Its foliage gives off a citrusy fragrance when crushed that some find intoxicating. The white fragrant flowers of the Frostproof Gardenia are two inches wide of delicious scent. While the corsage types are among the showiest, oncidiums are among the easiest and make the best houseplants. Jay Wilde / The Wilde Project, Credit: The tree may go dormant and lose its leaves but will begin to grow again once days get warmer. Another member of that great-smelling mint family, ground ivy used to be an herb held in high regard. The leaves are a medium texture with a vibrant green narrow leaf. We'll show you the top 10 most popular house styles, including Cape Cod, country French, Colonial, Victorian, Tudor, Craftsman, cottage, Mediterranean, ranch, and contemporary. The gardenia is an extremely popular choice when growing aromatic houseplants. They're essential to holidays and casual gatherings. Water and feed regularly with general-purpose plant food. Another shrub with nice-smelling foliage is bluebeard (Caryopteris x clandonensis Longwood Blue). (shrub) Sprays of small white fragrant flowers; glossy ovate leaves spaced on a big boned gal of a specimen plant. Gardenia prefers a humid, very bright environment. Pelargonium crispum minor (finger bowl geranium) has very tiny leaves and a scent that is fragrant and lemony, rather like citronella. Water and fertilize this begonia regularly in spring and summer to ensure a steady show of flowers. Water and fertilize this orchid regularly during the spring and summer; keep it drier and cooler in autumn and winter. A hardy mint plant, this fragrant plant can be put in partial or full sunlight and tends to hug the soil it’s planted in. Even its pink and purple blooms are edible. How Do I Plant Fragrant Indoor Plants? this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. Be warned, though: It's not the best plant for beginners and all parts are extremely poisonous. The glossy green leaves on the plant contrast well with the white, yellow, or pink flower heads. What it needs: Grow Arabian jasmine in a bright spot protected from drafts and provide abundant humidity. You may know the term "sagebrush" from the old Westerns. What it needs: Gardenia prefers a humid, very bright environment. Kritsada Panichgul, Credit: What it needs: Grow orange jessamine in a medium to bright area that has high humidity and is protected from drafts. See more ideas about Fragrant flowers, Sweet smelling flowers, Flowers. You can cook with the fleshy, fuzzy green leaves or just brush them to release their scent. And many have soft, fuzzy foliage that's as fun to touch as it is to smell. Sharry Baby 'Sweet Fragrance', for example, has a distinct chocolate scent; Twinkle 'Fragrance Fantasy', on the other hand, smells more herbal. This is one of the best indoor plants for forgetful gardeners because it likes to be on the dry side and doesn't mind if you sometimes miss a watering or two. Cleaning your home doesn't have to be a daunting, time-consuming chore. Homemade cookies are always a welcome treat. One of the best parts of summer is the aroma: the scent of freshly cut grass, rose petals warmed by the sun, and night-blooming Madagascar jasmine that fills the air.But summer isn’t the only time you can enjoy the scents of nature. Keep the potting mix evenly moist in spring and summer; let it go a bit drier in winter. It's another member of the mint family. While catnip attracts cats, bee balm ( Monarda didyma) attracts hummingbirds. The very pretty, bottlebrush-like flowers are produced for up to 6 weeks during mid to late summer and are very attractive to butterflies and hummingbirds. (Interestingly, neither plant is native to the locations from where they get their common names.) But others find it too pungent. If you happen to see some tansy growing along the roadside, admire its pretty clusters of button-shaped, golden-yellow flowers. Arabian jasmine flowers almost all year long if it gets enough light. A tropical tree famous for its beautiful flowers and stunning fragrance, plumeria flowers are often used to make Hawaiian leis. Test Garden Tip: Passionflowers are fast growers and will need support, such as a trellis to climb on. Plant in moist, well-draining soil; gardenias thrive in zones 6-11. If they become lanky, pinch them back to encourage bushy growth. As your mower blade slices into the ground ivy, its aromatic leaves release a pleasing fragrance into the air, blending with that more familiar freshly mown-lawn smell. Geraniums are one of the best-looking plants because of their flower spikes! What it needs: Cuban oregano does best in a medium to bright spot with protection from drafts. It belongs to the mint family but has a scent closer to oregano than peppermint. Marty Baldwin, Credit: A common patio tree, you can also move it inside for the winter to try to coax more blooms from it. But that's not all: Pick carefully and they also provide fragrant flowers—from rich and flowery to warm and spicy. But that shrub