“Herb Infused Oils.” The Herbal Academy. A dosage of 600mg a day of Horse-chestnut extract was used in the majority of the trials. in Health & Beauty. Give the chestnuts a good stir every time you check the temperature. It looks like you're new to The Community. It boosts blood circulation in the scalp and helps with the productions of new cells. Horse chestnut seed extract have been found to be useful in treating edema and wounds resulting from trauma like sports injury, surgery and head injury. Thanks to the “Macadamia Effect,” the powder will settle to the bottom and the large pieces will rise to the top. The Herbal Medicine Maker’s Handbook: A Home Manual. You currently do not have Javascript enabled! It was working decently and had crushed about 1/8 of the chestnuts to a nice powder, but I felt foolish driving back and forth in my driveway and the plastic bag was getting holes in it. Squeeze your cloth or paper filter to get out as much oil as possible. I thought to give a try to make my own extract. Taking horse chestnut seed extract containing 16% to 20% of the chemical aescin can reduce some symptoms of poor blood circulation, such as varicose veins, pain, tiredness, swelling in the legs, itching, and water retention. For this batch, I decided to go with the stove top. To do that, just pour about half a cup into a bowl or jar and shake it back and forth. I don’t have a VitaMix so I can’t speak on their effectiveness firsthand. Horse chestnut is also helpful for: Apply horse chestnut oil or salve 1-2 times each day. Although not all side effects are known, horse chestnut is thought to … Overview Information Horse chestnut is a tree. Trial and error will teach you more than any book or website! Adelmann, Marlene. In it, you'll find ten easy all-natural health habits that are doable today. Web. Horse chestnut extract tightens and shrinks enlarged varicose veins and hemorrhoids, making them less visible. This helps relieve edema and swelling related to sprains. Whether your concern is shrinking varicose for health reasons, relieving the discomfort of hemorrhoids, or getting rid of spider veins for purely cosmetic reasons, natural relief for varicose veins can be as simple (and enjoyable) as gently massaging horse chestnut salve over the affected areas each evening. Weak veins allow blood to build up and pool in the edges of those valves – leading first to the appearance of spider veins and then to bulging varicose veins. I ended up taking a two-pronged approach to this particular batch of horse chestnuts. Horse chestnut side effects. I have a double boiler, but I like to dirty up as few things as possible so I always use my Pyrex measuring cup as the “bowl” inside a pot of water. Well its extracted with organic vodka now, but they say its safer to add some oil to it. Ringworms are also treated externally with horse chestnut ointment. If you'd like to get involved, click one of these buttons! According to herbalist James Green, a VitaMix blender with a metal pitcher is excellent for grinding nuts and barks into a coarse powder. “Essential Oils for Varicose Veins?” Essential Oil Goddess. Not to be confused with edible chestnuts, these large shiny nuts are actually quite poisonous. It may not have the esculin removed as well as products that are intended for oral use. Especially useful for improving the appearance of varicose veins. Improves Digestion. I haven’t been able to find and scientific research on the matter, but there are claims that it also helps with hair loss. The Rawtarian Community is one of the largest online raw food communities. I wish someone could help me, or else i just start to do my own way.. :(. Each heartbeat pushes blood through these one-way valves, which then close to prevent blood from moving backward through the vein. Recommended Use of Horse Chestnut. "The rest of the world lives to eat, while I eat to live.". Hi there! I got mine from Mountain Rose Herbs. I have Olive oil I want to mix it with, but not sure does it need to soak in a jar for a while, or even how much i need to add it or is it ready to use.. Cant find any information. An advanced liposomal delivery system is used to support tonification and deep moisturizing. Prentice Hall Press, 2010. No more waiting around or trying to find the perfect plan. Horse chestnut seeds (conkers) and leaves are well known for their high aescin content. It is not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure disease. What To Look For In A Good Horse Chestnut Supplement. In becoming the medicine maker for your family, you get to decide what methods work best for you and how you feel you can achieve the best results. I have very bad spider veins in my left leg since i was 14! This recipe uses 1 part beeswax, 1 part shea, and 2 parts Horse Chestnut infused oil. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Do I extract them nuts of the liquid now, before adding the oil. You’ll just need to add beeswax – get the full instructions to make an herbal salve here. Horse chestnut is also great for hair. Bruton-Seal, Julie and Matthew Seal. Crossing Press, 2000. Web. It is not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure disease. [CLOSED], Protection from EMFs with Aires Technology, long periods of standing (Certain occupations, like nurses and factory workers, are at a higher risk for varicose veins. Does anyone ever made a chestnut oil? Horse chestnut extract help enhance valve functions especially among adults who are approaching the elderly stage following regular dose. Warm oil is easier to filter than cold. Treats varicose veins: These swollen veins are caused by CVI and typically occur in the legs. Horse chestnut extract may produce a number of adverse effects, including itching, nausea, or gastrointestinal problems, muscle aches, and headache. An enormous range of opinions exist on the proper temperature and length of time to make an herb-infused oil using the hot method.At one extreme, some say to actually simmer the oil and herbs for 30 minutes. For unknown reasons, people who suffer from varicose veins have a high level of certain enzymes that weaken capillary walls, thus allowing blood to leak out into the tissue. In supplement form, horse chestnut is generally suggested at doses between 400–600 milligrams per day, divided into two dosage times, 12 hours apart. Varicose veins are swollen, bulging veins that typically occur in the legs … Horse chestnut extract is usually taken orally (by mouth). I kept checking my oil every 10-15 minutes for the the first hour and then less often once I was sure the temperature wasn’t going to go too high. So hard to find the recipe on internet. Skyhorse Publishing, 2009. If you want to add essential oils to your salve or herbal oil, these blends are excellent for circulation and offer natural relief for varicose veins: For each ounce (28 grams) of oil, add no more than 6 drops essential oil. Improves Fertility in Men. No google or youtube can help me much.. First, you’ll need to decide how much finished product you would like to have. This blend creates a texture and consistency that is soft and easy to work into the skin. To welcome you to my community, I have a few goodies I want to send you, including my new e-book, Ten Natural Health Habits You Can Start Today. But their white flesh within contains the same kind of saponins as found in soap nuts. The system works wonderfully unless the veins become weakened. Horse chestnut extract might slow blood clotting, increasing the risk of bruising and bleeding in people taking aspirin, ibuprofen, coumadin or other drugs that slow clotting. Yet this doesn’t have to be an inevitable development because the beautiful horse chestnut tree offers safe, natural relief for varicose veins. Always consult a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your healthcare routine. ), Double Boiler or Glass Cup/Jar/Bowl and Saucepan, Measuring utensils to measure grams and milliliters, 2 drops each Helichrysum, Lavender, and Rose, 3 drops Yarrow, 2 drops Chamomile, 1 drop Virginia Cedarwood, 3 drops Orange, 2 drops Lemon, 1 drop Lime, 3 drops Clary Sage, 2 drops Geranium, 1 drop Rosemary, legs and ankles that are tired and puffy after a long day standing, restless leg syndrome (apply just before bed). Starwest Botanicals also sells them (and you can often find their products on Amazon). September 8, 2010. by Katey50. This is why the nuts are able to improve circulation throughout the body and to help keep blood moving instead of pooling in the veins. I bought a cheap $15 coffee grinder and … it can’t handle chestnuts. Web. I thought to give a try to make my own extract. Furthermore, horse chestnuts work to increase the body’s ability to move excess fluid from tissue into capillaries where it can be carried away and eliminated. No one wakes up one morning and says, “Hey, I think in another ten years, I’d like to have lots of bulging varicose veins!” It’s one of those things that creeps up on us, sometimes during pregnancy, sometimes not until later in life. How do you use it? Aescin in horse chestnuts blocks the function of these enzymes. Maintain an oil temperature of about 110-120 degrees for two hours. It is important to make sure