First deadlift warmup set: 5 reps using 100 pounds or 50% of your 1 Rep Max. Unfortunately there is no intermediate or advanced program that works for everyone in the way that the Starting Strength program pretty much works universally for novices. Jugg 2.0 is based off a simple 4-week progression: 5x5, 3x5, 1x5+, deload. The program considers the volume block “highly optional” and only recommends it if you are an advanced lifter with a relatively injury-free history. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. TL;DR this program focuses on the big 3, is good for moving heavy weight, is pretty simple, doesn't focus on OHP and may be a little boring for some people. This is a staggered 10 week deadlift program for intermediate lifters. Quoting the spreadsheet he says: An easy solution is to program squat volume high on weeks 1 and 2 while squatting right before pulling, then keep it moderate for week 3. It's really janky though. Each deadlift program is either 6 weeks for the beginner and intermediate or 12 weeks for the advanced. I think that given a more ideal set of life circumstances and some more time with sumo I would definitely have gotten more out of the program. Dumbbell Curls 4 x 8-10. Since I was switching to sumo, Candito seemed right up my alley. StrongLifts 5×5 Advanced is the training program that I recommend you to do after at least 3 months of Madcow 5×5.. This is a staggered 10 week deadlift program for intermediate lifters. Stronglifts 5×5 is a popular program for a reason because it’s … The heaviest movements (90 percent range) are all reduced range of motion. The program is simple, but it throws you into squats and deadlifts very quickly. There’s only 1 heavy 5×5 Squat on Monday, Wednesday is light Squat and Friday medium 1×5 Squats. It can be repeated as many times as needed. Deadlift Workout Program Spreadsheets These powerlifting deadlift programs, many of which are designed for peaking, will help you achieve some new PRs on the king of the lifts! There are over 200 comments here that have lots of feedback on programs to help you choose. But if you are simply looking to increase your deadlift or simply want to maximize your time in the gym, these plans are an excellent choice. Compare that to someone aged 33, not moved an inch in 10 years, breaks a sweat just thinking about walking up a flight of stairs. Potential max (according to Epley's formula) hasn't changed a lot, except for deadlifts and it could have just been a better day. For 10 weeks, find and carve out time to deadlift alongside your current regimen. I don't know what to recommend. Then this cycle I started using Greg nuckols' 3x int med bench instead of the candito one because I was stalling and now I'm seeing a big difference in my chest development compared to 6 months ago. To be honest, i wanted to max out as well just to see where my sumo is, but decided to wait until the end of the program. As an example, here’s Alex’s review of the 1x Bench Press program for beginners, intermediate, and advanced lifters. Setting a 5% goal increase may have been a bit ambitious. Originally developed on the Reddit Powerlifting subreddit, nSuns 531 takes concepts from the wildly-different Wendler 531 Program and Sheiko Powerlifting Routine and combines them into one powerful plan. Designed to increase your 1RM of all three basic compound movements, bench press, squat, and deadlift, Alexander’s Peaking Program is one of the best deadlift programs available. Phase 3 is a high volume block. You will Deadlift 3×5 however because this program has no heavy 5×5 Squats 3x/week with the weight increasing 5lb each workout. That’s probably true, I wouldn’t say this program gave me crazy gains or anything. Frankly, most people don’t have the mobility and balance to squat and deadlift effectively on their first gym session. Phase 2 is fairly easy up until the last week. Squat 2. You may think you’re in shape but wait till you start this, the Puke factor on a scale of 1 to 10 is a 12!! This Ed Coan’s deadlift program is suited for all the intermediate to advanced level lifters who wish to improve their deadlift. I deliberately put back squats on the back burner for the duration of the program. I'm currently on last week of phase 1 , have to pause max 205-207 kg if i remember correctly this friday. My true max is probably somewhere between here, around 615 or so. Today’s work is the cherry on top that will help your overall strength and confidence for meet day. If you’re a fan of Reddit, you may have seen this thread on finding the best powerlifting program. Soviet experiments showed that intermediate lifters have the most to gain from near-max lifts. There is a beginner’s deadlift program, intermediate program, as well as an advanced program. The criteria for choosing the 1RM can be tricky, even with the conversion guidelines Candito has in the spreadsheet, and you will need to know your body and your lifting style very well to be able to do it effectively. Jonnie Candito’s 6 week program is a powerlifting peaking program. 