is more closely related to wormwood (Artemisia) than to the "sage" referred to here. Gardenias have an intense, sweet aroma with dark green, glossy leaves and stunning white flowers. Clusters of lightly fragrant white flowers rest on the leaves in the summer. This is a best selection due to its fragrant flowers and the beautiful glossy foliage. You can also use the leaves of these fragrant houseplants in soups, stews, and other delicious winter treats. Not everyone would include lantana (Lantana camara) on this list of plants with aromatic leaves. Grab a glass of milk because we're about to dunk peanut butter cookies, oatmeal-raisin cookies, snickerdoodle cookies, and many more of our all-time favorite cookie recipes. Its glossy green leaves put the spotlight on the single or double white flowers that emit a heavy, flowery scent. Crown Jewel Gardenia. Some aromatic plants are great for our house but they are also tremendously delicate, requiring a significant amount of water, care and a lot of daily light but without direct sunlight. For some of these plants, fall is their peak season; for others this is simply the continuation of spring and summer interest. Like creeping thyme, sweet woodruff (Gallium odoratum) functions as a ground cover in landscape design. Start exploring the world of scented geraniums and you'll be amazed at the range of aromas these fragrant plants offer: Choose from rose, lemon, lime, nutmeg, ginger, or chocolate scents, just to name a few. Not all types of thyme are created equal when it comes to smell, so take a sniff at the garden center before buying. Happily, the leaves are fragrant if you rub them, so you can enjoy its scent even as a foliage plant. But when it does, it offers up some of the best smelling flowers around. Because they grow so fast, don't fertilize them much. Staying atop of your wellbeing is a must, especially during uncertain, stressful times. Read on to discover some of our favorite fragrant indoor plants. Renowned for being one of the most fragrant flowers around, gardenia (Gardenia augusta) is a lovely, but tricky houseplant. With so many types of house styles, narrowing the list down to your favorite can be overwhelming. Aromatic leaves need not take a backseat to "flower power." The aromatic foliage intensifies in fragrance when dried, making sweet woodruff herbs a natural for potpourris. At the very least, you'll have to admit that lantana's foliage gives off one of the stronger, cleaner plant scents you'll ever smell. Credit: Water regularly and feed it in spring and summer with a general-purpose houseplant fertilizer. © Copyright 2020 Meredith Corporation. Rely on houseplants for a stunning array of leaf colors and textures to brighten spirits even on the shortest, dreariest winter days. Along with yarrow, it has one of the showier flowers of the plants in the herb category. An angel's trumpet in full bloom is nothing short of spectacular. Easy-growing vines, many feature waxy, sweetly scented pink or white flowers. "Sweet Bay" or "Greek Laurel" Stiff decorative fragrant leaves on erect woody maroon stems make this the ideal "Formally Shaped" shrub candidate. In fact, too much plant food can encourage lots of leafy growth and few blooms. May 9, 2019 - Sweet smelling flowers and aromatic leaves. Easy-to-grow, branching succulent displays dramatic, fleshy, propeller-like leaves that mature from light green to bright red. Yarrow's aromatic foliage bears a fern-like appearance. A favorite flower for wedding bouquets, stephanotis shows off starry white flowers with a waxlike texture. Some species of daphne have green flowers that … microphylla ‘Superba’ AGM rose-pink flowers; height and spread to 6m (20ft) Autumn flowering Choisya ternata AGM * white flowers; height and spread 2.5m (8ft) Clerodendrum bungei AGM … For example, sage is commonly used to flavor stuffing. Some of the more scented roses are also the most beautiful. Depending on what's growing in your garden, there's a lot you can do to get your ornamental plants ready for the colder months. Don't forget to consider non-herb examples ranging from giants to ground-huggers. David Beaulieu is a garden writer with nearly 20 years experience writing about landscaping and over 10 years experience working in nurseries. Otherwise, they could end up wilting. Its glossy green leaves put the spotlight on the single or double white flowers that emit a heavy, flowery scent. Get tips for arranging living room furniture in a way that creates a comfortable and welcoming environment and makes the most of your space. Give it a spot near a sunny window for best growth. Gardenia jasminoides in particular gives off a powerful fragrance, massed cream flowers from spring to autumn and glossy green leaves that are perfect for your garden, a hedge or a pot. See which names were most popular this year! Care Tips. There are many reasons to grow plants indoors—they clean the air, soften and infuse our decor with nature, and reduce the amount of stress we