Cobalt (IPA: /ˈkəʊbɒlt/) is a hard, lustrous, silver-gray metal, a chemical element with symbol Co.It is found in various ores, and is used in the preparation of magnetic, wear-resistant, and high-strength alloys. From the metal or the shade of blue. Use DeepL Translator to instantly translate texts and documents, (19) It follows from the above that the product subject to the existing measures and the new product type both exclusively enter into the same stage of the production. Cobalt made it to the Periodic Table in 1735 when it was identified as a metal in its own right. eines Carbonsäurelösungsmittels aus der Gruppe bestehend aus Essigsäure, Propionsäure und Benzoesäure im Bereich vom gewichtsbezogenen 0,05- bis 0,3-fachen, bezogen auf Toluol, bei einer Temperatur im Bereich von 60 bis 130ºC und einem Druck im Bereich von 1-10 bar (1 x 105 bis 1 x 106 N.m-2) über einen Zeitraum von 0,5 bis 1,5 Stunden einen kontinuierlichen Luftstrom bereitstellt, wobei man Benzaldehyd (40-50%) zusammen mit anderen Nebenprodukten erhält. kofi hut. Größe nur begrenzten Anwendungen vorbehalten. acid solvent selected from the group consisting of acetic, propionic and benzoic acid ranging between 0.05 to 0.3 wt. Bleu cobalt Meaning and French to English Translation. English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. some meteorites contain small amounts of metallic cobalt. The researchers therefore faced the task of using the known Fermi surfaces for copper in order to work out the "road map" for copper containing a deep impurity in the form. The word cobalt dates back to the sixteenth-century German term kobold, meaning goblin, or evil spirit. Many translated example sentences containing "cobalt" – German-English dictionary and search engine for German translations. It is a hard, stable metal unaffected by air or water and only slowly affected by acid. Symbol: Co; atomic weight: 58.933; atomic number: 27; specific gravity: 8.9 at 20°C. Im vorliegenden Screening wurden die Hopfenlots auf die Gehalte an folgenden Metallen untersucht: auf die Schadmetalle Arsen (As), Blei (Pb), Cadmium (Cd) und Quecksilber (Hg), auf die. cobalt - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. generally alloyed for use. Bluu ya cobalt Meaning and Swahili to English Translation. Unfollow germany cobalt to stop getting updates on your eBay Feed. : from German Kobalt ‘imp, demon’ (from the belief that cobalt was harmful to the ores with which it occurred). 1985), and always occurs in nature in association with nickel and usually with arsenic. cobalt n (uncountable) cobalt (chemical element) Declension From French cobalt or German Kobalt, from German Kobold (“ goblin ”), from Middle High German. It does not form plurals. A cast beryllium-aluminum alloy according to claim 1 comprising: Eine Beryllium-Aluminium-Guß-Legierung nach Anspruch 1, die aufweist: The nickel hydroxide active material of claim 3, wherein said chemical modifier includes, Das aktive Nickelhydroxidmaterial des Anspruchs 3, worin der benannte chemische Modifikator, The oxygen scavenging composition of Claim 11 wherein the transition metal catalyst is, Die Sauerstoff absorbierende Zusammensetzung des Anspruchs 11, worin der Übergangsmetallkatalysator, The powder of claim 1 wherein the subparticles of tungsten carbide and, Pulver des Anspruchs 1, wobei die Subteillchen aus Wolframkarbid und, The inclusion compound of Claim 1, wherein the iron or, Einschlussverbindung nach Anspruch 1, wobei das Eisen oder. See more. See cobalt in the Oxford Advanced American Dictionary. Den von den Niederlanden übermittelten Angaben entnimmt die Kommission nach einem Vergleich der technischen Merkmale des Vorhabens, dass die. A Devilish Ore. Cobalt blue definition: any greenish-blue pigment containing cobalt aluminate , usually made by heating cobaltous... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples bei höheren Temperaturen eingesetzt werden. See more. During the present screening the hop lots were analysed for the contents of following metals: for the harmful metals arsenic (As), lead (Pb). Learn the translation for ‘cobalt’ in LEO’s English ⇔ German dictionary. All Free. Here you can not only inflect Cobalt but also all German nouns. cobalt meaning has been search 4986 (four thousand nine hundred and eighty-six) times till 9/12/2020. One is that it come from Greek koba'los, meaning "rogue".Another theory is that it comes from the Old High German root chubisi, "house, building, or hut and the suffix -old meaning … 2. colour. Translation English - German Collins Dictionary. Below is the explanation in English. It was so called in this early mining region because it was very difficult to smelt without oxidising and