So she hides her daughter, Lily from the world. Her parents or guardian didn't let her. He promised her a luxurious life if she just followed him and believed in him. She is both hypnotised and scared of the control it has over her. Which leaves us with a question will we help lily or just ignore her. The creature is Trump who promises what if you give him power (H) and let him do whatever he wants (G) his stories will come true: Coal comes back, the border wall will solve anything, ... Ice breaking (I) is the next election. Lily is a little girl and her parents warned her about love so she tries love. Behind her, she can hear it say But its not easy to escape as these bad guys will keep chasing her and the mess she had done will haunt her life forever. (She ends up in the same situation she was before) She tries to run home, begging for her family's mercy and help, but they reject her. Start screaming, "Is there someone out there?" I think lily is a sheltered girl, that ran away from home and met with a stranger. THE SONG has been traced back to the conversion of England to Christianity and was probably an aid to teaching the Creed. When we realise the truth and wanted to stop it. Lily was a little girl He chases her, and she's screaming for someone, anyone who will help her get away from him. So she tries to look for help from others around her. Maybe a new relationship was the catalyst for this internal struggle. she demands help. Fifth verse: For me there are explicit and implied meaning. (function() { so my interpretation is different? The climax points out that she was starting to realize what the demon wanted from her so she asks help. It latches on you and it creeps up subconsciously. Only if lily sell lil her soul. But atcually the demon that corrupt us aka bad thought, force us to accept them. /lyrics/a/alan_walker/lily.html. Meaning and origin. Let them be lily. Nearby there is a magical forest (D) populated by ill meaning creatures (E). She realized what she had done and that her life was ruined and she couldn't do anything about it. "-Follow everywhere I go top over the mountains or valley low give you everything you've been dreaming of just let me in... Everything you want in gold, I'll be the magic story you've been told and you'll be safe under my control just let me in...". Just my opinion, i think in dark in genneral tho. She's afraid because people told her stories of the scary people out there. In this interpretation Lily succumbs again to the creature after awakening. However as time passed Lily felt as she was living in a prison within the castle walls. nobody knows when they are hypnotized so when that line came up I think it meant she knew she was so obsessed with him it almost felt like she was hypnotized to liking him. is basically "just let me into your head." According to Pete Townshend in the 2006 book Lyrics by Rikky Rooksby, "the idea was inspired by a picture my girlfriend had on her wall of an old Vaudeville star – Lily Bayliss . There, a king, known as King Malcolm is cursed from his love-hate friend Aamina. Being trapped by the luring beast whom he thought could give him everything he ever wanted but later when he knew it was an illusion, he could n't get rid of it. I think when she's looking for help nobodys there for help, depicts how our world neglect people who suffers from depression and loneliness. Just like Lily. It seems like it is turning negative for her as she can not reconcile her two egos and all her fears are surfacing. She runs into the woods which means deep into the dangerous world full of unpredictable people/strangers. Lily simbolize every girl in the world her parents tried to protect her since the day she came to the world and told her about the danger of the world outside as she grew up (most probably after she became a teenager) she thought she knew better than her parents.This is common trait of any adolecent no matter girl or a boy.she rebels against her parents and as a result she runs away. The thing wants "Lily", it wants her to trust it, but why would it say something like "be under my control" to someone who wants freedom? The lyrics where it says she knew she was hypnotized and walking on cold thin ice, was when she knew her father (the king) was going to kill him for falsely kidnapping her. I think that it is an alternate universe Snape and Lily. Everyone looks for another candidate but Trumps style has lead American society far away from its old safe walls having an unclear way to go. Lily is an human living in the like us she doesn't even what is happening around her whether it be about surviving, believing, hoping, loving, and so on. Keep safe everyone!!! Then she ran faster than But as time pass she understand that she's being deceived and she runs away from him. intuitions works like a miracle. However, lily don’t want to give herself to the devil. Please help me" she tried to fight off the thoughts again and try to get help. Top over the mountains or valley low And walking on cold thin ice. Men are mostly doing this to women. Describe what artist is trying to say in a certain line, whether and " you'll be safe under my control" is like, you'll be perfectly safe with me when i drug you. The big wide world is the big wide world of sexuality. It was an old 1920s postcard and someone had written on it 'Here's another picture of Lily – hope you haven't got this one.' She finally meets this guy who she can open up to. Yeahh, we love our comfort zone. (I'm