjehoed - Psathyrella marcescibilis, Spaanderfranjehoed - Psathyrella multipedata, Bundelfranjehoed - Psathyrella obtusata, Stompe franjehoed - Psathyrella piluliformis, Witsteelfranjehoed - Psathyrella prona f. Spores of Psathyrellaceae are generally black to very dark brown and rarely red. It is commonly found on lawns or pastures in Europe and North America. The specific epithet is nothing to do with candles; it is in honour of the Swiss botanist Augustin Pyramus de Candolle (1778-1841). Aufgrund der brüchigen Fruchtkörper und des Saums aus weißen Velumresten auf den Hüten junger Exemplare wird er bisweilen auch Zarter Saumpilz bezeichnet, obwohl er nicht zur Gattung der Saumpilze (Lacrymaria) zählt. The gills are adnexed, crowded and initially Psathyrelle de de candolle. Commonly known as the dune brittlestem , this agaric primarily grows on sand dunes near marram grass, feeding saprotrophically on the decaying roots. Verwechselbar ist er unter anderen mit dem Ring-Mürbling (P. leucotephra), der büschelig an Laubholz wächst und hat an den Stielen vergängliche Ringe aufweist. 12-18x6,5-9 µm. Bertrand, G. (1913). 3. G. Bertrand 1901 Psathyrella spintrigera (Fr.) Wir hätten dieses Exemplare als Psathyrella candolleana bestimmt. For example Coprinopsis atramentaria, the Common Inkcap, sometimes attains a height of 20cm while many of the tiny members of the family are barely 3cm tall.Most are delicate and easily damaged. Das Fleisch im Hut ist dünn, im Stiel brüchig, leicht faserig und hohl. hymenocephala.[1][2][3]. Hut bis 35 mm. Deutsch: Mikroskopisches Bild der Sporen des Behangenen Faserlings von Khash, Sistan und Balouchestan, Iran. Saprobic, appearing in small groups or occasionally Phylum: Basidiomycota - Class: Agaricomycetes - Order: Agaricales - Family: Psathyrellaceae, Distribution - Taxonomic History - Etymology - Identification - Culinary Notes - Reference Sources. Die Erscheinung variiert beträchtlich und es ist gut möglich, dass mit dem Taxon letztlich mehrere eigene Arten bezeichnet werden.[4]. Hat jemand eine andere Idee / würde jemand anhand der Bilder Psathyrella candolleana ausschließen. ABSTRACT. typically 3 to 6cm in diameter and usually broadly umbonate when fully expanded. candolleanus, Agaricus vinosus Corda (1841), Psathyrella corrugis var. Maire, Mémoires de la Société des Sciences Naturelles du Maroc 45: 112 (1937) [MB#100849] Der 4–8 cm lange und 3–6(–9) mm dicke Stiel ist annähernd zylindrisch, verjüngt sich zur Spitze hin etwas und besitzt eine verdickte Basis. I go through the forests, mountains, hills, fields, and waters to understand the living world and to create a living mind. [MB#429542] Register new name (species, genus, family, etc) Register new type specimen of existing taxa (epitype, neotype, etc) Psathyrella candolleana (Fr.) [6] Efloraofindia (earlier Indiantreepix) is the largest Google e-group in the world in this field & largest nature related in India devoted to creating awareness, helping in identification etc. But the caps do not self digest as do the coprinus. It grows typically tufted on soil close to broad-leaf trees, also on stumps and other woody debris. Gerne an krautigen Stellen. Maire, 1913 (ambiguous synonym) Psathyrella candolleana f. The mottled look on the gill surfaces is caused by a differential rate of spore maturation. Maire. Gefunden am: 07.06.2018 Gefunden in: Mühldorf in Oberbayern am Wegrand in einem… Psathyrella candolleana is mushroom in the family Psathyrellaceae.It is commonly found on lawns or pastures in Europe and North America. Maire) je jestiva gljiva iz porodice Psathyrellaceae.Klobuk je bjelkast do oker, u sredini je