WhatsApp. Parched? KFC KFC Menu KFC Nutrition ... or Kentucky Grilled®, a side of your choice, a biscuit, and a medium drink. Order great tasting fried chicken, sandwiches & family meals online with KFC Delivery. Attractive combos & deals available from our menu for a 'so good' feast! Their secret recipe for the incredible coating on the chicken is a recipe that was created over 100 years ago and is a combination of 11 specially selected herbs and spices. Chilled and thirst-quenching. A brilliant taste for a brighter day. ... KFC Famous Bowl, Medium Drink & Chocolate Chip Cookie : $5.00 : 0. Today, KFC is headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky, and it has nearly 19,000 locations in … Zinger Box. Pinterest. The KFC menu prices include foods such as chicken sandwiches, chicken burgers, wings, nuggets, chicken wraps, chicken pies, ice cream, sundaes, as well as milkshakes. The uber-affordable KFC prices continue to endear the international fast-food chain to its customers! $11.81 4 Pieces Chicken Box Let it flow, let it flow, let it flow. 2.4 based on 1,185 votes Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) is a fast-food restaurant chain founded in 1952. It is the world's second largest restaurant chain after McDonald's as of December 2013. Chilled and thirst-quenching. Meals, lunch, dinner, drinks and kids menu. 0. Their menu includes Original Recipe Chicken, Extra Crispy Chicken, Kentucky Grilled Chicken, Chicken Sandwiches, and … Please note, that prices may vary from restaurant to restaurant. We don't support landscape mode yet. If you want to know how much Original Recipe Chicken costs, or all the Family Meals, the KFC Prices page is for you! A creamy vanilla Krushems, mixed with dark chocolate shards. All prices on this page are dated October 2020, from a Utah location. The KFC … The original Pepsi. × Night night! This site has no affiliation with KFC. 8 Pc. Tasty, drippy, delicious gravy. See the full menu of DRINKS from KFC. kfc, chicken, sandwiches, meals, sides, classics, desserts, drinks, sauces, promo 5$, btc Choose from either Mini Fillets or Hot Wings and then cover in gravy. Made with real apple and blackcurrant juice. Chilled and thirst-quenching. KFC Menu Prices 2020. Pepsi Max, zero sugar. KFC prices range from about three dollars for food combinations, to twenty dollars for the family meals. Your KFC favourites are just a click away. Here are the latest KFC menu prices in Canada: Full restaurant menu with prices up-dated for 2020. KFC has been serving juicy and delicious fried chicken to its customers. Please note that KFC in your own particular state may differ slightly in both menu items and prices. Share. !function(a){var e="https://s.go-mpulse.net/boomerang/",t="addEventListener";if("False"=="True")a.BOOMR_config=a.BOOMR_config||{},a.BOOMR_config.PageParams=a.BOOMR_config.PageParams||{},a.BOOMR_config.PageParams.pci=!0,e="https://s2.go-mpulse.net/boomerang/";if(window.BOOMR_API_key="GZ5B8-NBK6A-DYY6Q-6XTKQ-S2BZM",function(){function n(e){a.BOOMR_onload=e&&e.timeStamp||(new Date).getTime()}if(!a.BOOMR||!a.BOOMR.version&&!a.BOOMR.snippetExecuted){a.BOOMR=a.BOOMR||{},a.BOOMR.snippetExecuted=!0;var i,_,o,r=document.createElement("iframe");if(a[t])a[t]("load",n,!1);else if(a.attachEvent)a.attachEvent("onload",n);r.src="javascript:void(0)",r.title="",r.role="presentation",(r.frameElement||r).style.cssText="width:0;height:0;border:0;display:none;",o=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0],o.parentNode.insertBefore(r,o);try{_=r.contentWindow.document}catch(O){i=document.domain,r.src="javascript:var d=document.open();d.domain='"+i+"';void(0);",_=r.contentWindow.document}_.open()._l=function(){var a=this.createElement("script");if(i)this.domain=i;a.id="boomr-if-as",a.src=e+"GZ5B8-NBK6A-DYY6Q-6XTKQ-S2BZM",BOOMR_lstart=(new Date).getTime(),this.body.appendChild(a)},_.write("