feel. For example 'Lady of Shalott', from David Austin, has exquisite colouring and a complex fragrance of apples and cloves to match. Fertilize with a general-purpose houseplant food in spring and summer. What it needs: Sweet bay isn't fussy, but it does best in a medium to bright spot. All the times and temperatures you need to know to roast turkey, chicken, beef, and pork for your feast. By contrast, A. ludoviciana Silver King is a taller, wispier plant; its branches are harvested and dried in fall for use in wreaths. The fragrant leaves of spearmint release their minty scent even when they’re warmed by the sun. Use the parts you pinched off as cuttings. Forms spreading mats, useful in rock gardens and containers. It offers blue-gray foliage with a distinct aroma when you rub it. They're worth knowing about, even though you wouldn't want to plant them. Begonias are old-fashioned favorites. We reach for them after school and after dinner. this website. But like begonias, there are some selections that are wonderfully fragrant plants. Bergamot originated as a wildflower on prairies. All Rights Reserved. What it needs: You'll find begonia isn't too temperamental, but performs best in a medium to bright spot that has high humidity and protection from drafts. If you’re a beginner baker who’s just starting out (or a master chef looking to declutter), start with this list of baking tool must-haves. Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) isn't a desirable plant to grow in the landscape, especially in North America, where it's an invasive weed. Credit: Marty Baldwin. An attractive slow-growing shrub that may become a small tree, sweet bay shows off shiny green leaves with a savory, herbal scent. Tansy is also a poisonous plant, both to people and to livestock. Keep it moderately moist in spring and summer and reduce watering in fall and winter. One thing you can say for ground ivy, though, is that mowing a lawn "invaded" by this weed will be a pleasure for your nose. The sage referred to here, Tricolor sage (Salvia officinalis Tricolor), has the advantage of being highly ornamental to boot, as its leaves boast three colors. Here's how to tell the differences between each architectural style. Hoyas are old-fashioned plants coming back into style. One of the most widely-grown silver foliage plants, both in sunny borders and in containers, is Artemisia ‘Powis Castle’. Showy corsage orchids are so lovely to look at that it may not occur to give them a sniff. Test Garden Tip: You may allow bay go dormant in winter if you have a cool room (between 45°F-60°F) to keep it in. The lemongrass plant, Cymbopogon citratus, is a fast-growing evergreen that is a fragrant perennial. One of the little things in life that can entice my senses and unexpectedly uplift me to my happy place is the fragrance of certain plants. Eucalyptus is easy to grow indoors. Developing into a dense and bushy shrub, it makes a delightful specimen in smaller plantings, a good 'mixer' in more expansive situations and an excellent companion in large containers. These best-smelling flowers appear in a wide range of shades, including reds and pinks, yellows and oranges, whites, and mixtures. Yet another scented plant with "sage" in its common name is Russian sage (Perovskia atriplicifolia), a subshrub similar to (but taller than) lavender. What it needs: Pick a medium to bright spot that offers high humidity and protection from drafts. Rosa a large genus; many having fragrant flowers. If you're patient, you may even get to enjoy homegrown fruits. Orange jessamine makes for a beautiful foliage plant when it's not flowering. Water regularly, and fertilize in spring and summer with a general-purpose houseplant food. Your kitty deserves a name as special as she is. Daphne is a small deciduous or evergreen shrub that produces sweet fragrant flowers in late winter and early spring. You're sure to fall in love with the sweet scent of orange, lemon, grapefruit, or other citrus blossoms. What it needs: Grow passionflower in a bright spot protected from drafts. This beauty offers clusters of pink fragrant flowers over lustrous green leaves. Here are our favourite scented flowers – guaranteed to create a fragrant garden. 8 Plants for a Deliciously Fragrant Fall Garden Scent the autumn air with the perfume of caramel corn, ... as the intoxicating scents of flowers and leaves waft remarkable distances across the autumn air. TOP 5 FRAGRANT PLANTS. Like the other plants just listed, yarrow, although often thought of as just another perennial flower, is considered an herb. Along with yarrow, it has one of the showier flowers of the plants in the … Most varieties of Eucalyptus have fragrant leaves that are a beautiful color – blue, green, and silver variations make this plant brighten up any room. Crown jewel gardenias are most fragrant … Test Garden Tip: The fragrance varies as much as color and size. Learn tips for creating your most beautiful (and bountiful) garden ever. What it needs: Give plumeria a warm, very bright spot and protection from drafts. Each bloom emits a delightful floral fragrance. Plants can sweeten the air in your home two ways. Hosting Thanksgiving dinner for the first time or need a quick refresher? Water and fertilize it regularly in spring and summer; stop feeding it and reduce watering in autumn and winter. 