Special relativity is a theory, exposed by Albert Einstein in 1905, saying that no object with mass can reach the speed of light. It sounds "science-fictiony," and it is—warp drive doesn't actually exist. Given the success of Operation Warp Speed in driving vaccine development, some commentators have called for Warp Speed equivalents for clean energy — … Warp Drive Possible With Quantum Vacuum Plasma Thruster, Scientist says Warp Speed is Possible and will occur in 100 Years. This means that for the construction of a warp drive you would perhaps need a material that could hold the negative energy and keep it stable. Is warp drive possible? Your email address will not be published. The physicist, Professor Geraint Lewis from University of Sydney in Australia has stated that Warp Speed is Possible and it will happen in the next 100 years. Of course, the problem is that even if bending space is theoretically possible, we have no idea how to do it. This week, we found ourselves watching old Star Trek episodes to answer Daniel McGwire's question.Daniel - Is warp travel a possibility? It just wouldn’t work quite the way “Star Trek” thought it did. Operation Warp Speed's goal is to produce and deliver 300 million doses of safe and effective vaccines with the initial doses available by January 2021, as part of a broader strategy to accelerate the development, manufacturing, and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics (collectively known as countermeasures). Decades after the original “Star Trek” show had gone off the air, pioneering physicist and avowed Trek fan Miguel Alcubierre argued that maybe a warp drive is possible after all. "If you look at the equation that Einstein gave us, it shows you can bend and warp space so you can travel at any speed you like in the Universe," Lewis told ABC Science in an interview before his presentation in Sydney, Australia. Of course, all of that involves a whole lot of 'ifs', and Lewis admits that warp speed is impossible for now. Is mankind capable of achieving warp speed? So theoretically this means you can warp space by compressing it in front of you while expanding space behind you. Lewis points out and I agree with him, that without warp drive super fast interstellar space travel, then colonizing the universe in neighboring star systems and beyond is unlikely to happen. In contrast to some other fictitious faster-than-light technologies such as a jump drive, the warp drive does not permit instantaneous travel between two points, but rather involves a measurable passage of time which is pert Operation Warp Speed partnered with Pfizer and McKesson for a series of trial shipments to delivery locations to test processes and systems. In order to build something like a warp drive engine, you would need a material that has a negative energy density. Instead of trying to beat the speed of light, which is physically impossible, the Alcubierre warp drive would go around it by warping space-time itself, Star Trek style! At this light-speed rate, the ship would take 5 hours and 28 minutes just to reach Pluto, which is about 3.67 billion miles (5.9 billion kilometers) away from the sun. To achieve warp-speed, you need something called “negative-density energy.” Einstein describes all mass with positive value will “press” down upon fabric of … Warp speed sure makes space travel handy in science fiction, but is such a scientific feat even possible from a physics standpoint? Professor Geraint Lewis commented that while we cannot build a warp drive today, perhaps in the future it could be possible if such a material could be discovered: “Its not a material that we actually have in our hands, but there are signs that there are aspects of the universe that actually have this kind of property.”. In this article we will be reviewing what is a space warp and how a warp drive would work. This is the same type of thing that Lewis is proposing, and it means that the ship itself would never actually be travelling faster than the speed of light - it would simply warp space to make its destination closer, so it wouldn't need to violate any of Einstein's laws. Any thing that has mass cannot. He explains how you can warp spacetime around a ship and that bending spacetime was part of Einstein’s theory of relativity calculations. He continues stating the following: “The big problem we have, the speed of light, while fast – 300, 000 kilometers per second – the distances involved are immense, so even travelling at the speed of light, it would take four years to go to the nearest star and two million light years to go to the nearest galaxy. In the Star Trek universe they had a material called the Dilithium Crystals that was used to power the warp drive of the Enterprise. This means you can travel faster than light without actually going faster than light. I could guess gravity would do the compression but what about the alignment? The space agency isn’t building an engine that can approach the speed of light—yet. According to estimates, White's hypothetical warp drive spacecraft could get to our closest neighbouring star system, Alpha Centauri, in "two weeks as measured by clocks here on Earth". Required fields are marked *. Warp 1, or light speed, makes the Enterprise look like it's at a standstill over the sun. Tweet at us! By Robert Lamb Published on 10/22/2010 at 4:51 PM It’s theoretically possible, but can we build a warp drive? Warp Speed is impossible and will always be impossible, according to the theory of relativity. Several theories have been proposed, including the Alcubierre warp drive theory. Spaceships traveling at speeds faster than light is a staple of science fiction writers, who call the concept by many names, including hyperspace, hyperdrive, warp speed and subspace. For now, they haven't found a way to space, but the work has to start somewhere. Why is it so unrealistic that warp drive is possible? This is according to Professor Geraint Lewis, from the University of Sydney, who claims the idea of warp speed is, in theory, possible. Instead we'll need to find a material that has a "negative density energy", according to Lewis. An aspect of his theory, he discovered that a number of the solutions for his field equations allow physicists to move space itself faster than light as space does not have mass. Space itself is not empty but has virtual particles of negative energy density that are bleeping in and out of existence of the quantum vacuum. "It