Tássia C. Confortin, ... Marcio A. Mazutti, in New and Future Developments in Microbial Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2019. This sets the nanovirids clearly apart from other viruses transmitted in a circulative manner, such as geminiviruses and luteoviruses. WMV is transmitted by at least 35 aphid species in 19 genera. We have found Aphis craccivora feeding on garden Vicia cracca(tufted vetch) at Shoreham-by-Sea in West Sussex. 2009. Cowpea aphid, Aphis craccivora. One subspecies, A. craccivora pseudoacaciae, is recognized, and feeds primarily on Asteraceae and Fabaceae. The probability of inducing the TDP here increases from 0 (the probability that the environmental stimulus can induce it) to 1 and satisfies Shannonâs definition of information. (chewing insects), Aphis craccivora, and B. tabaci (sucking insects) the peroxidase activity in the three cultures was significant after insect feeding. Airborne vectors bringing a virus into a crop from outside will infect a greater proportion of the plants in a given area when they are widely spaced than when they are close together. ZYMV-NAT has a A to T substitution in the DAG motif in the CP, ZYMV-PAT a T to A substitution in the PTK motif and ZYMV-R1A a K to E substitution in the KLSC motif, both in the HC-Pro. Aphis craccivora a polyphagous aphid species with a preference for Fabaceae. Host associations. Aphid (Aphis craccivora Koch) is one of the serious pests of cowpea.Bioefficacy of four insecticides with different concentrations namely Jholmol (125 ml/L), Neemix (2 ml/L), Cannabis extract (100 g/L), Chlorpyrifos 50% EC and Cypermethrin 5% EC (2 ml/L) along with control were evaluated against aphid at Research Station of Agriculture and Forestry University, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal in 2018. CAB International with The Natural For FBNYV it has been demonstrated that purified virions alone are not transmissible by its aphid vector, regardless of whether they are acquired from artificial diets or directly microinjected into the aphid's hemocoel. Volume 2 The Aphids. Recent surveys in southern Italy suggest that AV1 has become the predominant, if not the only, virus affecting commercial asparagus crops (Tomassoli et al., 2008b, 2009). These results suggest that the synthesis or increase of the specific enzymes in the plant can increase the resistance of plants to insects, resulting in lower food consumption by the insects [66]. Blackman, R.L. Agriculture Canada Technical Bulletin 1991-3E. AMV causes more damage in other crops such as alfalfa and pepper. Eastop. Together with the observation that longer acquisition and inoculation access feeding periods resulted in higher transmission rates, the long persistence of nanovirids in their insect vectors indicates that they are transmitted in a circulative persistent manner similar to that of luteoviruses. Several researchers have examined ant attendance of Aphis craccivora. SCSV has been reported to be vectored also by the cotton aphid (Aphis gossypii), the green peach aphid (Myzus persicae) and the potato aphid (Macrosiphum euphorbiae), and PNYDV by the cowpea- and pea aphid and the vetch aphid (Megoura viciae). It is emphasized that this system of self-defense, comprising enzymes, toxins, and other defensive elements, is expressed in response to herbivory, and studies seek to understand the responses generated by the resistance induced by plants, and their implications for management strategies with a focus on agricultural pests. A. craccivora is mainly found on plants in the Leguminosae. A Guide to the Winged Aphids of Costa Rica. The extent of damage in the Mediterranean basin is limited. Jack H. Westwood, Mark Stevens, in Advances in Virus Research, 2010. Voegtlin, D., W. Villalobos, M.V. It is one of the commonest aphid species in the tropics. Diagrammatic representation of the âstimulus detourâ mechanism of the induction of transgenerational developmental change. At least 10 aphid species belonging to the tribes Macrosiphini and Aphidini were reported as vectors of nanovirids. Thus War et al. and V.F. Citation: Li X, Du L, Jiang X-J, Ju Q, Qu C-J, Qu M-J and Liu T-X (2020) Identification and Characterization of Neuropeptides and Their G Protein-Coupled Receptors (GPCRs) in the Cowpea Aphid Aphis craccivora. The cowpea aphid (Aphis craccivora) appears to be the major natural vector of these viruses as it is the most abundant aphid species on legume crops in the afflicted areas and was among the most efficient vectors under experimental conditions. gossypii, M. persicae, and Macrosiphum euphorbiae, but some of these accounts now appear questionable. The damage and bionomics of the aphid are briefly introduced. Aphis craccivora Koch. Under natural conditions, all viruses are transmitted by certain aphid species, in which they can persist for many days or weeks without replicating in their vectors. H.J. Common names. lmidacioprid 17.8 SL at 0.005 % concentration recorded highest … That information is the output of the neural processing released as a chemical/electrical signal. Receiving the stimulus (i.e., visual, olfactory, tactile, and auditory), the sensory receptors/organs transform it into an electrical message. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. Originally of probable Palearctic origin, it is now an invasive species of cosmopolitan distribution. Other aphid vectors of FBNYV are the black bean aphid (Aphis fabae) and the pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum). Cowpea aphid, Aphis craccivora Koch is a polyphagous pest of cowpea that attacks the crop, feeding on all plant parts and leading to significant yield losses [10–12]. Vetten, in Encyclopedia of Virology (Third Edition), 2008. It has been implicated in the transmission of over 50 plant viruses. This was the investigatorsâ assessment: Wing dimorphism is apparently controlled by a diffusible âalata-determinerâ liberated from the head of the parent. J. Experimental aphid transmission tests proved that Myzus persicae and Aphis craccivora are able to transmit AV1 but not Aphis gossypii and Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Fujisawa et al., 1983; Howell and Mink, 1985).Evans et al. Overview; Components; Publications; Map to UniProtKB (31,792) Unreviewed (31,792) TrEMBL. Eggs develop within the mother and nymphs are born live. The observations that 12% of seedlings after only 4 months from transplanting (Bandte et al., 2008) or more than 90% of plants in 2- to 3-year-old plantations (Tomassoli et al., 2008b) became infected by AV1 suggest that AV1 spread occurs very rapidly. On the contrary, when Asparagus maritimus, a wild species commonly cultivated in southern Italy for its sensory properties, was grown close to highly AV1-infected A. officinalis, a very low number of infected plants were found (Tomassoli et al., 2008b). John Wiley & Sons with the Natural History Museum, London. These mutants led to the identification of an interaction between the HC-Pro and CP through their PTK and DAG domains. Taxonomy at Aphid Species File. Cotton aphids are the primary aphid species of concern in cotton. Eastop. Cécile Desbiez, Hervé Lecoq, in Reference Module in Life Sciences, 2020. Copyright © 2020 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. Many plant species have a first line of nonspecific defense to aphid infestation that enables the plant to resist colonization to varying degrees. In autumn, the aphids appear to be able to move large distances to colonise establishing crops and pastures. 1991. John Wiley & Sons with the Natural History Museum, London. WMV and ZYMV as typical potyviruses require the presence of a virus-encoded helper component (HC-Pro) protein for transmission. A common misconception is that environmental stimuli are associated with some kind of information or instruction that tells the organism, or even genes, what to do. 2009).Aphids are important piercing-sucking insects that during feeding cause significant loss of a plant’s phloem sap, which is essential for plant growth (). Proteomes - Aphis craccivora (Cowpea aphid) ))) All None. Aranzazu Moreno, Alberto Fereres, in Advances in Virus Research, 2012. Nelson R. Cabej, in Building the Most Complex Structure on Earth, 2013. These play an important role in the defense of the plant for pest control because it reduces the absorption of nutrients by the invading organism [57]. The brain then leads the encoded stimulus through a labyrinthine chain of connections across various centers for carrying out the neural processing (Figure 4.16). 29, 30, and 31). Raworth. [65] studied the influence of two major types of insect pests (chewers and suckers) on three important agricultural crops (cotton, tomato, and cowpea) on peroxidase activity. Introduction. Consequently, a randomly distributed spatial pattern of virus-infected plants is frequently observed. Although this aphid species is very polyphagous, feeding on as many as 80 plant families, it appears to have a preference for the family Fabaceae. Reported cases of TDP arise in response to stressful stimuli or conditions and contribute to an organismâs fitness. Afr. A new trait requires information for a new spatiotemporal pattern of arrangement of millions of cells of several types (morphological and/or life history change) or the reorganization or addition of new neurons to form a special neural circuit (behavioral and/or life history change). [62] studied the effect of different feeding intensities of cochineal Coccus hesperidum (Hemiptera: Coccidae) on the activity of selected antioxidant enzymes in fishtail fern plants (Nephrolepis biserrata (Sw)). WMV and ZYMV are transmitted on the non-persistent mode: they are acquired and transmitted during very short probes (a few seconds to minutes), and their retention period in the vector is relatively short (a few hours). Resistance source to cowpea aphid (Aphis craccivora Koch) in broad bean (Vicia faba L.) Algerian landrace collection. Holman, J. It is a relatively small aphid and the adult is usually shiny black while the nymph is slate gray. The enzymatic system comprises antioxidant enzymes, such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), ascorbate peroxidase, glutathione reductase, peroxiredoxin, catalase, polyphenol oxidase (PPO), among others. Mnemonic i: APHCR: Taxon identifier i: 307492: Scientific name i: Aphis craccivora: Taxonomy navigation › Aphis. Aphis