smelting would release the associated arsenic vapours which would lead to pretty troublesome or even deadly processing conditions for the worker. cobalt. die mit ihrer Eigenschaft den großtechnischen Einsatz des Elektromagnetismus in Generatoren, transformatoren und Elektromotoren ermöglichen. Entfernung des Sauerstoffs aus der Lösung beschleunigt. The association wasn’t innocent. temperature strength characteristics and can be used for higher temperatures, gute Warmfestigkeitseigenschaften und kann bei entsprechender Dimensionierung. In its most basic form, tungsten carbide is a fine gray powder, but it can be pressed and formed into shapes through a process called sintering for use in industrial machinery, cutting tools, abrasives, armor-piercing shells and jewellery. English Portuguese translation in context, Free: Learn English, French and other languages, Reverso Documents: translate your documents online, Learn English watching your favourite videos, All English-German translations from our dictionary, Continuous preparation of secondary amines from nitriles using, Kontinuierliche Herstellung von sekundären Aminen aus Nitrilen mit der Verwendung von. With Reverso you can find the English translation, definition or synonym for cobalt and thousands of other words. You can complete the translation of cobalt-blue given by the English-German Collins dictionary with other dictionaries such as: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, … If you want to learn bluu ya cobalt in English, you will find the translation here, along with other translations from Swahili to English. (3) Die Messeinrichtung zur Überwachung von an Schwebstoffen gebundenen radioaktiven, 36 oder Caesium 137, die für Gammastrahlung. microcrystalline structure and a specific magnetic orientation. During the 19th century, cobalt blue was produced at the Norwegian Blaafarveværket (70-80% of world production), led by the Prussian industrialist Benjamin Wegner. in the complications involved in producing higher nozzle densities and in controlling the cross-talk this engendered between the nozzles. Verbessertes Verfahren zur Herstellung von Benzaldehyd mit einer Selektivität von 40-50%, bei dem man eine katalytische Luftoxidation von Toluol in der Flüssigphase durchführt, indem man in Gegenwart eines Katalysators aus der Gruppe bestehend aus Fe-, Co-, Mn-, Mo- und Ni-Salzen, eines Cokatalysators aus der Gruppe bestehend aus Mangan- und, Kupfersalzen, einer als Promotor und Bromquelle. Cobalt is a hard, silvery-white metal which is used to harden steel and for producing a blue dye. akin to G. koben pigsty, hut, AS.cofa room, cofgodas household gods, Icel. A chemical element (symbol Co) with an atomic number of 27. Cobalt or cobalt blue is a deep blue color . in M42 give high resistance to both heat and wear. We hope this will help you in learning languages. The declension of the noun Cobalt is in singular genitive Cobalts and in the plural nominative -. 5% of the world's proven oil reserves (Nigeria, Angola, Sudan, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea), 4% of the world's proven gas reserves (Nigeria), 60% of the world's diamond reserves (Democratic Republic of Congo, Botswana, South Africa), 20% of the world's, and Zambia) and 3.4% of the world's copper, Die Länder Subsahara-Afrikas sind reich mit Bodenschätzen ausgestattet. It was so called in this early mining region because it was very difficult to smelt without oxidising and smelting would release the associated arsenic vapours which would lead to pretty troublesome or even deadly processing conditions for the worker. Cobalt, atomic number 27, takes its name either from the German Kobold, meaning hobglobin, house spirit, or gnome or from the Greek cobalos, meaning mine (Schroeder 1967). ... a nickname given by the German miners, because they supposed it to be a mischievous and hurtful metal.] fr. In order to meet the rapid growth in global demand for advanced lithium ion (Li-ion) rechargeable batteries, Umicore and its joint venture partner in Umicore Shanghai have decided to build a. Um mit dem rasanten Wachstum der weltweiten Nachfrage nach fortschrittlichen Lithium-Ionenbatterien (Li-Ionbatterien) Schritt zu halten, haben Umicore und deren Jointventure-Partner bei Umicore Shanghai beschlossen, in unmittelbarer Nähe zu dem vorhandenen Gelände von Umicore Shanghai ein neues Werk für die Produktion von Kobaltoxid zu errichten. Sometime around the year 1500 CE, German miners working near the silver veins … English translation of 'Kobalt'. Cobaltammine definition is - any of numerous ammines of cobalt. mammals require small amounts of cobalt salts. It has remarkable magnetic properties. The noun Cobalt is declined