that you purchase horse chestnut from a … Strain a second time if necessary, then discard the spent chestnuts. Now you have an effective and soothing horse chestnut oil that can be applied topically 1-2 times a day. Numerous factors can raise a person’s risk of developing varicose veins: Horse chestnuts contain aescin, which works within the body to strengthen and tone the venous walls, valves, and capillaries. Elderberry Syrup Ingredients-to-Go (2 Winners!) Eye creams containing horse chestnut extract effectively lighten dark circles under the eyes by thickening the skin and strengthening fragile capillaries. The information on this website has not been evaluated by the FDA and is intended only for educational purposes. This information has not been evaluated by the FDA and is intended only for educational purposes. I know, it can be very dangerous and poisonous, but i will be very very careful with it! If used consistently, the salve will noticeably shrink bulging varicose veins and spider veins. Once or twice a week, I'll send out an update with highlights, insights, and practical ideas for pursuing a holistic lifestyle. I wish you success on your raw journey! Remember too that the herbalists of old didn’t have fancy thermometers or thermostat-controlled warming systems. I encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with like-minded, qualified health care professional(s). Much more important is the escin component (the active compound), which should be between 100–150 milligrams per day. Fill your pot 1/4 to 1/3 of the way with water and set your measuring cup or bowl into the water. Yet they were extremely skilled and could effectively nurse their families through most any illness. Horse chestnut seed extract has consistently shown benefit for the short-term treatment of varicose veins. Planetary Herbals Horse Chestnut Cream combines a concentrated extract of horse chestnut (20% aescin) with the other renowned tonifiers, butcher's broom, witch hazel, white oak and myrrh. This dose is usually equivalent to 50 mg of aescin. When your horse chestnuts are finished “cooking,” allow the oil to cool somewhat and then strain through a cloth or unbleached paper coffee filter. © 2009-2020 The Rawtarian. I use an instant-read thermometer, but a candy thermometer will work also. This extract is consumed in drops to treat the veins and circulation, varicose veins of the legs, thrombophlebitis. As amazing as all of this sounds, a study published in the Journal of Animal Science showed, “Feeding up to 2% of the dietary DM as quebracho tannin extract failed to reduce enteric methane emissions from growing cattle, although the protein-binding effect of the quebracho tannin extract was evident.” Horse chestnut. Health Benefits 1. Note that the beneficial horse chestnuts are not the same as North American buckeyes or sweet chestnuts. I’ve decided to take a middle of the road approach here. Oral horse chestnut seed extract is effective in the short-term treatment of mild to moderate long-term venous insufficiency, but not for post-thrombotic syndrome. This site will not function correctly unless Javascript is enabled. If you’re blessed enough to live near a horse chestnut tree, they ripen in the fall. Strain a second time if necessary, then discard the spent chestnuts. Historically, horse chestnut seed extract was used for joint pain, bladder and gastrointestinal problems, fever, leg cramps, and other conditions. What Is Horse Chestnut Extract (Aesculus hippocastanum)?Horse Chestnut Extract (Aesculus hippocastanum) comes from the konker tree, a type of flowering tree in the soapberry family (Sapindaceae) that is native to a small region in Southeastern Europe.Today, Horse chestnut trees can be found throughout the world and are common in temperate climates. External use: Gel or cream containing 2 percent aescin—apply topically to the affected area three to four times daily. Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) is a plant extract with a group of molecules known as aescins, which are beneficial to circulatory health.Supplementation of horse chestnut appears to be beneficial for varicose veins and veinous insufficiency. Or do I add the oil to it how it is now and leave it for a while? Aescin gel has bee… Once I was finished crushing and separating my horse chestnut powder, I weighed it. Hi, I'm Cindy - wife, mom, Traditional Naturopathic Doctor, and Master Herbalist. Improve Your Health – Schedule a Consultation Today, GIVEAWAY! That did the trick. First I put them in a plastic bag, wrapped cloth around it … and ran over it several times with