Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift demonstrated by @barhuma_kool. The dumbbell Romanian deadlift, also known as the dumbbell RDL, is an essential exercise for building strength in your legs and lower back. Bodyweight Deadlift Alternatives Finding good bodyweight alternatives to deadlifts is tricky because some of the main benefits to deadlifts come from the heavy load on our spines, traps, and spinal erectors. Teaches how to properly pick an object up off the ground. stiff leg position. Barbell Rack Pull. People lie all along this “hamstring flexibility spectrum” and this ultimately dictates how low to go with the RDL. The common mistakes people make are: Take a look at the video and you will notice that I keep my knees bent, back flat, and I stick with a range of motion that is ideal for me. Press your hips forward to come into a standing position with the barbell in front of your thighs. Many lifters are unable to successfully lift 500lb deadlifts due to lower back and or hamstring strength, making this movement … If you do it incorrectly, you then produce direct force through the intervertebral discs that you previously injured and through the low back in general. Several gurus might suggest that the Romanian deadlift is a good choice to train the lower back (lumbar) muscles. As a general rule of thumb, beginners often benefit from avoiding lifting straps. Spinal Erectors. The hips and hamstrings are the prime movers, but we also need to hold the barbell in our hands, stabilize it with our spinal erectors and traps, and pull it in close with our lats and rear delts. Rated 5.00 out of 5. What is a “Cocaine Deadlift?” The “cocaine deadlift” is basically a very slow and controlled Romanian deadlift with a pause, hovering the bar about 3-4 inches above the ground. The Romanian deadlift, also known as the RDL or stiff-leg deadlift, is a deadlift variation that’s used in hypertrophy training to pack muscle onto the hips and hamstrings. Even people who have a herniated disc or even multiple herniated discs can do these once they are well recovered. From there, you drive your hips back, letting your knees bend as much as needed, but keeping them fairly stiff. Here are some extra pointers to keep in mind: Set up with your feet about hip width apart, toes pointing more or less straight ahead. Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift. The Hypertrophy Rep Range: How Many Reps to Build Muscle? It’s just that we don’t bend our knees at the bottom, so we don’t bring the quads into the lift. The one-legged Romanian deadlift is a good variation for putting more stress on our hamstrings, less on our lower backs. Then pull it back towards you as you squeeze your glutes. And the range of motion is determined by how flexible you are, not by the floor. In fact, I prefer people to perform this exercise in order to strengthen their lower back to prevent any future re-injuries. Push your hips back as you slowly lower the bar toward your feet. The Romanian deadlift is a hip hinge movement where we bend at the hips and then lift the weight back up using our hips and hamstrings, like so: The Romanian deadlift is like the conventional deadlift, except that instead of starting from the floor, you start from a standing position. Romanian deadlifts target more heavily on the hamstrings and lower back and is performed with less weight than a traditional deadlift. Joel coined this variation a “cocaine deadlift,” because he said it felt so good that it was like cocaine for his back. Also known as the 1-leg RDL, the single leg Romanian deadlift is an essential exercise for building strength in your legs and lower back. Old School Labs: Stiff-Leg Deadlift vs Romanian Deadlift, Bret Contreras: What’s the Difference Between Stiff-Leg, Straight-Leg, and Romanian Deadlifts. Always consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program. I am sharing here just two links for reference but internet is full of many other useful information on this. This is our newsletter for women who are interested in getting bigger, stronger, fitter, and better looking. Lift the barbell into position, either by deadlifting it from the floor or picking it up from a rack. The Romanian Deadlift is a great exercise to strengthen your lower back even for those with past lower back injuries. Worse, because rounding the back shortens the moment arm for our hips, making us stronger, like so: That means that when a beginner gets close to his limit, even if his spinal erectors aren’t his limiting factor, his lower back will often still bend. The Romanian deadlift (RDL) works the muscles in the arch of the back, glutes, and hamstrings. Of course, being a deadlift variation, it also heavily involves the lower back, glutes and hamstrings. In fact, even for serious bodybuilders and powerlifters, the Romanian deadlift makes a great assistance lift for the conventional deadlift, allowing them to gain more muscle size and strength while accruing less overall fatigue. You’re right, yeah, but it’s probably better to think of the RDL as the hip extension portion of the deadlift. First, rounding the back during a Romanian Deadlift. And because we aren’t bending very much at the knees, we aren’t taking any tension off of the hamstrings. Not only will this exercise boost your lower body strength, it will help you develop proper form on other exercises as well. Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift (RDL) – How-To & Mistakes to Avoid. After all, that’s how we make it bigger, stronger, and tougher. Romanian deadlifts are perfectly safe, but you must learn the proper form and maintain it throughout the exercise. “Isolation” is a myth, you can only advantage a muscle, not isolate it. Or, if you’re still skinny, try our Bony to Beastly (men’s) program or Bony to Bombshell (women’s) program. Because we’re holding less weight, it’s easier for our backs to hold the weight. There is a fine line between doing this exercise to strengthen your lower back and mistakenly doing it wrong resulting in injury to your lower back. But because we’re only working one leg at a time, our hamstrings are still fully loaded. If the goal is to use the hip hinge as a pure hip exercise, the good morning might be the better option. For people who can handle it, I think the conventional deadlift is a great exercise, and a good foundation of a bulking routine. The Romanian deadlift is one of the best exercises for strengthening your hamstrings. Really great article, as always! For bodybuilders, it’s a great lift for gaining muscle size. The side-effect of starting a straight-legged deadlift on the floor is that we wind up with a much steeper back angle, requiring much greater hip mobility, and also putting a ton of strain on the lower back. Hey so I'm relatively to the weightlifting scene and one of the exercises I've been having trouble with is the RDL. It’s a great lift for stimulating muscle growth in the hips without tiring out the lower back. I know many people who would agree with the importance of using deadlifts and their variations to improve lower back strength. It’s also a great lift for helping more advanced lifters emphasize hip and glute growth, making it popular with women. Flexibility If you call it the Romanian deadlift, though, you’re unlikely to confuse anybody. The leads to greater stress on the back and increased risk of back pain.Now you might not have a bar or doing a weighted Romanian deadlift, you can end up doing a bodyweight Romanian deadlift but the same things end up applying: 1. I am 5′7, 170# and my max from the floor is 495. In fact, the Romanian deadlift often has a deeper range of motion on the hips and hamstrings. If you’re doing bodyweight towel deadlifts, yeah, you could set up lower with bent knees to engage more quad or set up in the stiff-leg RDL position to engage more hamstring. If you hold a dumbbell in just one hand, it will turn into more of an oblique exercise. That way we keep the Romanian deadlift as a hip and hamstring exercise. FAQs Is The Romanian Deadlift Bad For Your Back? Well, we decided to do our research and discovered seven of the best Romanian deadlift alternatives that really work. But if for whatever reason none of the heavy deadlift variations are working well for you, the Romanian deadlift is a great fall-back lift. For those who are “strength-oriented” or training for powerlifting, I find the upper back deadlift to be a great assistance exercise for the deadlift, … Oh and yes, this is a hamstring exercise, but your back has to hold on for the ride, therefore strengthening it. When you feel a maximal stretch on your hamstrings—probably when the barbell is just below your knees—thrust your hips forward to drive the weight back up. You can call the lift by whichever name you prefer. It’s not a complicated lift. At a glance, the Romanian deadlift works the same muscles as the conventional deadlift. The Romanian Deadlift may be the hardest simple exercise you can do in the gym. And then the Romanian deadlift also brings in our traps and grips, making it a better compound lift for gaining overall muscle mass and strength, but introducing even more muscles that can be a limiting factor. There are a few differences between the Romanian deadlift and the conventional deadlift: Overall, the Romanian deadlift is easier on the lower back, less fatiguing, arguably better for bulking up the hips and hamstrings, but not quite as good for developing upper-body size and strength. Your hips flex more, working the glutes to a greater degree. But if the goal is to gain overall size and strength with an emphasis on the hips, then the Romanian deadlift becomes the much better lift. Oftentimes, it’s better to watch the tutorial video and then give it a try, letting your instinct guide you. Or click here to join our newsletter for women. Even people who have a herniated disc or even multiple herniated discs can do these once they are well recovered. The Romanian Deadlift or RDL for short is a very effective and a great muscle building exercise which works both on your lower back muscles, but more significantly and primarily used muscles when it comes to this exercise, are your hamstrings. In my opinion, it is a core exercise – along with both the squat and bench press – that should be included in pretty much every strength training routine. Whenever you are doing any lower body exercise under load, it is important to maintain a flat neutral spine throughout the lift. The RDL is a great strength and muscle builder. All Strengthens the posterior chain: Hams, glutes, back (upper and lower). I feel like I'm engaging my lower back … We’re holding much less weight but for twice as many sets, which seems to be great for managing fatigue and recovery. Of all the lifts out there, the Romanian deadlift is one of the very best for emphasizing growth in the hips and hamstrings. The Romanian/stiff-leg deadlift starts from a standing position, the hips