/ If a pregnant woman smokes cigarettes, the baby that is inside her partakes too. However, the Growing Up in New Zealand study – which started just over 10 years ago and tracked 7000 Kiwi children – revealed that nearly 40% of pregnancies were unplanned. Planned or unplanned, what are your options if you do find yourself pregnant? Pregnancy options Family Planning NZHow to find a therapist or mental health professional Mental Health Foundation, NZ, Rheumatologist & researcher, University of Otago, Wellington, Quality and Performance Manager, Hastings Health Centre, Quality Improvement Manager, Marlborough PHO, We have two newsletters: Healthy Tips and Long Term Conditions Bulletin. … Sort by . Credits: Health Navigator Editorial Team . All results; News; Videos (active tab) Refine results. 10. Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary. You can choose to continue with your pregnancy and whāngai your baby. Whāngai is the Māori tradition of a child being raised by a relative or relatives who are not the birth parents, eg, grandparents or other whānau members. How would my decision affect my family or other children? Ki te kai te wahine hapū i te hikareti, ka kai tahi te pēpe e noho ake rā i roto i a ia (TP 1/1908:4). Te Hiringa Matua is a pregnancy and parenting support service based on a successful pilot at Waitemata District Health Board. 1. Parenting Tips … Tag: Hapū (pregnant). You can choose to have your baby and become a parent either with your partner or on your own. Showing results 1 - 10 of 18. Hence, the link between whānau and hapū is clearly indicated, with whānau as extended family and to birth, and hapū as subtribe and to be pregnant. If you are hapū, or think you may be, the best thing you can do is not drink while you are unsure, while you’re planning a pregnancy, or while hapū. So getting the info and support you need from people who’ll give you the real facts and will support you is important. The literal meaning of the word is "pregnant" [ 5 ] which is a metaphor for the genealogical connection that unites the members of the hapū. Helping hapū (pregnant) māmā who are struggling with drug and alcohol problems is what Te Hiringa Matua is all about. Filter by . Streamed television programmes for developing listening comprehension skills. Kei Te Autereti tonu a Eruera e mahi ana, kei Hekerangi tonu e noho ana, ka hapū anō tō mātau whāea (EM 2002:49). Abortion If you do not want to continue your pregnancy, having an … Do I have strong personal or religious beliefs about abortion, parenting or adoption? News. The material on this website is provided for educational purposes only, and is not to be used for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All meals from morning tea to afternoon tea are provided. A hapū is a division of a Māori iwi (tribe)—often translated as 'subtribe'.Membership is determined by genealogical descent; a hapū is made up of a number of whānau (extended family) groups.. Alcohol can pass from you to your baby. 3. What questions do young people ask during sexuality education sessions? Once you’ve confirmed you’re pregnant, the next step is to decide what you would like to do next. (verb) Each whānau usually has an elder orrepresentative whom will liaise with the hapū. The word hapū literally means "pregnant"; ... (Similarly, the Māori word for land, whenua, can also mean "placenta", metaphorically indicating the connection between the people and the land, and the word iwi, for a Māori tribal group, can also mean "bones", indicating a link to ancient ancestors.) It’s good to choose people who you know are understanding and won’t judge you. What does the Best Start Kōwae mean for hapū māmā? If you're feeling anxious and overwhelmed, or just need someone to talk to, free call or text 1737 anytime, 24 hours a day to speak to or text with a trained counsellor. Food information for pregnant women. Most adoptions in New Zealand are open, meaning the birth parents and adoptive parents know of each other and can agree to ongoing contact if desired. This essay was my response to the predictably ignorant reactions that were reported by the media. © Copyright 2003-2020 - John C Moorfield, Te Aka Online Māori Dictionary. This dictionary comprises a selection of modern and everyday language that will be extremely useful for learners of the Māori language. Maori [] Adjective []. You can choose to continue with your pregnancy but adopt your baby out to another family after birth. The young woman felt taken seriously as a hapū māmā, found the nurse knew what she was doing, and said it gave her confidence in what the clinic could do for her and the baby. Becoming a parent is a huge decision and comes with a lot of responsibility. Family, relationships, school, work, money, life goals, health, safety, and personal beliefs – most people think carefully about many of these things before making a decision about a pregnancy. What do you want for your future, and for your family or future family? hapū. 4. No one should pressure you into making any decision about your pregnancy, no matter what. Definition. 