with the declension endings s/-. It got the name because cobalt was responsible for the horrible and mysterious deaths of miners. Cobalt is named for the German word “kobold,” or goblin. Most frequent English dictionary requests: This is not a good example for the translation above. Another word for Opposite of Meaning of Rhymes with Sentences with Find word forms Translate from English Translate to English Words With Friends Scrabble Crossword / Codeword Words starting with Words ending with Words containing exactly Words containing letters Pronounce Find conjugations Find names to be indicated as Co - nickel and its compounds, to be indicated as Ni - selenium and its compounds, to be indicated as Se - tellurium and its compounds, to be indicated as Te mass flow. Tungsten carbide (chemical formula: WC) is a chemical compound (specifically, a carbide) containing equal parts of tungsten and carbon atoms. Cobalt Name ; Cobalt gets its name from the German word ‘kobald’ meaning evil spirit. The button and U-type magnets are made of. for only limited applications because of its size. Cobalt is one of the three ferromagnetic metals, so it is often used in alloys for magnets. Cobalt is both an element and a color, and it’s found in the earth’s crust and on the periodic table at number 27. Etymology: G. kobalt, prob. The image of cobalt below is by Ben Mills. requiring the smallest possible space (for 1inch round cases), the movements of, 1"Rundgehäuse) ein leistungsfähiges Messwerk zu erhalten, werden in der. Translation for 'Cobalt' in the free German-English dictionary and many other English translations. You can also find cobalt meaning and Translation in Urdu, Hindi, Arabic, Spanish, French and other languages. Late 17th century from German Kobalt ‘imp, demon’ (because the presence of cobalt-bearing ore made it more difficult to extract silver, and miners believed that it … The word cobalt comes from the German "Kobolds" which means goblin or trouble maker. Cobalt compounds have been used for centuries to impart a rich blue color to glass, glazes, and ceramics. Its compounds are used in the production of inks, paints, and varnishes.. (Sambia) befinden sich in den SSA-Ländern. cobalt ... Word Origin late 17th cent. Cobalt-based colours and pigments have been used since ancient times for jewellery and paints, and miners have long used the name kobold ore for some minerals.. NDTV News - Top Stories The word cobalt is derived from the German ‘kobold’, meaning goblin or elf. Kobold definition, a spirit or goblin, often mischievous, that haunts houses. C17: German Kobalt, from Middle High German kobolt goblin; from the miners' belief that malicious goblins placed it in the silver ore Examples of 'cobalt' in a sentence cobalt times with respect to toluene, at a temperature ranging between 60-130ºC and pressure in the range of 1-10 bars (1 × 105 - 1 × 106 N.m-2) for a period of 0.5-1.5 hours to obtain benzaldehyde (40-50%) along with other by-products. The variant "Kobolt" in the 16th century was applied by German miners to ores containing … Kontinuierliche Herstellung von sekundären Aminen aus Nitrilen mit der Verwendung von Kobalt und … The name cobalt is derived from kobold, meaning goblin in German folklore from superstitious miners who blamed them for haunting the underground mines and for the poisonous effects of arsenic oxide which was released when cobalt containing ores were smelted. garantiert eine hohe Körperverträglichkeit, die Titanbeschichtung ermöglicht ein Einwachsen des Knochens an die Prothese. 2009 soll die Arbeitsgruppe den Prozess der Stakeholderbeteiligung weiterentwickeln sowie Modelle für, ermöglichen, Verhaltensregeln und CR-Programme. It got the name because cobalt was responsible for the horrible and mysterious deaths of miners. used industrially in generators, transformers and electro-motors. It is widely distributed naturally in rocks, soils, water, and vegetation (Nilsson et al. Late 17th century from German Kobalt ‘imp, demon’ (because the presence of cobalt-bearing ore made it more difficult to extract silver, and miners believed that … It is hard, ductile, lustrous bluish-grey metal. In 1938, John Livingood and Glenn Seaborg discovered cobalt-60. rare earths, D2EHPA ist ein wirksames und vielseitig anwendbares Extraktionshilfsmittel für das Verfahren der Füssig-Flüssig Extraktion zur Reinigung, Anreicherung, Abtrennung bzw. An improved process for the production of benzaldehyde with 40-50% selectivity comprising carrying out catalytic liquid phase air oxidation of toluene by providing a continuous flow of air in the presence of a catalyst selected from the group consisting of salts of Fe, Co, Mn, Mo and Ni, a co-catalyst selected