The other mostly indicates the lift. how to clear Vault 22 with ease, how to rescue Keely. Sign Up for free (or Log In if you already have an account) to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. Rate this hints and tips: 15 5 A guide through vault 22 or the mission there stands the grass. I've gotten to the part where you download the data from the computer onto your pip-boy and now i am trying to get to Keely. what happens if i do? This results in a loss of Karma, but saving Keely grants the same amount lost, plus 50 more. Help with finding the vents keely wants you to explode and surviving the explosion r/fnv: Fallout New Vegas community and everything related. Return to Dr. Hildern at Camp McCarran with the research data. This information could be useful in preventing inevitable famine in the coming decade. New Legendary Pokemon Glastrier &.. Fall Guys Ruined by Hackers Square Enix announces NEO: The Wo.. PS5 version of Warframe releasing.. Mortal Kombat movie skins coming .. Games. There Stands the Grass... » Wed Oct 13, 2010 8:16 am . re: There Stands the Grass Question [Quest Spoilers] The Data is found in the room where the gas was. The spores don't seem to be contagious at all, even though in There Stands the Grass Keely tasks the player with destroying the spores in the air by igniting gas in the air that both the player and Keely have been breathing. Help! what happens if i don't? when I go in, I start it all over but I get bugged out after conversation not allowing me to move. Beauveria Mordicana was originally an entomopathogenic fungus designed for pest control. There Stands the Grass Question [Quest Spoilers] - Dec 4, 10 All Fallout Forums Neoseeker Forums » PS3 Games » Fallout: New Vegas » there stands the grass bug In 'there stands the grass' , I have been right through Vault 22 but can't find Keely! I just picked up the optional part of There Stands the Grass quest to find Keely from Dr. Williams. Related quest Edit. The other mostly indicates the lift. A guide through vault 22 or the mission there stands the grass hints and tips for Fallout: New Vegas. Fallout : New Vegas character. If you want help with Dr. Hildern's quest, we have all the help you need here. Speak to Dr. Thomas Hildern at in the Camp McCarran … Talk:There Stands the Grass - The Vault Fallout Wiki - Everything you need to know about Fallout 76, Fallout 4, New Vegas and more! I have searched for a key or a terminal but nothing has shown up. I'm in Vault 22, have gone all the way through, downloaded the data, etc. More detail here: Recovering_missing_NPC_in_Fallout_3 On PS3, Re: There Stands the Grass & I Could Make You Care. I encountered a bug that messed up my save files in random locations, not a huge problem in most cases but can suck. On Level 5, there is a Hard locked door that leads to the cavern where Keely is stranded. Added: Dec 23rd 2010. Meet Keely at her base of operations on the second level. 1 0. The other mostly indicates the lift. It is not the place for general discussion or sharing stories about the topic of this article. This is one of the two vaults in the Mojave Wasteland without an entry tunnel, the other being Vault 3. I don't put any points into lockpick and I have heard that you can get to her without picking the hard lock. Board index ‹ Fallout ‹ Fallout: New Vegas Change font size Print view FAQ 4 posts • Page 1 of 1 Veronics quest/There stands the grass » Sun Mar 06, 2011 7:43 am Do you fail Veronicas quest if … what happens if i don't? > Xbox 360 Retail Games > RPG > Fallout: New Vegas > There Stands the Grass Vault 22 help needed PDA View Full Version : There Stands the Grass … Relevance. In 'there stands the grass' , I have been right through Vault 22 but can't find Keely! Return to Keely and let her know that the spores have been purged and tell her about the downloaded data (or don't). So i have everything finished in the There stands the Grass, but i wanna know, should i give Keely the files i downloaded for her to destroy? If the data was already downloaded before receiving this quest, when speaking to Dr. Hildern, the data can be given to him immediately. Taking shelter in the computer room you downloaded the data is the key to surviving. Toss out a grenade and use the panel inside next to the door to shut it. There Stands the Grass: Angela is looking for someone to find Keely and get her back safely if she's still alive.Once Keely is safe, Angela can be spoken to for a reward before Thomas Hildern is spoken to. Note that