1. YOU NEED JAVASCRIPT TO RUN THIS SITE. Showing results 1 - 10 of 18 in Videos. A number of related hapū usually shared adjacent territories forming a looser tribal federation (iwi). A healthy pregnancy gives your new pēpe/baby the best start in life. It means exactly that, ensuring that we give all mums and babies the best possible start in their journey. It can help to talk through your options with family/whānau, friends or a healthcare professional such as your GP or family planning counsellor. Pregnancy is about care and awhi for māmā and the unborn pēpi. All data into the Best Start Pregnancy Tool is coded consistent with the HISO 10050.2:2020 Maternity Care Summary Standard, January 2020. You can also. / His hapū name there was Te Whānau o Tūwhakairiora, and that was the true hapū of Wharekahika. This is more likely to delay them becoming sexually active and to use contraception/ārai hapū when they are having sex. sustainable hapū development. As named divisions of Māori iwi (), hapū have membership determined by genealogical descent; a hapū comprises a number of whānau (extended family) groups.. Generally hapū range in size from 350 to 500 persons, although there is no upper limit. This can help you gain perspective on a situation that may feel overwhelming at this point in time.Â. If you think you could be hapū (pregnant), have a pregnancy test three to four weeks after you use the ECP. Adoption is a permanent legal agreement where the adoptive parents have full parental rights and responsibilities. The word whānau means both to give birth and family, and hapū means both pregnant and clan, illustrating the significance of pregnancy and childbirth to Māori. PLEASE ENABLE JAVASCRIPT IN YOUR INTERNET OPTIONS. Lots of people lean on others for support and advice as they’re making their decision. The bill has passed its first reading in Parliament and has two more readings to complete before the proposed changes become law.Â. The word hapū literally means "pregnant"; the usage in a socio-political context expresses a metaphor for the genealogical connection that unites the members of the hapū. If you do not want to continue your pregnancy, having an abortion may be an option. Abortion in New Zealand is legal if two doctors, called certifying consultants, agree that continuing with the pregnancy would result in serious danger to your physical or mental health or that your baby would have a serious disability. Among other things, the pānui invited hapū or menstruating women to arrange another time to visit. Is anyone pressuring me to make a certain choice? Pregnancy Tips Ngā tohu hapū. pregnancy, which may be reflected in the lower rate of abortions within that age group. 2. Definition. pregnant; Noun []. Traditional Māori customs around pregnancy Some iwi have special tikanga for a hapū wāhine. 9. Disagreement among Hawke’s Bay hapū has meant tangata whenua will not be part of the trust set up to administer a regional park on Te Mata peak as … hapū Play. This can occur with any pregnancy and can be dangerous. Better outcomes for māmā and pēpī Using the Best Start kōwae will better support hapū māmā and pēpī, improving access … Hapū Wānanga classes are open to all pregnant women, both Māori and non-Māori, and their families, and the courses are available for free. Free professional counselling for those considering abortion is available to all New Zealand residents and can be accessed via referral from your GP or through abortion clinics. The proverb ‘Mate i te tamaiti he aurukōwhao; mate i te wahine he takerehāia’ (the death of a child may be overcome, but the death of a woman is a calamity) shows the importance of producing children. Find more Maori words at wordhippo.com! Only you know what’s right for yourself at the moment. / While Eruera was at Te Autereti working, and still living at Hekerangi, our mother became pregnant again. to be pregnant, conceived in the womb. web design and development by bka interactive. Consider how you feel when you think about parenting, whāngai, adoption and abortion. Australia; Hapū (pregnant) Primary tabs. Test, treatment or procedure – do I really need it? Use of this site is subject to our terms of use and privacy policy. This Māori dictionary is now available as an app. Talking with your partner, someone in your family, a friend, a trusted advisor or a counsellor about pregnancy options can be helpful when you’re trying to figure out what to do. Learn more about customary fostering and whāngai. There are lots of factors to consider, and it’s totally normal to have many different feelings when you’re thinking about your choices. Search results. Āhua: Expecting (to be pregnant) Tō: Expecting (to be pregnant) Rapoi: First pregnancy, term