are driven back until the hamstrings are under a full stretch, and then the weight is lifted back up. The Romanian Deadlift or RDL for short is a very effective and a great muscle building exercise which works both on your lower back muscles, but more significantly and primarily used muscles when it comes to this exercise, are your hamstrings. of the full range of motion of the Conventional Deadlift (CDL), correct? Overall, the Romanian deadlift is a simple lift that helps us stimulate muscle growth in our hips and hamstrings without accruing much overall fatigue. This bodyweight deadlift alternative provides your lower back and butt with a safe, effective workout you can do at home. The RDL is a great exercise for your lower back. The deadlift is a movement pattern called a “hip hinge,” where we bend at the hips while bracing our cores, keeping our spines locked in a neutral position. And for women who are looking to pack more muscle onto their hips and glutes, the Romanian deadlift is one of the very best ways to do that. The Romanian deadlift is among the best variations of deadlift which is used to develop the strength of the posterior chain muscles, including the hamstrings, gluteus, lumbar spine and adductors. In addition to all the muscles worked by the Roman deadlifts, traditional deadlifts engage your thigh muscles thereby helping you to improve your leg strength. Fitness Coaching Like the squat, the Romanian Deadlift (or RDL) looks fairly straightforward, but doing it well takes practice and precision. MUSCLES WORKED DURING THE ROMANIAN DEADLIFT. Plus, a lot of beginners have weaker spinal erectors, meaning that even if their coordination is good, they might not have the back strength to maintain a good back position as they lift the weight up. You can begin the exercise with the weight on the floor, or set up in a power rack at the level of your outstretched arms. Marco Walker-Ng is the co-founder and strength coach of Outlift, Bony to Beastly, and Bony to Bombshell, and is a certified trainer (PTS) with a Bachelor's degree in Health Sciences (BHSc) from the University of Ottawa. The new issue of Muscle and Fitness came in, and it had another leg workout. Very comprehensive, very easy to follow, and very much a page-turner, where one wants to just keep reading and reading! Strengthens the glutes which will always make your lower back feel better. After that, we'll keep you updated on the most important muscle-building research, lifting methods, and workout routines. Remember to keep your knees soft. However, if you decide to call it the stiff-leg deadlift, keep in mind that some people might not know whether the barbell is starting on the floor or not. The problem is that the further our spine bends, the more shear stress we inflict upon it. Romanian deadlifts target your hamstring along with engaging your hips, core, lower and upper back, and forearms muscles. Use the drill in the beginning of the video and this will tell you where your end range of motion lies. This is beneficial for injury prevention for the lower back, increasing overall back strength, and improving postural control for other movements like squats, conventional and sumo deadl… (2013) showed that there are better exercises to train the lower back than the Romanian deadlift. Then, as a beginner becomes more advanced, they might want to switch to a conventional deadlift to engage more of their upper body muscles. For powerlifters, that’s essential because it helps to improve strength on low-bar squat and deadlift. Glutes. Then, if you want to focus on improving your grip strength, you can do barbell holds or hang from the chin-up bar. Forearm/ Grip Muscles. Your spinal erectors still get worked, of course, but with substantially lighter weights and for twice as many sets. PERFORMING THE RDL WITH PROPER TECHNIQUE. Because the Romanian deadlift uses musculature from the low/mid-back, glutes, and hamstrings, it is a compound exercise. Sumo Deadlift. The Romanian deadlift is also lighter, which can make it easier to hold onto the barbell without dropping it. Core. This is a special video for Mike Whitfield and all of his Finisher friends. Most strength coaches agree that the Romanian deadlift and the stiff-leg deadlift are two different names for the same lift. That’s a great idea, yeah. This was an exercise for hamstrings, right after lying leg curls. Similar to the conventional deadlift, the Romanian deadlift works your posterior chain, which includes your lower back, glutes, and hamstrings. Teaches a flat or near flat back while lifting. If you want a customizable workout program (and full guide) that builds these principles in, check out our Outlift Intermediate Bulking Program. Keep the tension on your hamstrings, pull, then hips through. Regarding Towel Deadlift (TDL), if one can TDL at bottom of CDL (say grip right above ankles) do you see benefit in also TDLing at bottom of RDL (say grip just below knees)? This changes the lift in a few ways. In my opinion yes, RDL is a low back exercise. Most beginners find it easier to feel their glutes and hamstrings stretching out as they lower the weight, then contracting as they lift it. So, we already went over the regular Romanian deadlift, but some gym-goers really like hitting each leg on its own. Romanian deadlift with band around waist; Cable pull-through; Your low back may also be weak. That might help to clarify things. But as we get stronger, our grip strength can become a limiting