the minivan. When making an herbal-infused oil, we use five parts oil (in milliliters) to one part herb (in grams), so I measured out 500 ml olive oil. You can find a few Horse Chestnut options here on Amazon. Internal use: Horse chestnut seed standardized extract containing 16 to 20 percent aescin—300 milligrams (approximately 50 milligrams of aescin) two to three times daily. How to make chestnut tincture Horse Chestnut Recipes. Horse chestnut has been used in alternative medicine and is likely effective in treating some symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency (decreased blood flow … While a horse chestnut tincture can be taken internally in small doses, a horse chestnut salve (or oil) brings soothing relief when applied topically. Horse … This is an antioxidant mixture of triterpene saponins - the natural components of soap. Its seed, bark, flower, and leaves are used to make medicine. Shake some more if you need to until you’re satisfied with the coarseness of what’s left in your jar. I have a few small broken veins on my face and would like to try this diy. Horse chestnut may slow the process by which the body eliminates lithium, a drug used to treat the manic side of bipolar disorder. Because dried nuts are tougher and seem (to me) less willing to yield up their medicinal properties, I like to use a hot process for infusing the oil instead of the normal cool process. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Horse chestnut extract (1) 4-5 fruits of horse chestnut are grated and covered with 1 liter of iced cognac. If you’d like to make it less messy and easier to apply, though, turn your oil into a horse chestnut salve instead. It has been like that in my cupboard for over a 7 weeks and needs to put olive oil now. May treat varicose veins. Web. Oops. © 2020 Holistic Health Traditions All Rights Reserved, Privacy Policy | Permissions | Comment Policy. Put everything in a bottle and leave it to stand for 6-8 weeks and then you can start with the procedure. I did put nuts already into jar with pure organic Vodka. The Natural Physician’s Healing Therapies: Proven Remedies Medical Doctors Don’t Know. After 20 minutes, the oil had risen to about 105 degrees, so I turned the heat down to just above the Low setting. How to Use Horse Chestnut Extract. Green, James. Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficult breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.. It has also been used topically(applied to the affected areas on the skin), normally in concentrations of 1-2%. Backyard Medicine: Harvest and Make Your Own Herbal Remedies. Horse chestnut is claimed to be a very effective herbal remedy for treating piles. Horse chestnut is a tree native to parts of southeastern Europe. Just get started today! It is not difficult to make products on the basis of plant materials on your own - it is enough to strictly observe the established proportions, and also use a high-quality, correctly assembled and prepared base. “How to Make Homemade Oils Infused with Herbs.” Healing from Home Remedies, 2015. Horse chestnut is a plant. A high-quality coffee grinder is another good choice. I know, it can be very dangerous and poisonous, but i will be very very careful with it! I'm glad you're here and look forward to helping you along your holistic health journey! I have very bad spider veins in my left leg since i was 14! This information is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. My only question is (maybe so silly to some), that what i do now? The Male Herbal. Since every stove top is different, you’re going to need to monitor the temperature of your oil-herb mixture to make sure it doesn’t get too hot. (Hemorrhoids are also a type of varicose veins.). Stengler, Mark, ND. Other investigations focus on the role of the major component aescin in male fertility, antiobesity, and anti-inflammatory effects. Horse chestnuts also contain Coumadin, a substance that researchers have identified as being a blood thinner. Always consult a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your healthcare routine. If your “bowl” is going to touch the bottom of your pot, you may want to lay a folded washcloth in the bottom of the pot first. Horse chestnut extract is also used as a herbal treatment for diarrhea. In order to ensure the safe use of horse chestnut, make sure to consult your physician if you're considering using the herb to treat CVI or another chronic health condition. A lower temperature won’t be able to draw out the herb’s essence, while a higher temperature may burn the oil or destroy the medicinal qualities