applied to a woman during her first pregnancy (which in the case of a woman of rank involved a state of tapu) Rapou Sometimes it’s an easy decision but sometimes it can be difficult or you may be in a complicated situation. (verb) to be pregnant, conceived in the womb. Hapū: Be pregnant, conceived in the womb (stative). The child usually has an ongoing relationship with its birth parents. (modifier) In most cases the Ministry knew about the mother's pregnancy for months before the birth, meaning there was time to engage with parents, ... hapū and iwi. Learn more about the adoption process on the Orangi Tamariki website. From a te ao Maori perspective, the continuation of whakapapa, to continue the lineage of whānau and hence the continuation of hapū and iwi, is central not only to Māori way of life, but is central to the continuation of life itself (Pihama, 2011). If you have cramping or bleeding, see a doctor or go back to the clinic. It’s best to take a pregnancy test one week after you’ve missed your period because it can take time for pregnancy hormones to show up. The first thing to do is to confirm you are pregnant using a urine test. Will my family, my friends and my partner support my decision. Find more Maori words at wordhippo.com! Simple things you can do to help you and your baby have a great, healthy pregnancy. ... household income, youth suicide, youth and teenage pregnancy, business, land use, and participation or lack of participation at Government, local Government, ... determination but is also used to mean moving away from dependence and being able to determine one’s own future. clan or subtribe The literal meaning of the word is "pregnant" which is a metaphor for the genealogical connection that unites the members of the hapū. The term hapū refers directly to subtribal groupings, as well as referring to ‘being pregnant’. My Pregnancy Tōku hapūtanga. There is no safe level of alcohol use at any stage of pregnancy. Some whānau and iwi would provide māmā with special kai (food) and relieve her from stressful or hard work to safeguard her health and the development of pēpi during hapūtanga. Online activities for further practice for each episode of Tōku Reo, the television series for beginners of Māori language. hapū. There is a very small risk of an ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy outside the uterus) if the ECP fails. A Māori person can belong to or have links to many different hapū. English words for hapū include pregnant and clan. You can choose to continue with your pregnancy and whāngai your baby.Â, Free professional counselling for those considering abortion is available to all New Zealand residents and can be accessed via referral from your GP or through abortion clinics. English words for hapu include pregnant, clan, ohana, clank, clannish, clansmen, conceive, conceived and pregnancy. Includes food for a healthy mother and baby, dietary variety, drinking plenty of fluids, foods low in fat, salt and sugar, keeping active, food safety and listeria, salmonella, campylobacter and toxoplasma, snack and lunch ideas, eating well during pregnancy, indigestion, heartburn, constipation, alcohol, being smokefree, folic acid, iodine, and vitamin D. Hapū (pregnant) News. HAPŪThis word meaning pregnancy or to be pregnant,again a term pertaining to maternity andprocreation.A hapū is a cluster of whānau living upon adesignated site or area of land.There can be many hapū like sub groups thatmake up an iwi. She didn’t present to discuss her pregnancy but, when the subject came up, the attending nurse took her through the process, arranged for bloods to be taken and followed up with a phone call. Te Aka Māori-English, English-Māori Dictionary and Index by John C Moorfield. Below we discuss 4 options – parenting, whāngai, adoption and abortion – and things you can think about and people you can talk to to help you decide what to do when you find out you're pregnant.Â. (noun) With the iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, and Android app you can use the dictionary anywhere without the need to be online. The Generation 2040 project aims to reduce inequities in access to quality care and health outcomes for Māori hapū māmā and pēpī Māori. It’s an informal arrangement and can be short or long term. pregnant, expectant, with child. Hapū would unite politically under their own chief, to form much larger armies up to several thousand warriors, although it was common for hapū to retain independence within the larger group. Mental health and wellbeing apps (for teenagers and young people), How to find a therapist or mental health professional, Healthy Tips and Long Term Conditions Bulletin. (Similarly, the Māori word for land, whenua, can also mean "placenta", metaphorically indicating the connection between the people and the land, and the word iwi, for a Māori tribal group, can also mean "bones", indicating a link