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Please go back to portrait mode for best experience. 0 $0.00 Please rotate your device. Millions of people around the world have enjoyed KFCs menu and the low KFC menu prices for nearly a century, and its no surprise that KFC is widely regarded as the home of fried chicken. Prices provided only as a general reference guide, please be sure to review with your own local restaurant. KFC Nutrition > 4,416 Locations in 49 States. It is the combination of dedication and tasty food with great service that helped the Kentucky Fried Chicken to dominate the fast-food industry for years. Twitter. Brewed from real leaves so the taste is always pure and satisfying. KFC Menu Prices Chicken Only: $13.99: 12 Pc. When Colonel Harland Sanders opened his roadside restaurant to sell his fried chicken, his vision was to make it a staple in the American diet – and he succeeded. Their slogan is finger lickin good and they have been providing juicy, delicious, finger lickin chicken in a variety of ways for generations. P epsi Products top the list on the KFC Drink Menu, the soda fountain is full of your favorite sodas made by Pepsi.The colonel also recommends, like any good southern restaurant, the choice of either sweetened or unsweetened iced tea on its KFC drink menu.That rounds out the KFC Drink menu pricing, but check out the sides menu to complement your drink choice. $6.49+ 2 pc. KFC ice-cold drinks include the Colonel’s iced tea, both sweetened and unsweetened, and a selection of Pepsi products. The KFC menu prices of the drinks ranges between $1.69 to $3.99, depending on the type and quantity of the selected dish only. Chilled and thirst-quenching. (window.BOOMR_mq=window.BOOMR_mq||[]).push(["addVar",{"rua.upush":"false","rua.cpush":"false","rua.upre":"false","rua.cpre":"false","rua.uprl":"false","rua.cprl":"false","rua.cprf":"false","rua.trans":"","rua.cook":"false","rua.ims":"false","rua.ufprl":"false","rua.cfprl":"false"}]); KFC Prices in the UK. Get the freshest tastes and nutrition information today! LL 21,000. Their slogan is also Finger Lickin Good and they have been keeping to that since 1952. Whether you’re looking for a item by itself or something in … Choose from a variety of KFC's famous fried chicken meals that are perfect just fror you. 1 piece of chicken, 1 Sandwich, Coleslaw, Fries and drink of your choice. Order Online > 3.4 based on 96 votes. The KFC Boneless Banquet includes three chicken breast Mini Fillets, Popcorn Chicken, regular fries, regular side, one KFC Original Dip, a regular drink and a dipper’s delight. Three white meat chicken tenders, hand-breaded in signature 11 herbs, and spices plus an individual popcorn chicken, individual fries, individual side, and your choice of drink. Order. Check out KFC Lebanon menu online, order a KFC meal for one & save up with our KFC offers. + + 0 $0.00; Sign In; Pickup delivery Catering Set your KFC store to see local menu and pricing. Enjoy! Now streaming at a KFC … It’s a refreshing new take on a classic Christmas favourite. Meal with 2 Large Sides & 4 Biscuits: $21.49: 8 Pc. Uh oh, looks like this KFC store has closed, so you won’t be able to order here now. Have them delivered to your doorstep or order online for dine-in or takeaway at the restaurant. KFC is a global fast food chain that began operating in 1930 and currently has over 19,000 locations. Revive and hydrate. The low calorie alternative. Chicken Breast, Mashed Potatoes with Gravy, Biscuit, Medium Drink & Chocolate Chip Cookie : Choose My State. We don't support landscape mode yet. The classic crisp lemon-lime sugar-free drink. At participating locations only. KFC boasts more than 12 million customers per day worldwide. KFC Menu and Prices. Cheese, Chilli Mayo, 2 Spicy Zinger fillet with Fries and Drink. His blend of secret spices is part of the KFC fried chicken's enduring charm. About KFC Prices. Choose from a variety of ice-cold, refreshing drinks. It provides different flavors of chicken nugget, sandwiches, desserts, and drinks. Ice cold refreshments. A global favorite, if you have a taste for some of the best chicken on the planet, explore the full KFC menu with prices included. This page features all the latest pricing information for all your favourite