3x3 Powerlifting Program: low rep strength--train with heavy weights and low reps. You do three sets of three reps at each session with varying intensities. I based my estimated 1rm that the program calculates everything from on my 3 and 4 rep PR's from 5/3/1. The bad: I don't like doing heavy deadlifts on the same day as heavy squats but I guess it's good to practice this. Their level of fitness is low, their joints and small muscle groups will need a lot of time to adjust, even if the larger muscle groups can handle rapid increase. Pay attention to the notes. In my opinion it has plenty of squat and bench volume and not too much deadlift volume. Description from The Strength Athlete: We wrote this program as a nine-week The advanced deadlift […] Did your bodyweight change at all? You should at least be an intermediate lifter before attempting the program. Phase 4 was regular ol’ sumo deadlift with sumo SLDL chosen for my assistance lift. This 12 week intermediate program is designed to help you gain poundage on your Squat, Bench Press & Deadlift quickly. On Day 1 of Phase 1 I pulled a paused single at 545 and guessed that I had about 40lbs left in the tank. When I began this program my maxes in lbs were: (S/B/D/O). Programming Recommendations Weekly Deadlift Frequency: 1 … Take in consideration that i'm weaker than you (M/183cm 6'/85 kg 187 pounds currently bulking). What i'm doing for squat is running his 6 week intermediate program (this is the sixth time lol) , this cycle i decided to do highbar only with a lower max (180kg) , while my real max lowbar is 200kg. This is another program I’ve detailed extensively here, but again, to sum up, I put on 4.5lbs in 6 weeks, once again working VERY hard and eating VERY big. This is also a very hard program. You do not choose a goal 1RM for your close variation but establish that on day 1 based on the program. – Mobility Work 10+ min. For hip abduction/adduction, I'd just start with the good girl/bad girl machine. Your current rep maxes look like you've gained insane strength in 6 weeks on first glance.. but that's not the case I think? For the novice and intermediate lifter, check out Candito’s 6 Week Program or Linear Strength Programs. Deadlift is the focus of the program. Description from The Strength Athlete: We wrote this program as a nine-week program for an intermediate level powerlifter, with the goal of strength and proficiency in the squat, bench press, and deadlift.… The Best Beginner Powerlifting Programs. This program is designed for lifters with a solid foundation in strength training looking to increase their performance on the powerlifting competition movements. I was not managing my recovery well enough, I was not doing the assistance work that would have made this better, I had a number of significant life changes that impacted my training, and I am 100% responsible for not setting a bigger PR. Below are a few specs that often make up a intermediate powerbuilding program. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Glute-Ham Raises or Leg Curls 3-5 x 6-10. Intermediate: if they’re already too strong for beginner variations, they should choose a program that features heavier variations. I doubt there's ever been a beginner program out there that doesn't work though. Loading... Unsubscribe from Andy Baker? However, the structure of the 9-week Squat program is very different from the Deadlift program. I changed the program so that it's 5 days every week (except week 5 still being 3 days) instead of 5, 5, 4, 4 so I'd get more upper body volume. Get the full program list + important companion PDF HERE: out our forum, while you're at it! I didn’t have any issues with my competition pull during this phase, even pulling 495*5 after the aforementioned 495 for 2*5 conventional. However, low reps do still build plenty of muscle alon… The spreadsheet contains lists of recommended variations for either deadlift style, so you can just pick from the list, which was nice. […] Below are three reviews from real lifters that ran Greg Nuckols’ programs for different lengths of time. Currently running the novice program, numbers are still slowly progressing, last week numbers were at OHP 150x5x5, Bench 260x5x5, Squat 315x5x5, Deadlift 415x5. Press J to jump to the feed. Honestly, don't run this as your first program if you're switching stances. This is a tough routine, one of the toughest I have ever tried. Overall I think this is a very effective and enjoyable general-strength building program. On most deadlift training days in this cycle, you will pull from the floor for triples, doubles, and eventually singles. The way we maintain strength is to set our intensity work (usually just a single set) at approximately the same load where our LP left off. Program 1 – Change in Training Weight Occurs Every Week That said; adding weights each week is the standard for linear beginner programs. This to me seems like a good off-season program to do, if youre looking to add muscle size this will work for sure while keeping your lifts up. This is a very difficult program, and some of the I did, and that was a terrible idea. End: Male, 6’3, ~255lbs. On the paused max day this friday is just 1 set of squats. This program is set up to add at least 15 to 20 pounds to an intermediate deadlifter’s max. Lifters will alternate between heavy and moderate deadlift days for 8 weeks. I find that intermediate guys (if they’ve been following a good off-season program) can jump right to higher percentages because the weights aren’t as heavy and don’t beat them up so badly. Ed Coan’s Deadlift Routine Explained. You’ll start on Monday with regular conventional deadlifts for 3 work sets. Could you list the estimated maxes? Exercise #1: Deadlifts. Ok, so there are usually three exercises a powerlifter focuses on since these are the lifts in competition. Start: Male, 6’3, ~255lbs. At the same time, it includes the overhead press for complete strength. If you’re pulling sumo and running this program, do not neglect your hip abduction/adduction. So here’s a few helpful guidelines to follow for those of you who are no longer novices, but haven’t quite figured out how to master intermediate level training to keep progress going. A week later, I pulled a paused 575, but a few days later pulled 600 as a YOLO “let's see if I can do this” pull. Our sample lifter is an intermediate level male lifter who can currently deadlift 555 and hopes to hit 585 in 10 weeks. Can be done frequently That’s insane! I've been running my own variation of candito 6 week for a while; just started week 4 of cycle 5. Soviet experiments showed that intermediate lifters have the most to gain from near-max lifts. There's a risk/reward thing going on here. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, The program is available for free on Candito's website. Or for people to tell /u/WeaponizedSleep to eat more. They’ve generally used up their newbie gains so an unorganized or poorly progressed program will have them spinning their wheels. First deadlift warmup set: 5 reps using 100 pounds or 50% I haven’t tried it but I don’t think that is too slow. Go here to sign up. If nothing else you’ll get to find out how hard you can push. Is Ed Coan’s Deadlift Routine for you? That said, I did put 15lbs on my back squat while running Candito and Dark Horse at the same time, so YMMV. Overall, this works The program is designed so you can run it back to back …. Sure, keep adding weekly until you no longer can. There are so many powerlifting programs available that it can be confusing for a novice lifter to determine which program is right for them. Second warmup set: 3 deadlifts using 120 pounds or 60% of your 1RM. If the lifter is more advanced, he should start at a lower percentage because he will need more time to acclimate to the really heavy loads. Each week you will alternate between sets of 8, sets of 5, or sets of 2. On the other hand, they’re not yet To the best of my knowledge, this is the first writeup review of Candito’s DL program. In each phase you are deadlifting twice a week, with the exception of the 10RM attempt on the optional volume block. Do not run this program as an early intermediate. – Mark Philippi. I also started to get some nasty inner elbow pain midway through the program due to the heavy squatting and benching, but once I switched my low bar squat grip to thumb under instead of thumb over and moved my hands out about an inch each it went away. POWERLIFTING. Phase 1 is a close variation of your competition lift with a barbell accessory movement of your choice. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. In hindsight I probably should have gone a little lighter on my estimate because at the end of my cycle I basically didn't do enough reps in my final week to warrant upping my maxes for the next cycle. The Smartest Way to Program for Powerlifting (Science Explained) - Duration: 13:45. It is comprised of three mandatory blocks (“Phases”) and one optional volume block. Link: Ed Coan never had beginners in mind when creating this routine. Base the percentages off of your current one rep max. Workout 1: Squat Training. I will run it again at some point, but I’m going to switch back to Coan/Phillipi for a few months to give myself the time to reprioritize squats. But some powerlifters also train with higher reps and isolation exercises to experience the hypertrophybenefits of a higher volume muscle-building program. When I start cycle 6 in two weeks I plan to use GN 3x int high bench to see how that goes. I did W4D1 on a Saturday afternoon and crushed it, then waited a full week before pulling again. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Intermediate trainees are using a week's training as the overload event, and the math reflects this time period. If I’d been seriously pushing my back squat while also pushing this program I would have fallen apart. Warm-Up & Technique Work: Pause Squat (<50%) 3 x 5 – Main Lift: Squats See Table *Overload Set 1 x AMRAP or Daily Max – Accessory Work: Leg Press 3-5 x 10-15. I would probably set a smaller goal next time to keep phase 4 manageable and then aim high on the PR attempt at the end. Since then Coan Philippi deadlift routine has helped hundreds of lifters to improve their performance. If you’re going to run the intermediate program, you’d probably be better off […] I just started tracking macros with my fitness pal. The Intermediate Powerlifting Program is a four-day program that builds upon the base that was established from the beginner powerlifting program. Because the Squats are less stressful, you can do 3×5 Deadlifts with the same weight. Reading your review, i think i'm doing the right thing. x5 -> 505 lbs. Phase 2 is a distant variation of your comp lift with some main lift work afterwards. This was entirely my fault and not the fault of the program. Three reviews from Real lifters that ran greg Nuckols 28 free programs once... For very long even as a beginner program out there that does n't work though are 200... Overhand, no straps for the duration of the squat, though it all. Week, followed by several cycles of 5/3/1 simplest strength programs all three lifts program off... And an old intermediate program, beginner, intermediate program is suited for all the intermediate 's workout will. Trickle in as the overload event, and the advanced program and thought would! 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