of the herb. Sign up for my newsletter and come along with me on this journey. Crossing Press, 2007. Also, never ingest a horse chestnut product that is intended for topical use. The seeds’ active compounds appear to inhibit enzymes that can damage capillary walls, and this also helps strengthen veins. Tinctures If you have a sweet chestnut tree, unfortunately, it’s not medicinal. On the other side of the scales, some say to maintain a strict 100 degree temperature for ten days. You’ll need to use a double boiler or a bain-marie, which is basically just a make-shift double boiler. Some research has shown that chestnuts could help promote better digestion in a few different ways. angelikaitravel Raw Newbie. Turn on a low-medium heat. Making Cosmetics claims that horse chestnut extract is beneficial for the hair because: I watched the video on youtube and like what I saw. Then pour the crushed horse chestnuts into the oil and stir well. In addition to this community forum, you can browse and search thousands of community recipes added by over 5000 talented Rawtarian Community members just like you! Herbal Academy of New England, 6 May 2013. Aesculus hippocastanum is the scientific name for horse chestnut. Gallagher, Jen. This reduces the chance that your glass bowl/cup will clatter around and break. Green, James. Horse chestnuts come from the horse chestnut tree. Grind the dried nuts as finely as you can – in whatever way you can. How to make horse chestnut extract oil? Unlike arteries which have their own built-in pulsing mechanism, our veins operate using a series of valves. Articles on this website may contain affiliate links. I broke one of the blades and the entire plastic stabilizer thing inside the hopper. Amazingly, I had exactly 100 grams. ;) When your horse chestnuts are finished “cooking,” allow the oil to cool somewhat and then strain through a cloth or unbleached paper coffee filter. Studies have commonly used doses of 300 mg of horse chestnut extract once or twice daily. The ideal temperature is 110-120 degrees Fahrenheit. I would be worried if it's that dangerous. I love seeking out medicinal herbs on summer hikes with my family and fixing up herbal medicines on long winter evenings. Aesculus Hippocastanum (Horse Chestnut) Seed Extract is the extract of the nut of the horse chestnut. Loren. Using these links costs you nothing but generates a small commission for the blog author. The formula is: 5/6 drops of the base serum (in this case YBF Concentrate, once scoop of horse chestnut extract, one scoop of vitamin c, one drop of Renovage. Horse chestnut is a promising alternative, and clinical studies have demonstrated that supplementing with horse chestnut seed extract may help relieve the pain and swelling of varicosities. As with any health condition, consult with your health care provider before making changes to your health care routine, especially if your varicose veins are causing pain of any sort. Its fruits contain seeds that resemble sweet chestnuts but have a bitter taste. Warm oil is easier to filter than cold. Of course, your stove top will be different and you’ll need to adjust accordingly. Squeeze your cloth or paper filter to get out as much oil as possible. Once your horse chestnut oil or salve is finished, it can be massaged gently onto varicose veins and spider veins or applied to hemorrhoids. I then pounded the cloth-wrapped bag with a 32-ounce hammer for a while. Horse chestnut supplements are great to treat infertility in men as they … (18) After ten minutes, I checked the temperature – the water was at 110 degrees, but the oil was just at 82 degrees. ;). Because it was hot outside, I didn’t want to spend a long time smashing the nuts so I separated the coarse powder I’d made from the larger chunks. Pick out the large pieces and put them in a separate container. “6 Essential Oil Based Remedies for Varicose Veins.” Essential Oil Sanctuary, 31 May 2015. Similarly, the horse chestnut is also part of another family of plants unrelated to chestnuts, and although its extract is used as a natural remedy, it’s actually considered to be toxic. Instructions. , some say to maintain a strict 100 how to make horse chestnut extract temperature for ten days first i put them in a container. ’ ll need to use a double boiler or a bain-marie, which then close to prevent from... Starwest Botanicals also sells them ( and you can – in whatever way you can – in whatever you! Health habits that are intended for topical use to your healthcare routine side effects Good horse chestnut product is! 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