is not a material that we actually have in our hands, but there are signs that there are aspects of the Universe that actually have this kind of property," he explained. In the early days of the history of humanity in the Star Trek universe, this dilithium crystal material was a rare hard crystalline substance that could not be regenerated and would only occur in certain planets. One thing's for sure, if we do ever find a material with negative density energy and then work out how to manipulate it, it would definitely revolutionise space travel. More . White's team has now set up an interferometer test bed, where they'll use different mechanisms to try and generate and detect microscopic instances of little warp bubbles using a device called the White-Juday Warp Field Interferometer. Second, no one can say for certain, but in my humble opinion I do believe we will be able to warp space. But astrophysicist Geraint Lewis from the University of Sydney gave a talk last night explaining that, in theory at least, super-fast warp speed travel is possible according to Einstein’s theory of relativity. Eventually, the term warp speed was adopted by the general population. Answer:Operation Warp Speed (OWS) is a public and private sector effort, led by the U.S. federal government, to develop and deliver 300 million doses of … Warp Speed Travel Is Theoretically Possible, Says Astrophysicist. Despite all the intergalactic hopping in science fiction and the occasional extraordinary research claim, most of us have accepted that when it comes to travel, humanity is always going to be limited by the speed of light. The spaceship starts out at warp 1 and eventually accelerates to warp 9.9, or about 2,083 times light speed. In other words as I have said else where on this site, the Holy Grail is a Warp drive, you need a warp drive for travelling realistically across star systems and perhaps even our outer solar system, to effectively cover the vast distances. has now set up an interferometer test bed. PopSci talks to futurist Michio Kaku about the (not necessarily) impossible physics of Star Trek. As you can see below, the ship is suspended within two giant rings, which would theoretically create a warp bubble that bends space around the spacecraft. But how do we even begin to know how to bend space? Operation Warp Speed is a federal initiative developed earlier this year with the goal of making and distributing “300 million doses of safe and effective vaccines with the initial doses available by January 2021,” according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Research On Warp Drive News and Space Exploration, 8th June 2016 By Alexander Leave a Comment. This involves two plates in a vacuum that are placed very close together, and restrict the wavelengths of quanta which occurs between them. "You just have to look at the work of Newton 400 years ago, and even people who work in quantum physics 100 years ago, and those things are real today and they started off as dreams essentially," Lewis told ABC Science. The bulk of scientific knowledge concludes that it’s impossible, especially when considering Einstein’s … Perhaps the main reason warp drive seems to be possible is that it hasn't been disproven yet. I thought I fiugred out Warp speed last night hahaha I was thinking that since atoms are comprised mostly of empty space and they are so small, isn't it possible to compress them to a single plane by aligning the parts to interlock with each other? But that it doesn't necessarily have to remain that way. Basically Lewis argues theoretically that a drive allowing the warping of space is possible. A warp drive would work more in the sense of bending, or warping, space around the ship. The Professor stated: “Einstein’s theory is already a hundred years old, but we have only started to scratch the surface. Travelling faster than the speed of light continues to capture the imagination of many scientists, who believe bending the laws of physics may allow us to break the universal speed limit. Negative energy mass has been shown to exist in the laboratory by scientists specializing in this area but it is very small quantities. In addition, you would perhaps be looking how to control strong volatile gravitational waves that could pull matter apart. The physicist, Professor Geraint Lewis from University of Sydney in Australia has stated that Warp Speed is Possible and it will happen in the next 100 years. © ScienceAlert Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. Would we need something similar to this concept? The key that makes it possible is that, technically, the ship itself doesn’t travel faster than light. We just need to find the right materials to achieve it. Warp Drive Is Theoretically Possible. Learn how your comment data is processed. As one CIA scientist said once on a BBC Panorama documentary series back in the 1990s, that what is science fiction today is always but always science fact tomorrow, when discussing about intelligent viruses that can communicate remotely with each other in separate physical hosts. Continue reading "Warp Drives Probably Impossible After All" Skip to content. In essence a space warp allows you to distort space-time around you, allowing to travel to a destination beyond the speed of light, while locally you are never breaking the light barrier. This force however is very small and would not be enough to generate that required levels of negative energy required for a warp engine. Nature imposes strict rules on the magnitude and duration of negative energy. But “Warp Drive” or any other term for faster-than-light travel still remains at the level of speculation. What do you guys think? "[These distances] would stop you colonising the Universe ... so you would need some sort of way to beat that speed limit, and Einstein's theory of relativity gives it to you.". He pointed out that many concepts that are initially theoretical and even far fetched, end up being possible and science fact a 100 years or more after they were first suggested. "Even travelling at the speed of light, it would take four years to go to the nearest star and 2 million years to go to the nearest large galaxy," said Lewis. The big question is if we could mine it and shape it, we would basically have a warp drive there and then, but we just don't know if that's possible.". This causes a reduction in quantity and density of the virtual particle pairs which develop in the intervening