writing a story on this song so that's why there's so much.) Gild the lily is an idiom that is a result of misquoting a famous literary passage. Lily (A) is your conscious mind, that castle(C) is your self deception telling you that you are in control of things. K-391's song "Flux" from his Youtube series of "How to Make: An Epic Rap Beat" was a starting point for this. The thin ice that broked is her realising how hard it is really is, how cruel it can really be. After the war, Lily tries to unfriend Malcolm since she thought he was going to kill her. Lily runs but the person follows her, and is telling her to trust them and not to run. (She met someone too good to be true) There is another story that seems to be a "myth" about a city named Alades. “Fuck You” is a song by English singer Lily Allen from her second album, It’s Not Me, It’s You, which was released as her third international single following “The Fear” and “Not The magic represents the romanticization of the topic. a force and goes to the woods. What else will a girl living in "castle wall" be wanting? I believe Lily is about a girl who is roughly fifteen. What was promised her she received but as the time went by 'ice broke' meaning lily became conscius to the fact that it was only using her. She has had a trouble trusting and letting people in. Fourth verse: In the end she walking on thin ice fell into the ice cold water and woke up. But she has overprotective parents, so time and time again she tries to run away. Lily tried to get help and it failed because it says "behind her, she can hear it say-" it meant that the suicidal thoughts found her. The king responds, taking up the lovely simile and giving it a very apt and charming turn, "My love is beyond comparison the chief and all around her are not worthy of notice beside her." The young women then realizes that this man is manipulating her for his own entertainment. What i can think of from this Song is that. If reading this thank you for your time. Ask us or our community about the part of the song that interests you, We will try to respond as soon as possible. And when is said now and the n she tried to run. So she hides her daughter, Lily from the world. Lilly the little girl fears the unknown. They came back again and again until we dont' have a choice but to accept and live with them. Sometimes people stop us and when we escape from our place, sometimes we are restrained or controlled by outsiders. But, to no avail. Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts: the meanings behind Dylan’s song Posted on July 13, 2013 by TonyAttwood Updated 13 Nov 2017 with links to other versions of the song – I really hope you try them if you have not heard them before – they offer a completely different set of insights into the song. One day she stays out too late and gets enchanted by a magical creature (E). It referred it as a thing. eventually the girl gets fed up with her siblings and try's to run away from home and she ends up in the woods. So they judge her and a particular group bully her for a few days. She had no idea what was beyond the castle walls that she grew up within. Her flight and call for help (J) is her fear of the future and the unfulfillable wish to become a child again. He keeps on trying to provide her with a false sense of security and the ice breaking means that she has finally gotten ahold of things and now with all that panic she is afraid, I only think that this song is about.. A girl who wants to do something against her parents will or she doesn't want her parents controlling her life choices since she thinks she's old enough to be independent and now able to make choices but one thing she doesn't know is that adulthood is very very depressing and hard interpreting the creatures haunting her mind. I think that it is about a girl (Lily) whose parents loved her a lot, but she still felt alone because they told her that the world was scary, so she started keeping everything to herself (She grew up inside her castle walls) and she tried to run away, to escape her depression, but it never really happens and it just follows her, telling her that if she submits to her depression good things will happen, but I know from experience that’s not really what happens. she finally realizes what's going on and she calls for help but the guy won't let her leave. I think Lily is about a girl who is very sheltered, her family warns her about how scary and bad a relationship will be, telling her it will just hurt her, but she is curious, so she goes out to give love a go. we are surrounded with "creatures". The woods(D) are non-mainstream media / people telling stories different from what is generally accepted as true. She's innocent and happy. I think Lily is an innocent (Lily is an English name which means innocent) girl who flees from (a demon?) var opts = { Add links, pictures and videos to make your explanation more Cerainly, the few lines seem to be about that. And walking on cold thin ice Or Dark as someone would say? just that thin ice had to break and all her expectations of the "perfect outside world" will come crashing down. On one side you have "Lilly.. (the).. little girl" who is suppose to embody naivety, fearing all she hasn't experienced. "she knew she was hypnotized". So she hides lily. The curse was a love "curse" that causes the kingdom to fall because of Lily's kingdom. But she doesn't listen. Finally her Mother finds her but its too late cos she's hanging from the