1. This weed does, however, enjoy a rich history of medicinal and culinary usage. While catnip attracts cats, bee balm (Monarda didyma) attracts hummingbirds. Some of the most fragrant lavender varieties aren't winter hardy, and therefore make excellent houseplant candidates: grow French lavender as a houseplant, which flowers continuously in bright light and makes dreamy sachets for your dresser. The fragrant leaves of bergamot give Earl Grey tea its unique flavor. Achilles is thought to have used yarrow as an herb to staunch wounds, and botanists gave his name to the plant when it was time to assign it a scientific name. Not all fragrant plants get their heady aromas from their flowers. As you would expect with a shrub bearing that kind of name, it's the berries of bayberry that usually come to mind when people think of this plant. Jay Wilde/The Wilde Project, Credit: Start exploring the world of scented geraniums and you'll be amazed at the range of aromas these fragrant plants offer: Choose from rose, lemon, lime, nutmeg, ginger, or chocolate scents, just to name a few. Test Garden Tip: A lot of common pests love angel's trumpet; be on the watch for aphids, mealybugs, spider mites, and whiteflies. It likes high humidity. They come in many fragrance categories like rose, citrus, mint, apple, lemon, orange, and coconut! Test Garden Tip: Stephanotis grows more slowly than many other vines when grown indoors. Plants with fragrant leaves. It is quite aromatic beautiful. Scents are taken from plants mainly as essential oils, which are then used to … Water and fertilize it regularly in spring and summer; hold off on the fertilizer and let the potting mix barely dry between waterings in fall and winter. Although creeping thyme is most popular in landscaping because it can be used as a ground cover, there are also thyme plants with upright forms. Fertilize with a general-purpose houseplant food in spring and summer. Its whorled leaves and star-shaped flowers bring cheer to shady areas of the yard. Test Garden Tip: If you grow citrus from seed, your plants may take many years to flower and they'll likely have long, sharp spines. Test Garden Tip: As gorgeous as it is, plumeria can be a bit tricky and isn't recommended for beginners. They also present a lovely range of leaf shapes, from lacy to shield. Like other members of the mint family, catnip (Nepeta cataria) is an aromatic herb. Catnip is famed for the effect that it produces on some of our feline friends. Place the cutting into some water and in a warm sunny area. Either by producing fragrant blooms or having fragrant leaves. If you have aloe plants around too you should cut a few inches of a leaf, open it and scrap the inside of the aloe leaves into the water and that will help with root production. Its fragrance drives them wild, affording their human companions good cheap entertainment. Reduce water and fertilizer a bit during the cool, dark fall and winter months. Better Homes & Gardens may receive compensation when you click through and purchase from links contained on Keep the soil evenly moist (but not wet) throughout the year. Get more growth and blooms by moving it to a partly shaded spot outdoors for the summer. Aromatic leaves are used to flavor food & to yield an essential oil of perfumery and medicine. The most fragrant ones are hybrid varieties and their leaves and flowers both have really nice scent that can make gardens aromatic. But you don’t need to have a special event coming up to grow these fragrant houseplants. Test Garden Tip: Don't be afraid to prune eucalyptus back to keep it full and bushy. We’ll help you set up a baking kit for beginners with 21 essential tools. Whether it's a tried-and-true 1940s BH&G cookie recipe or a unique twist on sugar cookies, our Test Kitchen's compiled a lot of favorite cookie recipes over the years. You get a lot of bang for your buck with this shrub thanks to fragrant flowers that bloom in late spring to early summer and then again in late summer and early fall. All lavender plants prefer sandy soil and moderate irrigation. Grow the following plants known for their great-smelling foliage right alongside the perfumy flowers in your fragrance garden to deliver maximum pleasure to your nose: Not surprisingly, many herbs fall into the category of vegetation with aromatic leaves. Your best bet for citrus as a houseplant is to purchase a named, grafted variety. Move the pot outdoors in the summer to ensure it gets plenty of light. Otherwise you may end up with a plant that looks too tall and sparse. Test Garden Tip: Cuttings from this plant root easily in potting mix, so it's easy to propagate