KFC items! See the full KFC chicken menu, dessert menu and delivery menu with prices. How much does food cost? The one with the orange tang. The bran… The KFC menu features a range of delicious fried chicken bundles, burgers, wraps, and plenty more tasty food. KFC Menu Prices. Find a KFC Sign Up / Sign In. That’s right gravy fans, this Christmas your local KFC is all about that good stuff. Brewed from real leaves so the taste is always pure and satisfying. Meal with 3 Large Sides & 6 Biscuits: $29.99: 12 Pc. START MY ORDER. Home Menu KFC Menu Prices. Please rotate your device. KFC Menu, KFC Menu with Price List Find KFC Menu with price details for full menu comprising chicken buckets, chicken drumsticks, chicken burgers, chicken nuggets, potato wedges, mashed potatoes, green beans, Mac and cheese, sweet kernel corns and drinks. Get prices and place your order online now. Please go back to portrait mode for best experience That’s a lot of people who like their chicken finger-lickin’ good. All KFC Menu Prices KFC are the second largest restaurant chain in the world, serving a variable feast of their secret recipe Kentucky fried chicken. Chicken Only: $20.49 Colonel Sanders founded the original KFC restaurant on March 20, 1930, in Kentucky. OneTrust.NoticeApi.LoadNotices(["https://appds8093.blob.core.windows.net/94ba57b5-e5fc-4459-a91d-28bc381b6185/privacy-notices/9981e08b-9b4e-406b-ac07-f05e9ea7501b.json"]); }); A brilliant taste for a brighter day. Chilled and thirst-quenching. Let it flow with an early stock-ing filler, the Gravy Double Bucket. Enjoy your time alone with a chicken meal. The menu for drinks and sweet treats in KFC is pretty straightforward and consists of some regular drinks like water, some soft drinks of your choice, iced tea, and a few options in lemonades, etc. KFC menu includes their famous Fried Chicken seasoned with Colonel Sanders secret recipe. 960-1750 cal. Find a KFC Restaurant open near you or order KFC delivery now. Select and order from the KFC Online Sharing Menu for Delivery and Pick Up today.Finger Lickin' Good! Prices are typically 10 to 20% higher in States like California, New York, Florida and in prominent locations with high rents. Terms apply at https://lp.grubhub.com/legal/kfc-fd/. A carbonated beverage is the perfect way to wash down the perfect meal. The KFC Menu with Prices. KFC (the name was originally an initialism for Kentucky Fried Chicken) is a fast food restaurant chain that specializes in fried chicken and is headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky, in the United States.. KFC was one of the first fast food chains to expand internationally, opening outlets in Canada, the United Kingdom, Mexico, and Jamaica by the mid-1960s. See the KFC Menu Prices (2020) in South Africa. KFC prices range from about three dollars for food combinations, to twenty dollars for the family meals. Facebook. The KFC menu prices include foods such as chicken sandwiches, chicken burgers, wings, nuggets, chicken wraps, chicken pies, ice cream, sundaes, as well as milkshakes. KFC Drink Menu Colonel Sanders clearly had a vision back in 1930, but it wasnt until 1952, in Salt Lake City, Utah, that the KFC restaurant became a fast food franchise and millions of people could enjoy the KFC menu prices from items as the KFC potato wedge… Back to portrait mode for best experience: 8 Pc ' kfc drink prices $ 0.00 ; Sign ;. Also Finger Lickin good and they have been keeping to that since 1952 8 Pc KFC menu. Kfc fried chicken 's enduring charm on this page are dated October 2020, from Utah... For a 'so good ' feast about that good stuff then cover in gravy features all the latest information! His blend of secret spices is part kfc drink prices the KFC menu includes their Famous fried bundles! Finger-Lickin ’ good menu includes their Famous fried chicken ( KFC ) is fast-food., Chilli Mayo, 2 Spicy Zinger fillet with Fries and Drink of your choice combinations, to twenty for..., to twenty dollars for the family meals this Christmas your local is. 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