to ancient ancestors.) This can be done with a home pregnancy test (available from the pharmacy or supermarket) or through your GP, family planning or sexual health clinic. Flaxmere mums get expert help to weave wahakura ... Former star-defender Silver Fern Casey Kopua has revealed exclusively to Te Āo Māori News that she is 14 weeks pregnant and was carrying her child during her triumphant gold medal win at the 2019 Netball World Cup held in Liverpool last July. It is a place where expectant mothers and their families learn how to weave wahakura and understand traditional weaving practices. Te Whare Pora, a first of its kind for Hawke’s Bay, opened its doors today in the community of Flaxmere. Ko tōna ingoa hapū i reira ko Te Whānau o Tūwhakairiora, koia nei hoki te hapū tūturu ake o Wharekahika (HP 1991:24). You can also find a counsellor yourself to talk about how you are feeling, discuss all your options and support you to make the decision that is right for you. The sessions are underpinned by the cultural needs and beliefs of Māori while aligning to the Ministry of Health pregnancy and parenting programme. As named divisions of Māori iwi (), hapū have membership determined by genealogical descent; a hapū comprises a number of whānau (extended family) groups.. 2. It may be helpful to ask yourself the following questions: It may also help to imagine having a conversation with your future self, say in 10 years time, and consider what advice they may have for you. / While Eruera was at Te Autereti working, and still living at Hekerangi, our mother became pregnant again. This can lead to lifelong effects for your pēpi. Most adoptions in New Zealand are open, meaning the birth parents and adoptive parents know of each other and can agree to ongoing contact if desired. You will need to find an LMC (lead maternity carer) – either a midwife or obstetrician – to provide maternity care for you. See also our sections on pregnancy and parenting. Kei Te Autereti tonu a Eruera e mahi ana, kei Hekerangi tonu e noho ana, ka hapū anō tō mātau whāea (EM 2002:49). / While Eruera was at Te Autereti working, and still living at Hekerangi, our mother became pregnant again. (verb) to be pregnant, conceived in the womb. Kei Te Autereti tonu a Eruera e mahi ana, kei Hekerangi tonu e noho ana, ka hapū anō tō mātau whāea (EM 2002:49). Most abortions are carried out within the first 10 weeks of pregnancy. Sexuality education programmes increase knowledge about sexuality and the risk of pregnancy or sexually transmissible infections. 1. If you're feeling anxious and overwhelmed, or just need someone to talk to. Finding out you’re pregnant can be a roller coaster of emotions – happiness, shock, fear, excitement, distress – and can be highly overwhelming. Find out what’s happening to you and your baby- week by week. Learn more about the adoption process on the Orangi Tamariki website. Am I ready to go through pregnancy and childbirth? Pregnant, expectant, with child (modifier). In Māori and New Zealand English, a hapū ("subtribe", or "clan") functions as "the basic political unit within Māori society".. Online modules of animated movies and activities that complement the Te Whanake textbooks for learning Māori. If you would like to discuss the option of having an abortion, contact your GP or family planning doctor, who will talk you through the process.Abortions can be carried out either medically or surgically, usually depending on how many weeks pregnant you are.Abortion law is currently undergoing change in New Zealand, including removing it from the Crimes Act and allowing women to refer themselves for an abortion instead of needing two certifying consultants to do so. kinship group, clan, tribe, subtribe - section of a large kinship group and the primary political unit in traditional Māori society. Textbooks, study guides, CDs, teachers' manuals and the bilingual Māori dictionary of the Te Whanake series. From Middle English preignant, from Old French preignant, pregnant, also prenant (compare archaic Modern French prégnant), partly from Old French preindre, priembre (“to press”), from Latin premere (“to press”), and partly from Classical Latin praegnans, variant of praegnas, probably from prae- (“pre-”) + g… It consisted of a number of whānau sharing descent from a common ancestor, usually being named after the ancestor, but sometimes from an important event in the group's history. Online activities of the Te Whanake textbooks for playback on computers, television or portable devices. Jump to navigation Jump to search. ( stative ) 're feeling hapū meaning pregnancy and overwhelmed, or just need someone to talk through your with. An easy decision but sometimes it can help you and your baby- week week... First 10 weeks of pregnancy, healthy pregnancy gives your new pēpe/baby the Best possible Start in life proposed become... 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