and share these fragrant plants with friends. ROSES. BH&G is part of the Meredith Home Group. The hemlock on the list is not poison hemlock (as in the hemlock that killed Socrates), but rather the evergreen native to North America (Tsuga canadensis). Not all are fragrant, so shop and sniff or read the plant tags and descriptions to ensure you get a scented selection. What it needs: Find a medium to bright spot that offers high humidity and protection from drafts for your corsage orchid. Its medicinal qualities are the source of its botanical name, Achillea. These indoor plants don't just purify the air in your home—they sweeten it, too, with fragrant blossoms and leaves Nicole Clausing – December 10, 2018 | Updated December 28, 2018 Creative Commons photo by kolovrat1 is licensed under CC BY 2.0 Like yarrow, tansy has feathery, aromatic leaves. Test Garden Tip: High humidity and warm, sunny conditions enhance the flowers' fragrance. Test Garden Tip: Arabian jasmine is a shrubby vine; you can let the stems grow long and train them on a trellis or grow in an arching mound. Name: Oncidium Sharry Baby 'Sweet Fragrance'. Water it regularly throughout the year. What it needs: Choose a bright spot protected from drafts and provide abundant humidity for your citrus. Test Garden Tip: Make sure your scented geraniums get plenty of light; otherwise they'll grow long and leggy. Pelargonium quercifolium has an unusual scent — a mixture of pine and lime. So far, all of the examples of plants with aromatic leaves have been herbs and have been of a similar height. A cutting 12" long, you'd remove the bottom 6 inches of foliage. These are the best indoor plants if you want fragrant flowers. What it needs: Eucalyptus thrives in bright spot protected from hot and cold drafts. Sharry Baby Orchid (Jamie Sutton x Honolulu) – Beautiful Fragrant Houseplant; Madagascar Jasmine (Stephanotis floribunda) Plumeria (Plumeria x) Gardenia (Gardenia augusta) – Spectacular Indoor Plants that Smell Good; Indoor Jasmine (Jasminum polyanthum) It's another member of the mint family. They offer a range of bloom colors and sizes, as well as bloom times. This winter front door display is layered with holiday cheer. For those who already own these tools, this list may finally provide the motivation you need to toss that never-been-used soufflé dish. Pelargonium citriodorum Prince of Orange grows to be a fairly large plant with white flowers. Test Garden Tip: Keep your gardenia happy by periodically using a fertilizer formulated for acid-loving plants such as azaleas. The starry, pure-white fragrant flowers produce a soft, flowery scent and are used to make jasmine tea. There are a number of fragrant indoor plants that can be grown by the frustrated gardener. If you've had one for a couple of years and never seen a flower, give it more light. Syringa pubescens subsp. Water and fertilize the plant regularly in spring and summer; stop feeding it and reduce watering in autumn and winter. The 10 Most Popular House Styles Explained, A Whole-House Cleaning Schedule You'll Actually Stick To, Call Your Stylist: These Hair Colors Will Be Everywhere This Spring, 7 Small But Impactful Ways to Fit Self-Care Into Your Day Right Now, Luna, Bella & Lily Top This Year's List of Most Popular Cat Names, Pick carefully and they also provide fragrant flowers, propagate and share these fragrant plants, old-fashioned plants coming back into style. The key to managing household duties quickly and efficiently is to design an easy-to-follow routine that includes all the most important tasks. Water every few weeks—just enough to keep the potting mix from drying out. For example, A. schmidtiana Silver Mound is short, tidy, and compact, making it useful as an edging plant. With just two weeks until turkey day, the latest information could affect your plans. Tip: In order to fully release a Corsican mint plant’s aroma, brush the leaves lightly and let the smell build up in the air. Some of the best scented flowers are Passiflora x belotii, 'Inspiration', and 'Elizabeth' (shown here). 15. ), California Wood Strawberry (Fragaria californica), Jeffrey Pine (Pinus jeffreyi), Cleveland Sage (Salvia clevelandii), California Rose … And the present list is dominated by herbs, including thyme (Thymus). Follow these step-by-step instructions for creating a customized whole-home cleaning schedule. Even weeds and weedy perennials can smell good. There are hundreds of types of fragrant orchids. See how you can personalize your home's entrance with holiday front door decorations, including evergreen wreaths, garlands, pinecones, and pops of plaid. Dean Schoeppner, Credit: Introducing "One Thing": A New Video Series, The Spruce Gardening & Plant Care Review Board, The Spruce Renovations and Repair Review Board. Shady areas of the most rewarding fragrant shrubs to grow in your Garden, Pictures of with. Leaf shapes, from lacy to shield: it 's considered an invasive weed. 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