factor on some of the bigger compound lifts, such as barbell rows and Romanian deadlifts, turning them into little more than convoluted forearm exercises. Not only is it great for gaining muscle size and strength, but it’s also fairly easy to recover from, fairly easy on the lower back, and one of the very best assistance lifts for the deadlift. Avoiding Back Pain When Performing the Romanian Deadlift. It looks like this: Here’s Marco Walker-Ng, BHSC, PTS, teaching the lift: The easiest way to learn how to do the Romanian deadlift is to watch the tutorial video. As a dumbbell alternative to the Romanian deadlift, you can hold a dumbbell in one or both hands, like so: If you hold a dumbbell in each hand, you’ll do a better job challenging your hips, hamstrings, and lower back. It’s trick to make sense of all the terms. Buff Dudes 3,421,381 views. But does it technically strengthen the lower back? If done correctly, the entire posterior chain (glutes, hamstrings, calves, back extensors, etc) can be hit with one functional movement. Yoyo_Fitness Member Posts: 84 Member Member Posts: 84 Member. Even people who have a herniated disc or even multiple herniated discs can do these once they are well recovered. How to Perform Romanian Deadlift - Hamstring Leg Exercise - Duration: 1:38. The deadlift can build extraordinary strength and size, but it's also a great diagnostic tool. Lower back in Romanian Deadlift? You’ll use a bar or rope attachment to hold the cable in front of you. RDLs incorporates the stretch reflex into the deadlift. The Romanian deadlift can increase the strength in the hamstring, lower back, and hips specific to the conventional deadlift. If you liked this article, I think you’d love our full programs. I hear ya, Farhan. What makes the Romanian deadlift even more special is that it’s much easier to learn and much easier on the lower back than the conventional deadlift, making it amazing for beginners. Awesome, awesome lift . I am 32. If your grip strength is limiting you, then, it can make sense to get some lifting straps. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. The goal of the movement is a powerful hip extension. Unlike a regular deadlift, you hold a barbell up at all times, lifting it periodically with your legs and lower back. Normal deadlifts (DL) start off from a dead stop from the floor (aka the hardest mechanical position). There are a few lifts that are great for emphasizing glute growth, all with their own pros and cons. Common Mistakes. Using the Romanian Deadlift to Strengthen Your Problematic Lower Back, Check out Breakthrough Personal Training on Yelp. Swing the weight back down and repeat. The payoff, however, is great — and great-looking glutes, hamstrings, and lower back muscles are just the beginning. Home; Category. Hamstring flexibility differs greatly among individuals. Due to traditional Romanian Deadlift’s (RDL) front loaded nature and the long lever arms, improper form is common and can be debilitating for lower back pain and serious lumbar injury. 2. Now perform a controlled negative by performing a Romanian deadlift. They may have different origins, and may have been performed differently in the past, but in modern usage, both the stiff-leg deadlift and the Romanian deadlift tend to refer to the same lift. To quote Contreras int aht article you linked: “Many lifters feel that the RDL, stiff legged deadlift, and straight leg deadlift are synonymous with one another, and if you talk to ten different strength coaches, you’ll probably get ten different descriptions of these variations.” That’s why we normally call it the Romanian deadlift, where almost everyone is in agreement about what it is and what it looks like. This may even act as a form of active recovery, allowing them to heal and adapt more quickly. Hypertrophy Training Volume: How Many Sets to Build Muscle? Just like squats, there are plenty of different variations when it comes to the deadlift. Drive your hips forward and, without bending your arms, swing the kettlebell up until your arms are roughly parallel to the floor. Fortunately, nobody thinks that the Romanian deadlift starts from the floor, so that keeps us safe from being misunderstood if we talk about the RDL. The poor deadlift has a bad rap… Yes, as far as weightlifting exercises go, the humble deadlift needs a serious PR boost.. Fat Loss This area of the body is vital in most sports that require lifting, jumping or sprinting. That means more weight in our hands, more weight supported by our spinal erectors and traps, and more weight to pull with our lats and rear delts. I’ll do that now. I have been deadlifting for approximately 7 years. Dorian Yates was famous for the partial deadlift, aka the Romanian Deadlift. This move also involves core engagement, so you'll build strength and stability there, too. The Romanian deadlift should be a staple of any strength and conditioning program, and for good reason. Other things that a lot of people do is they end up losing the control in their upper body and that leads to the head dropping and shoulders dropping and that ends up leading to the rounding out of the back. This is commonly referred to as the Valsalva Maneuver and helps ensure neutral/rigid lower back. So although the Romanian deadlift does, technically, work the same muscles as the conventional deadlift, it puts quite a bit more emphasis on the hips, glutes, and hamstrings than it does on the upper back. Some people get away with it, but if we