completing the quest will render dialogue options to access ED-E's logs or give feedback to Arcade on Hildern unreachable. "There Stands the Grass" quest. Fallout: New Vegas; Vault 22 - Keely. Fallout: New Vegas Game Guide Table of Contents M16 - Vault 22 | Maps Fallout: New Vegas Guide 0 Post Comment 0 0 Next Maps M17 - Red Rock Canyon Prev Maps M15 - Vault 11 M16 - Vault 22 1. Go to Level 2 - oxygen recycling and help Keely with her tasks. Fallout New Vegas close Games videogame_asset My games When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. The marker arrows don't help as I've got the data, so one of them indicates the exit. Close. For Fallout: New Vegas on the Xbox 360, GameFAQs presents a message board for game discussion and help - Page 2107. The marker arrows don't help as I've got the data, so one of them indicates the exit. I have been through every floor and into every nook in Vault 22, and she simply isn't in there. Fallout New Vegas close Games videogame_asset My games When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. There Stands the Grass involves Vault 22, which is featured in 3 other quests besides There Stands. re: There Stands the Grass Question [Quest Spoilers] The Data is found in the room where the gas was. -Enter Vault 22 and download the research data found there. Over the centuries of her life, she amassed a great deal of knowledge in many fields. The New California Republic's Office of Science and Industry is convinced that important agricultural data is inside Vault 22. User Info: waradler. Can anyone tell me how to do this. I started a quest called There Stands the Grass a long time ago but now that I intend to complete it, it was wiped from my quest log. Lie to her about downloading the data. Anyone else have glitches with Bleed Me Dry/ Vault 22? - Page 2. 2 Comments | Bookmark . Used in the quest, There Stands the Grass, to unlock the vault door without Keely's help. This Site Might Help You. The map I went into Vault 22 to do the Side Mission, There Stands the Grass (or something like that), and I can't get outta the vault, the entrance is locked and I need a key. There Stands the Grass when I go in, I start it all over but I get bugged out after conversation not allowing me to move. Quests [edit | edit source]. Archived. Gameboy GameCube SNES … Tell Dr. Williams that Keely is safe for an extra reward of 800 caps. - Page 2. This Fallout New Vegas walkthrough covers the quest There Stands the Grass. The password displays no characters in the Pip-Boy. Killing her results in NCR infamy and allows one to loot the code to unlock the vault exit off her corpse. Fallout: New Vegas; Keely is nowhere to be found; User Info: Axloritis. Never had this happen before and I'm getting super upset because I love to finish all the optional objectives. PlayStation 5 PlayStation 4 PlayStation 3 PlayStation 2 PlayStation PS Vita PSP; Xbox Series X Xbox One Xbox 360 Xbox; Switch Wii Wii U 3 DS Nintendo DS Nintendo 64; Gameboy Adv. I had cleaned out Vault 22 before I got the mission. thanks, and spoilers are fine! It's one muther of a confusing place though, so maybe I've missed a room. Bethesda Game Studios, the award-winning creators of Fallout 3 and Skyrim, welcome you to the world of Fallout 4. The marker arrows don't help as I've got the data, so one of them indicates the exit. Some of their most successful experiments were, in fact, donated by defense contractors, such as the fungus that would eventually become the Vault's undoing. There are grenades next to Keely in a duffle bag. (M16B) Vault 22 2. A guide through vault 22 or the mission there stands the grass hints and tips for Fallout: New Vegas Without a Lockpick of 75, the same cavern can be entered in the next room over, where the entrance is hidden behind a computer wall panel that is slightly ajar from the wall. I need a console command either to: 1. She is essentially a mercenary scientist, but not without a conscience. It's one muther of a confusing place though, so maybe I've missed a room. Another barter challenge (60 Barter to pass) can be used to instead receive 400 caps. So i have everything finished in the There stands the Grass, but i wanna know, should i give Keely the files i downloaded for her to destroy? and how much money/Xp do i earn I have the quests There Stands the Grass and I Could Make You Care. Telling her about the download and refusing to destroy the data results in Keely becoming hostile. After speaking to him, he will tell you that Vault 22 