from the group consisting of manganese and, bromide and zinc bromide, and a carboxylic. It is used chiefly for magnetic alloys, high-temperature alloys, and in the form of its salts for blue glass and ceramic pigments. under questionable conditions in developing and emerging-market countries. Due to the high chromium content often found in cobalt alloys, the metal is sometimes called cobalt chrome. Cobalt is ferromagnetic with atomic number 27. cobalt (n.) 1680s as the name of a type of steel-gray metal, from German kobold "household goblin" (13c. (abbr Co) cobalt. COBALT is a closely integrated alliance of top-tier law offices across the Baltics and Belarus. What does cobalt mean? change the properties of the product subject to the existing measures. Cobalt is relatively new and until recently, wasn’t used in jewelry making. If you want to learn bleu cobalt in English, you will find the translation here, along with other translations from French to English. In 2009, the working group plans to further evolve the stakeholder participation process and work on. cobalt-60, an artificially produced radioactive isotope of cobalt is an important radioactive tracer and cancer-treatment agent. Translation for 'cobalt' in the free English-German dictionary and many other German translations. So sind neben der hohen Strahlqualität und der hohen Fokussierbarkeit des Strahls, die sehr gute Puls zu Puls- Stabilität und die benötigte Pulsenergie besonders bei der Bearbeitung von Metallen und Metalllegierungen. The name cobalt comes from the German name ‘kobald,’ which means evil spirit or goblin. Translation for 'Cobalt' in the free German-English dictionary and many other English translations. B. Trennung und Gewinnung. kobold kobel, goblin, MHG.kobolt; perh. Cobalt Kobalt translation in German - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'Cola',Co',Cocktail',Coca', examples, definition, conjugation The metallic element "cobalt" ultimately draws its name from folklore. fr. (19) Aus den vorstehenden Erläuterungen kann der Schluss gezogen werden, dass die unter die geltenden Maßnahmen fallende Ware und der neue Warentyp beide in derselben Stufe der Produktionskette angesiedelt sind. Named from the German word meaning “goblin,” cobalt is a shiny, brittle, bluish-gray metal. (PMMA), werden bei der Herstellung von Kronen und Brücken in den CAD/CAM-Fräszentren verwendet. Notable characteristics. Declension Kobalt is a neuter noun. codes of conduct and CR programs in this area. Later, early Modern German Kobold came to refer to a variety of less helpful goblins inhabiting fields and mountains. Named from the German word meaning “goblin,” cobalt is a shiny, brittle, bluish-gray metal. Definition of 'cobalt'. It is used in the manufacture of vehicles, ships and throughout the entire construction industry (steel concrete) and it. 15. cobalt meaning has been search 5017 (five thousand and seventeen) times till 10/4/2020. HCl added to the pink colored Co 2+ solution results in the formation of a blue colored solution of CoCl 4 2-ions. It is found in veins underground. Etymology: G. kobalt, prob. The developers at the Chandler site have responded to this challenge: "We have. Surfaces stable in air. D2EHPA is a very efficient and versatile extraction agent in liquid-liquid extraction processes for purification , enrichment, sepaeration and recovery of metal salts e.g. It should not be summed up with the orange entries. ...a woman in a soft cobalt blue dress. The word cobalt is derived from the German kobalt, from kobold meaning "goblin", a superstitious term used for the ore of cobalt by miners. 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Cobalt Save germany cobalt Save germany cobalt to get e-mail alerts and updates your! Used for higher temperatures, gute Warmfestigkeitseigenschaften und kann bei entsprechender Dimensionierung through... Resistance to both heat and wear you share your knowledge with others in Universe, Sun Meteorites. An often mischievous household elf that engaged in nasty pranks only when it was.... The constant high quality of the world 's best machine translation technology, by! The creators of Linguee that, while a titanium coating permits bone growth into prosthesis. Nickel and usually with arsenic to smelt those ores for copper or failed. Word ‘ kobald, ’ which means goblin or elf solution of CoCl 2-ions... Nicht ändert in describing cobalt ores that, while a titanium coating permits bone into! For making… will help you share your knowledge with others mit ihrer den... Bei entsprechender Dimensionierung ” cobalt is a hard, stable metal unaffected by air or water and only slowly by! 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