want to keep our risk of injury low, it’s better to learn how to deadlift with a neutral spine. According to the research of the leading spinal health expert, Dr Stuart McGill’s, deadlifting with a rounded back puts around 950% as much shear stress on our spines. Not only will this exercise boost your lower body strength, it will help teach you proper form for other workouts as well. hi there, just started working with a 45 lbs bar doing a 5x5 program, but I often have a problem doing deadlift. Some versions more than others. Load up an Olympic barbell with the desired weight. It simplifies the movement, removing the knee bend and focusing just on the hip hinge. Moreover, stiff-leg deadlift is more appropriate name than straight leg deadlift because actually only shins are kept straight (contrary to slight knee tracking in conventional deadlift) while maintaining the same bend angle throughout the movement i.e. An absolute surefire way to completely destroy your back is to try to perform RDL’s with a rounded back. This is rarely the limiting factor in the deadlift, but it happens. 8–20 reps per set often works well. This is key for lower back safety during a rack pull. M uscles Worked by the Single Leg Romanian Deadlift This will take tension off of the hamstrings and put it on the spinal erectors. Some can bend over with their legs locked and touch their palms to the ground, while others may only be able to get their fingertips to their knees. That way you can train your grip strength without sacrificing your upper-back gains. Why is the Romanian deadlift an important exercise? The Romanian deadlift is particularly helpful for improving posture because it “un-hunches” the shoulders by anchoring your lats (a large muscle down the back of your body) down and back… Here are some extra pointers to keep in mind: You don’t need to keep all of this in mind every time you practice the Romanian deadlift. When you perform RDL’s with a back that looks like a half moon, you add a tremendous amount of strain to your lower back. Not only will this exercise boost your lower body strength, it will help teach you proper form for other workouts as well. They accomplish the exact same purpose as lifting straps but they’re quite a bit easier to use. Because the RDL is not typically used as a feature lift, people don't … Improves lower back endurance especially with high reps. Nutrition For Results So, RDL is essentially the top half (maybe the top 2/3?) It might feel a bit awkward at first, but you’ll have it down in no time. The Romanian deadlift is also a move you can do anywhere, because you don’t need to use very heavy weights for it to be effective. Post Rehab/Injury Prevention. I always do the deadlift on back day and it’s my last exercise, I find it to be a nice finish off when I’m completely exhausted. And instead of bending your knees at the bottom, you keep them fairly straight. Some folks describe kettlebell swings as the … Overall, the Romanian deadlift is one of the best beginner deadlift variations. The Romanian deadlift is preferable if you want a higher degree of activation for your hamstrings and glutes. Romanian deadlifts are absolutely unrivaled when it comes to exercises that strengthen the lower back and hamstrings. Clasp your hands loosely behind your lower back. What Mike wanted me to go through was some cuing when it comes to the Romanian Deadlift and highlighting some common mistakes that people do when doing the Romanian Deadlift. In order to achieve that, the hips must be kept high and back during the eccentric portion of the left. Many of the Romanian deadlift alternatives discussed in this article are exercises that you can also perform in conjunction with a solid lower-body workout. Athletes But the Romanian deadlift is just as good in most ways, and it’s quite a bit easier, quite a bit less fatiguing, and much more forgiving on the lower back, for sure. Proper form is essential for getting the most benefits from deadlifts, and it’s important to work within the restrictions of your skill level and ability, in order to avoid injury. This makes it a sort of high-hipped conventional deadlift, where the legs are intentionally kept straighter, helping to keep the tension on the hips and hamstrings all throughout the lift. Build a Strong Posterior Chain with Kettlebell Swings. Find out how to perform a Romanian deadlift correctly in this instructional film from Nuffield Health Personal Trainers. It’s easier to learn, easier on the lower back, quite a bit less fatiguing, and just as good at stimulating muscle growth in the hips and hamstrings. Whether you aren't yet comfortable with the hip hinge, can’t deadlift due to injury, or just want to switch things up, we’ve got 10 alternatives that hit those muscles without the back stress. Doing this exercise correctly will strengthen your hamstrings, back, and engrain the hip hinge motion which is important to protecting your lower back. ( CDL ), correct confusion and debate, though, you can these... Because we ’ re quite a bit more ambiguous instinct guide you is the RDL especially. Lifting straps ( traditional ) deadlifts use these same muscles but also involve muscles! Like the squat, the Romanian deadlift uses musculature from the romanian deadlift lower back works best moderate! The left romanian deadlift lower back 'm relatively to the conventional deadlift ( RDL ) works the same benefits activation for lower! 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