has data on its computers that will help him prevent a food shortage. Quests. For Fallout: New Vegas on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "there stands the grass where is keely???". For Fallout: New Vegas on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "there stands the grass where is keely???" Ok so maybe I am an idiot and all, but I found Keely in Vault 22, but I still haven't been able to find where I download the info to my pip boy. and how much money/Xp do i earn if i do or don't? There Stands the Grass and I Could Make You Care » Tue May 17, 2011 10:02 am . If you have a mine you can arm it near the vent and then shoot it from a distance. I checked that. Location Edit. It's one muther of a confusing place though, so maybe I've missed a room. I can't blow up the gas from the vents without dying. There Stands the Grass Fallout New Vegas Quest? Fallout: New Vegas: Completing "There Stands the Grass"? Top / クエスト / サブ / There Stands the Grass 概要 † Vault22を調査しろ ↑ 発生条件 † 技術部門責任者Dr. Keely is a Californian ghoul who serves as a researcher for the New California Republic OSI, and ended up trapped in Vault 22 in Fallout: New Vegas. 1 Synopsis 2 Walkthrough 3 Quest stages 4 Notes 5 Bugs The New California Republic's Office of Science and Industry is convinced that important agricultural data is inside Vault 22. Ok so maybe I am an idiot and all, but I found Keely in Vault 22, but I still haven't been able to find where I download the info to my pip boy. ヒルダーンにボーナスについて尋ねると、Speech 50 の選択肢が発生。さらに600キャップの報酬追加となる。, 向かおうとすると、隣の部屋にいるアンジェラ・ウィリアムスが話しかけてくる。キーリーについて依頼される。, さらにヒルダーンのところに戻って Vault に送り込んだことについて尋ねると、Speech 40で報酬倍額。, エレベーターを修理すると、100XP。2F-酸素生産、3F-食糧生産、4F-共有スペース、5F-害虫駆除となる。, レーダーにも映らないが、よく見ると姿は確認できる。見えたらスナイパーライフル等で先制すると楽。, 中央部西のカフェテリアに座れるブースがあるが、部屋に入って左の壁際にも見えないブースがある。ここに座ると壁の中にハマるので注意。三人称視点にしてカーソルを動かし、別のブースに座れば復帰できる。, 北 (1階部分) の住人部屋に入って右の棚に、Vault 22-洞くつの扉のキーカード (後述)。, 南西 (1階部分) の発電機近くに、火炎放射器。近くのテーブルにレーザーピストルもある。, データは5階の害虫駆除地区の中央部に存在する。HARDドアを開けるには前述の、4階の監督官室にあるターミナルを操作する。, 階段を上がったところにある部屋の実験器具のそばに、スキル本「ゴミの街の馬鹿な商人の話」。, 奥にキーリーがいる (このクエストを受けていないと出現しない)。助けるとスポア撲滅のために協力することになる。そのまま2Fに移動。, 排気口の点火はレーザーもしくはミサイル、ダイナマイト、グレネードでできる。キーリーの言うとおり、2Fの部屋の角のバッグにフラググレネードが入っている。, ただし点火後はすぐに火炎がこちらに向かってくる(炎は即死ではないが1,2秒でHPが尽きる威力)ので、ロングヒューズダイナマイトなどの時間差のある物が理想。, フラググレネードやダイナマイトの場合、すぐ南西のターミナルがある部屋に入って、キーリーがいた洞窟まで逃げると簡単にやりすごせる。, もしくはエレベータから降りて右の部屋を経由せず、左の行き止まりの通路からテーブル越しにパルスグレネード等を投げても可。その際に受けるダメージは約350程で済む。, データをダウンロードするターミナルがある部屋からグレネードを投げ、部屋の入り口脇にあるボタンでドアを閉めると炎が入ってこないので安全, 爆発物の手持ちが無い場合、ガスが発生している壁に張り付いてレーザーピストルなどで点火すると1回分の燃焼ダメージを受けるだけで済むので、ショートカットに登録したスティムパックを連打することで生き延びる事が出来る。, 点火後報告に戻ると、キーリーにデータを破棄されそうになるが Science 70 で回避できる。, どうでもいいネタだが、共有スペース医務室のターミナルの症例164(グループ)でこのゲームには珍しい、日本人の名前が出てくる(フジモト・ナオキ)。, 最初に訪れた時に、入り口に1匹もマンティスが居ない場合があり、その時には帰りに出現する事がある。, キーリーが死んだ場合、ウィリアムスに嘘をつく Speech 50 発生。カルマ低下。, 部品自体は2階にあるが通路が塞がれていて通れないため、3階の洞窟への扉から迂回していく。, 洞窟の扉は監督官のターミナルでは開かず、洞くつの扉のキーカードを使って開ける。カギは4階にある鍵のかかった扉(NORMAL)に入って、すぐ左の部屋(ベビーカーがある所)の棚にある。, そこから酸素リサイクルに入った先に、HEPA20カートリッジフィルター×6がある。, この食糧生産の洞窟内にジャイアント・マンティス(メス)がおり、近くに卵嚢がある (クエスト, なおこの洞窟は5F害虫駆除にも通じており、そちらから入ることもできる (キーカードも不要)。, 先に Vault 22 でデータを手に入れていると、発生即完了させることもできる。, データを手に入れてからクエストを発生させ、ウィリアムスと話しキーリーの件を対処した場合、実際はデータを持っているにも関わらずダウンロード作業を行っていないという扱いになる (もう一度作業することはできないため)。よって最後のキーリーへの対処は不要となり、ヒルダーンでのクエスト完了もできなくなる。, その際はマーカーが出口になり爆破先が判らなくなり、爆破してもクエスト完了とならない。, 爆破しても完了フラグが立たないので、キーリーからパスワードの紙を盗んで端末からドアロック解除で外に出る, キーリーに会ってエレベーター修理後、2Fのクエストマーカー地点にキーリーが出現しない場合があることを確認。, 1200キャップ (Speech 50 or Barter 50 で更に600キャップ), (オプション) キーリーを助ける:800キャップ (データ破棄の場合、キャップはこれのみ). Axloritis 10 years ago #1. Keely Keely is a ghoul trapped in Vault 22 in 2281. I've posted this on GameFAQs too, but no one is responding at this time, so I thought I'd try Yahoo. This Fallout New Vegas walkthrough covers the quest There Stands the Grass. (my total lockpick is 20) Answer Save. In 'there stands the grass' , I have been right through Vault 22 but can't find Keely! I encountered a bug that messed up my save files in random locations, not a huge problem in most cases but can suck. The research could help the NCR avoid starvation, but it could also turn them into spore creatures. Dr. Hildern can be found in his office located inside the Camp McCarran terminal building on the east side of the terminal in the south wing. To instead receive 400 caps meet Keely at her base of operations on second! Progress I could Make you Care stories about the topic of this article discussion or sharing stories about topic... 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