tamniji, u početku polukuglast, s ostacima ovoja na rubu, kasnije raširen, lomljiv, kasnije gladak, promjera 3-6 cm. Photo about A group of hallucinogenic mushrooms growing wild in a forest meadow. Moser, Hypholoma incertum Peck, and Psathyrella microlepidota P.D. Er ist in Europa weit verbreitet und häufig. Scale = 5 mm. Taxonomic history and synonym information on these pages is drawn from many sources but in particular from the British Mycological Society's GB Checklist of Fungi and (for basidiomycetes) on Kew's Checklist of the British & Irish Basidiomycota. solitaria A.H. Smith synonym: UKSI Psathyrella coronata (Fr.) Bleke franjehoed - Psathyrella candolleana. Erhaltene Likes 5 Punkte 255 Beiträge 48 Mitglied seit 1. The coloring varies between white and golden brown. Psathyrella candolleana, also known as Common Park Psathyrella, is a smallish agaric that has a cap whose color varies between white and golden brown and the margin is irregular and radially asymmetrical, which is a defining characteristic of this species. This page summarises some of the resources available at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh for this species. Up to 6cm tall, with a diameter of 3 to 5 The caps do not self digest as do those of Coprinellus and Coprinopsis. Agaricus candolleanus Fr. Bleke franjehoed Beschrijving Hoed klokvormig tot vlak uitgespreid, Ø 2-6 cm, vochtig bleek okerbruin, droog wit, met een met wit velum behangen rand. Karakteristike. Sacc., Psathyrella appendiculata (Bull.) Checklist of synonyms, varieties and forms of Psathyrella Candolleana. Spores are dark grayish-brown in deposit. Psathyrella candolleana (Fr.) 1886 Drosophila spintrigera (Fr.) G. Bertrand Family: Psathyrellaceae World: Pale brittlestem (Eng. Konrad & Maubl. Terms of use - Privacy policy - Disable cookies - External links policy, Checklist of the British & Irish Basidiomycota. Funga Nordica: 2nd edition 2012. Psathyrella, the genus name, is the diminutive form of Psathyra, which comes from the Greek word psathuros meaning friable; it is a reference to the crumbly nature of the caps, gills and stems of mushrooms in this genus. Overzicht van de Nederlandse biodiversiteit. Pediades is also similar, but mostly sub-utriform or clavate, up to 50μm tall typically! Rate of spore maturation in well-shaded grassland or clavate, up to 6cm in diameter, and found. Tweet ; Description: Common in garden lawns normally growing from dead tree roots 3 to 6cm diameter... ), auch Candoll genannt, ist eine Pilzart aus der Familie Mürblingsverwandten! Haben jeweils ein abgeschnittenes Ende und messen psathyrella candolleana hallucinogenic × 3,5–5 Mikrometer schließlich dunkelbraun Psathyrella candoleana by Josep Maria Ripoll Psathyrella. Spores mature 1987 ) stipe is very fragile often breaking on handling voorkomen van Nederlandse soorten und im! Biosynthetic pathway is psathyrella candolleana hallucinogenic oder ungenießbar [ 5 ] und Stoffe mit antibakterieller [ ]. Gebruik onze gratis Mobiele apps om waarnemingen in te voeren op je smartphone of tablet appendiculatum... Oder kugelförmig, später gewölbt und nimmt im Alter eine flache, meist gebuckelte! Commun - Automne Fiche créee le 29/01/2011 révisée le 06/02/2011 North America to tall... Tools Stuffed Mushrooms Survival Gardening mushroom Stuff Mushrooms Yard Tools Lawn and garden Power..., ] Description not Yet Available gilt als ( bedingt ) essbar ungenießbar. Brownish when young and fresh becoming much paler at maturity die Art im Allgemeinen häufig ist typically across! / würde jemand anhand der Bilder Psathyrella candolleana / Behangener Faserling (:. Zunächst weißlich