tree dead. So she runs away again one night. Lily Cultural Significance. She realizes that He was making her obsessed with him in any way because He wanted to stay in the abusive relationship. A nice person or creature came up to her and was trying to comfort her, at leat that was what was in her mind. I think that this song is about a young girl who broke the rules and has to pay the price. Its about us. i think it means lily is just gust a fictional character but it can also mean shes just getting used the world and is finding things that make her seem imperfect she wants to keep on striving to find at that goal to look and explore more but she gets to curious and becomes scared of her exploration just like who we want to be perfect she wants to go back to her perfect life "just let me in" her perfect life is tempting to come back when she finally wakes up she tries to run away knowing there are better things to explore .....but it doesnt really matter because it can mean any other things it just my opinion no one should attack me or hate on me, I think this is a story about a girl who decided to run away and then she needed somewhere to go. To for reading, In my opinion this song is about drugs, like heroin for example. Allow us to make our mistakes on time so that we can also learn how to correct them. The big wide world (B) is the worlds complexity and abundance of ways to go wrong / to interpret the world. Everything you want in gold, I'll be the magic story you've been told The hypnosis(H) is the losing of her innocence. Whenever I hear the song I think about yes a little girl but her parents are telling her the world is bad don't trust it will only get you hurt but she doesn't listen and she goes and decides to y'know look at the world in a point of view of well a child, sweet everyones kind, rainbows, butterflies and what not. Start screaming, "Is there someone out there?" Provide quotes to support the facts you mention. Sexual Once in, you can come out of it but they will haunt you. It was too late when she realized. Lily Flower Color Meanings White lilies are an obvious symbol of purity, especially since many Christian denominations use the snowy Madonna Lily to represent the Virgin Mary. First verse: But after that, nothing but regret. ------------- Maybe she is running from herself. Follow everywhere I go I think Lily is about a girl who is very sheltered, her family warns her about how scary and bad a... No, No, No. He told her not to worry and follow everywhere I go. Her Mother had experiences with Depression, Anxiety and Insecurity. (The Entity could represent heroin). Lyrics to 'Lily' by Alan Walker: Lily was a little girl Afraid of the big, wide world She grew up within her castle walls Now and then she tried to run And then on the night with the setting sun Then she ran faster than Then it broke, and she awoke again He calls her, trying to lure her back with promises of better things to come, but she keeps running. She then ran out looking for help. To me Lily is about Lily Evans (that’s just me) they tell her to get away from the forbidden forest but she went and was captured by death eaters and when she runs away it’s because she misses her family and then she was bullied for being a muggle born. The creature (E) are people telling the war can easily be won, industrialists speaking of national honor but hoping to profit from the war. I think that Lily is about a teenage girl who was born into a rich, high-class family (suggested by the line "grew up in her castle walls") and she is treated very well, causing her to not know how to do much. The woods (D) represents the hiding / suppression of sexuality in our society making its exploration a hidden / shady thing. ------ Come get me". but the more we cage something or someone the larger the desire will be to get out at the first opportunity. Just let me in, ooh but she finds that "unknown" fascinating or new? I heard it for the first time and saw the video for it today. thing got in her anyway. Sadly, I think it’s clearly about a young girl trapped by a pimp. The track reached number … if you doesn't know please google them. So thats it. Lily Collins, a British-American actress, and model, who has some good movies to her list. Woo she went to the woods. So afraid, all alone I don't know if anyone will actually believe this too but, I think that lily is like a child, small and vulnerable and can easily get caught up in trouble, which in this case is an abusive relationship, but she doesn't realize because the man seems so nice and I am not trying to offend ANYONE at all here but sometimes, men CAN be like that, they can be deceiving and can tend to use girls as Objects, and they also tend to use unsuspecting, innocent children, I don't want to get personal, but when I was 4, I had two twin neighbours and they were about, 12, and we were just playing a game in one of their bedrooms, and then, I ended up getting my first kiss, with a guy I can't even remember that well now, but I do also remember that they did make me touch them, and they touched me, I was so innocent at the time, and I thought it was just a harmless thing, but I do still owe them thanks, because that helped me build my characteristics, I still can't believe what happened eight years ago, and my parents still don't know, I'm sorry that this got really personal but, thats what happened and that is what I think is the meaning of Lily. 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