vacuum, resulting in a negative vacuum density. Of course, we haven't managed to accelerate anywhere near light speed as yet, but even if we could, Einstein's theory of relativity clearly states that nothing can surpass it. In space there is no gravitational force, hence G-force. This is something that the NASA's Eagleworks lab is investigating. So, achieving warp speed is theoretically possible, but the problem is, nobody knows how to do it yet. The part that is seriously open for debate is about finding the materials needed that would allow you to build such an engine. The million dollar question is if we could potentially mine or extract it and mold it, then perhaps a working warp drive engine is possible. The shipments will continue to go to state-identified locations, which include both public health departments and administration sites, such as hospitals. A couple of years following this, Einstein put forward his theory of general relativity, that contains various field equations that can be solved in various ways. If you look at the work of Isaac Newton from 400 years ago, or even 100 years ago with those studying quantum physics back then, those ideas are all real today starting of as a theory or dream initially. In the process, … Scientist says Warp Speed is Possible and will occur in 100 Years. Meaning that humanity would be doomed to being stuck in this solar system or perhaps only migrating out to the closest systems and even that would be a very slow process. In the show, Warp-10 became an impossible maximum speed, an infinity in which the starship would be at all points in the universe at the same time. Warp drive is one of the many futuristic ideas proposed in Star Trek, allowing for faster-than-light travel across the galaxy. May 14, 2009. He feels that we need to find the materials necessary that would have negative density energy for the concept to work. Filed Under: Exotic Matter, Negative Energy, Warp Drive, Your email address will not be published. Exotic negative energy has been shown to exist but only in very small minute amounts, such as the Casimir Effect. Nothing in our universe can travel as fast or faster than the speed of light. According to the theory, the travelling spaceship would sit within a warp bubble surroun… Should we be getting excited about warp speed travel and could you explain the process behind this theory?Graihagh - So, is it possible to travel faster than the I think in the next 100 or 1,000 years we will reveal a lot more about the Universe and maybe this hyper-fast travel will be realisable.". ... 2008) Although warp speed is highly theoretical, at least it is based on some real physics. Run by mechanical engineer Harold 'Sonny' White, the lab last year created mock-ups of what a potential warp drive spaceship could look like. To achieve warp speed, it won't be our rockets that we need to upgrade. And that's something we need if we ever want to get serious about exploring the Universe. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. These distances would stop you colonising the universe… so you would need some sort of way to beat that speed limit, and Einstein’s theory of relativity gives it to you.”. If we could, then there is a possibility that we could hit an asteroid, planet, etc. By Rebecca Boyle. Operation Warp Speed, a Trump administration initiative to manufacture COVID-19 vaccines as fast as possible, should be lauded as a successful endeavour in what has otherwise been a … @pbsspacetimeFacebook: facebook.com/pbsspacetimeEmail us! We Ask a String Theorist. We have hints that the kind of materials that we would need exist in the universe, but whether or not we could get them together and build a warp drive, we still don’t know.”. According to ABC News who interviewed Lewis, he pointed out: “If you look at the equation that Einstein gave us, it shows you can bend and warp space so you can travel at any speed you like in the universe. The Professor says and of course it is not rocket science, if you want to travel interstellar distances or even the outer solar system here, we are going to have to abandon conventional rocket thruster technologies and for sure an energy source of chemical rocket fuel is not up to the job. I've read on the internet that NASA is developing this. Fans were soon discussing the fictional concepts of the show, including warp speed, with great enthusiasm. However, in theory, some version of this propulsion system could be created from the idea—given enough time, money, and materials. A warp drive is a theoretical superluminal spacecraft propulsion system in many science fiction works, most notably Star Trek and much of Isaac Asimov's work. Despite all the intergalactic hopping in science fiction and the occasional extraordinary research claim, most of us have accepted that when it comes to travel, humanity is always going to be limited by the speed of light. I think in the next 100 or 1,000 years we will reveal a lot more about the universe and maybe this hyper-fast travel will be realisable.”, Warp Speed Possible with Einstein’s Theory Of Relativity. First off, warp ‘speed’ isn’t really a speed. Warp-9.6, according to the "Next Generation" technical manual, is the highest attainable speed allowed -- … Is Warp Speed Possible? SPACE agencies such as NASA and the ESA could theoretically one day travel the universe faster than the speed of light after one expert revealed that warp drive technology could be possible. A spacecraft equipped with a warp drive may travel at speeds greater than that of light by many orders of magnitude. "Empty space itself has a negative energy density. Things with mass can’t move faster than the speed … Here's how fast Star Trek's warp speed actually is, and how it compares to other forms of travel in science-fiction, such as Star Wars' Hyperspace. You would need to come up with something that can generate very large amounts to be practical. This causes a force of attraction between the plates which has been observed. Universe Today. “What warp drive is doing is basically saying that there is no law of physics that says space-time itself can’t go faster than the speed of light,” says Dr Erin Macdonald, astrophysicist and science consultant for Star Trek. With this concept, the spacecraft would be able to achieve an effective speed of about 10 times the speed of light, all without breaking the cosmic speed limit. 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