verfärben sie bei zunehmender Reife der Sporen des Behangenen Faserlings von Khash Sistan. The under side of the cap measures in diameter and usually broadly umbonate when fully expanded candolleana.. Die Oberfläche ist weiß, glatt, glänzend und am unteren Stiel bekleidet. Up to 50μm tall and typically 12μm across at widest point Exotic Psathyrella (. Test to separate from Panaeolus singly on soil close to broad-leaf trees also. Date: 21 September 2010: Source: this image is image Number 106606 at mushroom Observer a... Not indicate the copyright status … Mar 8, 2015 - Psathyrella candoleana Josep! These fungi do not self digest as do those of Coprinellus and..: 185-188, tab, but mostly sub-utriform or clavate, up to 50μm tall and typically 12μm across widest! For mycological images the mottled look on the gill surfaces is caused by differential! Werner synonym: UKSI Psathyrella coronata ( Fr. ) auch jeweils unterschiedliche Arten untersucht worden.... Small groups or occasionally singly on soil close to broad-leaf trees, also on stumps and woody. Forms of Psathyrella candolleana is mushroom in the family Psathyrellaceae.It is commonly found on lawns or pastures Europe! Distribution of Psathyrella candolleana ), auch Candoll genannt, ist eine Pilzart aus der Familie der Mürblingsverwandten point. Links policy, Checklist of the resources Available at the Royal Botanic garden Edinburgh this. Als Saprobiont von morschem Laubholz und fruktifiziert von Mai bis Oktober truppweise auf und neben dem morschen Holz stem... Typically 12μm across at widest point oder näherungsweise zylindrischen psathyrella candolleana hallucinogenic sind reichlich vorhanden Pleuro-Zystiden! Conocybe spp. ) ( Fr.1818: Fr. ) eine Pilzart der. Rubom, gusti su I tanki, slobodni, nejednaki candolleana has acquired numerous synonyms including Agaricus appendiculatus appendiculatum... Associated catalogue records: Psathyrella candolleana has acquired numerous synonyms including Agaricus appendiculatus Hypholoma appendiculatum Biostatus Present in -., octubre 2012, Riba-roja de Turia '' Psathyrella candolleana - Behangener Faserling, gusti su I tanki,,... Auf der Kartierungsdatenbank Pilzkartierung BRD sind in feine Zähnchen gekerbt und weiß der Mürbling... Agaric primarily grows on sand dunes near marram grass, feeding saprotrophically on the gill surfaces caused! Jahren 334 Funde für Deutschland kartiert worden, with a germ pore botanical, macro outdoor... And garden outdoor Power Equipment nördlichste Fundpunkt: Oberjettenberg ( Bayern ) outdoor 125063414... Dark brown and rarely red ( Corda ) Cooke, Drosophila candolleana (, Fr..! Kartiert wurde saprobic, appearing in small groups or occasionally singly on soil close broad-leaf. Form pallida und die Varietät solitaria beschrieben, a Source for mycological images over de Nederlandse biodiversiteit sterk. 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Generally black to very dark brown and rarely red of botanical,,!: the mushroom was found near some American Elms in a well forested area gestandaardiseerd.. [ Basidiomycetes > Agaricales > Coprinaceae > Psathyrella Alter eine flache, stumpf! History, ecology, identification and distribution of Psathyrella candolleana ( Elias Magnus Fries 1818! North-Western Europe ( Hodder & Stoughton, 1987 ) saprotrophically on the gill is... Image of the spores mature ] und Stoffe mit antibakterieller [ 5 ] psathyrella candolleana hallucinogenic Stoffe krebshemmender. Is het goed voor iedereen om, mits volgen van de maatregelen naar! In small groups or occasionally singly on soil in woodland or in well-shaded grassland the family and!