craccivora, Aphis gossypii, Macrosiphum euphorbiae and Myzus persicae are efficient WMV and ZYMV vectors. Taxonomy - Aphis craccivora (Cowpea aphid) (SPECIES) ))) Map to UniProtKB (174) Unreviewed (174) TrEMBL. The cowpea aphid, Aphis craccivora Koch, is the principal pest of bean crops in this region. The epigenetic information to trigger a signal cascade or induce a particular gene is generated after processing the stimulus in the brain. These observations together with results from complementation experiments suggest that FBNYV (and other nanovirids) require a virus-encoded helper factor for its vector transmission that is either dysfunctional or absent in purified virion preparations. Cowpea aphid, Black legume aphid, Groundnut aphid.. Distribution. [61], when evaluating defensive responses induced by peanut genotypes to caterpillar Helicoverpa armigera Hübner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and aphid attack Aphis craccivora Koch (Hemiptera: Aphididae), observed high levels of SOD indexes in all treatments, the results of which may be useful tools as biochemical markers for pest management. 1994. Thus, the information for the adaptive responses that lead to phenotypic (i.e., morphological, physiological, behavioral, and life history) changes in cases of TDP is generated through processing of stressful environmental stimuli in the brain. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. It is in the brain where it is decoded and the response is determined. The energetic cost of processing the stimulus in the brain is not negligible but neural processing is conserved in the course of evolution because of some benefit offsetting the cost. Several ZYMV isolates that have lost aphid transmissibility have been characterized, and a unique feature for this virus is that single amino acid mutants have been identified in the three domains important for transmission. As explained in Chapter 2, the genetic information for protein biosynthesis does not play a factor. Cowpea aphid, Aphis craccivora Cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii. These dark-colored aphids generally feed near the tips of infested stems and have been reported from several Kansas alfalfa fields since 1999. Theoretical speculations aside, it is firmly and unequivocally determined that no changes in genes occur or are related with TDPs. In the late 1980s when Bertaccini et al. Aphids on the World's Plants. These two mechanisms can contribute to the maintenance, in natural conditions, of variants which have lost their vector transmissibility. Aphids on the World’s Trees. Front. E-mail: laamarimalik@yahoo.fr. The authors observed that the presence of this cochineal in fern leaves altered the activity of the selected enzymes (guaiacol peroxidase and catalase) in plants that were infested with this insect. The virus is transmitted in a nonpersistent manner by Myzus persicae and at least 13 other aphid species (Kennedy et al., 1962). This is not the case. (1990) surveyed asparagus crops in northern Italy, AV1 was less frequent than AV2. The production is, however, greatly hampered by severe infestation and damage by insect pests including the cowpea aphid, Aphis craccivora Koch. During the spring season on the hibiscus plants in our backyard, we find this aphid. These phenomena might be related to the observed changes in phloem exudates composition (free amino acids, sugars) in virus infected plants. The stimulus poses a problem that the organism must cope with. Upon herbivore attack or wounding, plants regenerate new leaves that possess increased trichome density (Agrawal, 1999; Traw and Bergelson, 2003; Traw and Dawson, 2002), indicating a role for trichomes as an inducible basal defense. A random distribution is the typical pattern for a nonpersistent transmission by aphids irrespective of the virus source being within or outside the planting (Evans et al., 1990; Howell and Mink, 1985; Knaflewski et al., 2008). Taxonomic placing: Insecta, Hemimetabola, Hemiptera, Sternorrhyncha, Aphidoidea, Aphididae.. Common name: Cowpea aphid.. Geographical distribution: Cosmopolitan; CIE Map # 99, 1983 (revised).. Under natural conditions, all nanovirids are transmitted by certain aphid species, in which they can persist for many days or weeks without replicating in their vectors. Host plants: Polyphagous, with a preference for legumes.. Economic importance: The feeding of this aphid on clover and alfalfa causes plant wilting as well as … nutrition, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. Walp.) Cowpea Aphid ( Aphis craccivora Koch) Ilse Schreiner, Ph.D., Professor of Entomology, University of Guam Y oung and adult cowpea aphids ( Aphis craccivora Koch) (Homoptera: Aphididae) feed by sucking plant juices. Nanovirids do not multiply in their insect vectors important vegetative stage pest of cowpea aphid Aphis!, however, several aphid species in 19 genera light yellow to green... ) surveyed asparagus crops in this region shrivelling at the leaf surface, trichomes an. Vectored also by Ap and may confer both antixenotic and antibiotic properties to the maintenance, in Encyclopedia Virology... 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