are not sure of the correct process, it is better to ask than to risk causing offence. ECE Reflection Three Reflection three: How your centre implements Tikanga Maori. 6.3 Restrictions. Staff should not sit on tables or workbenches and particularly on surfaces used for food or medication. This consideration should not be compromised. Following on from our level 4 programme, Te Hapūtanga o te Ao Tikanga is the next step to continue to develop your understanding of tikanga protocols and cultural practices relating to the specialised area of interest your studies are focused on. There are currently no comments for this article. Initially,
The Whare Kai. rapport and partnership with patients and their families. Half way through boiling the meat pour off the fatty water, refill the pot, boil and continue to simmer the meat. that may be offered. If you
The following basic Māori practices rely on an understanding of tapu and noa – key concepts that underpin many
Receptacles used for drinking water should be solely used for that purpose. Often, in the clinical
Ko te Reo Māori te reo whai mana o tēnei paetukutuku. The Research: Hence the conducting of a series of ‘ānanga’, meetings to gather together hui w understandings of Tainui Tikanga, which could provide a guide for protocols undertaken Tea towels should only be used for the purpose of drying dishes and washed separately from all other soiled linen. with the specific cultural preferences and foods of their patients because they have an important role in their health.2. of this website, including selecting clinical areas of interest, taking part in quizzes and much more. Tikanga guidelines aim to help staff within the Hospital Health Service to provide culturally responsive health and disability services to Māori. Tikanga – rule, customs, protocol, lore Tūpāpaku – body of the deceased Whānau – family group, give birth. Fridges/freezers used to store food or medication for human consumption should be clearly marked and not used for any other purpose. (pp. In Ako: Concepts and Learning in the Māori Tradition (Pere, 1982), tikanga is described as rules, plans, methods, approaches, customs, habits, rights, authority, and control. Pōwhiri – welcome
context, a more informal process of welcome is undertaken with some of the essential elements of the pōwhiri and
a key component of Māori culture. Celebratory feast. Add lots of vegetables then boil and simmer until they are cooked. Advice on Māori customs and protocols relating to food. Food should never be passed over the head. Māori shall decide which Māori data shall be … Anything that comes into contact with the body or body fluids must be kept separate from food and should not be placed
In the early stages of learning te reo Māori, some teachers may include information in English about the attitudes and values associated with te ao Māori. Manaakitanga
Whänau/Family Rooms, Tühono Tahi (Whänau/family waiting areas close to critical care) Wä Märie (Bereavement Room) will follow the Tikanga Recommended Best Practice outlining the Noa – free from tapu
By understanding tikanga and its role in te ao kori activities, teachers can incorporate biculturalism into their everyday practice, rather than simply 'teaching' it. In my time in my centre I have noticed that some Tikanga Maori protocols are put in place but not as much as there could be. on surfaces where food is placed. Leave skin on potatoes and kumara. Reward adherence to tikanga. Tikanga – The collection of raupō, toetoe, and harakeke In the past, respect for the environment and its natural resources meant permission was sought from Tāne Mahuta before removing plants. Awareness and understanding of the tikanga (protocols) associated to places, forests, moana, marae, library, fire station, bakery, and so on, where excursions have been planned for. some of the more informal aspects of the mihimihi. Manaakitanga focuses on positive human behaviour and encourages people to rise above their personal attitudes and feelings
A way to deepen understanding of Te Whāriki is to explore the synergies between the curriculum and a service’s existing purpose or philosophy. Although some protocols are followed, others are not. For example, healthier boil up:3
Food should never be passed over the head. Avoid touching another person’s head, unless invited. For example, Māori and Steiner world views each propose a unique understanding of the world specific to their culture. is always considered important, no matter what the circumstances. Copyright All Rights Reserved © bpacnz 2020, Decision support for health professionals », Practice acquisition and careers in health », Manaakitanga Tikanga related to food healthy kai. These practices or protocols reflect the concepts upon which they are based and provide guidelines for appropriate behaviour in Māori society. therapeutic relationship. They are a … Hint: If you are a General Practitioner your username may be your MCNZ#, About us | FAQ | Contact us | Terms of use. Providers should be aware and become familiar
There was a need for transformation at all levels of the early childhood sector to realise the vision of a fully-bicultural early childhood sector. This allows the speaker to address face to face, his audience. In the glossary of Health and Physical Education in the New Zealand Curriculum, tikanga is defined as 'custom, rule, way of doing things'.. In an early childhood context, the strength of these relationships determines children’s learning and development. i ngā tikanga a kui mā, a koro mā. to take part in quizzes. Available from, Mead, H. Tikanga Māori Living by Māori Values. Welcome to the Tikanga Māori at Victoria booklet. It is based on logic and common sense associated with a Māori world view. Tikanga governs and Mäori protocols are followed e.g. And although I am only in the centre for a few hours a week, I wonder if the other staff members even know all of the Maori protocols because I have not heard them being mentioned to children. Explain rules, boundaries and consequences. Consultation and involvement of local iwi will also provide security for teachers who might have concerns about lack of knowledge and understanding of tikanga. or cooking family meals, and expectations need to be realistic and culturally acceptable. Fear of making mistakes should not be used as a reason for teachers to avoid including te ao kori activities in their programmes. Tikanga can apply to all aspects of Māori life, and 'rules' therefore are numerous and diverse. Check out our post that takes you step-by-step through the powhiri and provides guidelines for expected behaviour on a marae. Tikanga. Māori people regard the head as very tapu (sacred). The guidelines are underpinned by Māori values, protocols, concepts, views of health and Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Register to use all the features of this website, including selecting clinical areas of interest and
Interactive quizzes are based on material found in Best Practice Journal and Best Tests. It outlines traditional principles of tikanga and recommends ways to encompass Māori values and beliefs into frontline service delivery. Since learning about Tikanga Maori, I have realised that my centre is not fully successful in implementing it. They come from tika,things are true and not teka, things that are false.Hence the word is tikanga not tekanga.. Best Health Outcomes for Māori: Practice Implications. Following the tikanga implies that the activity is being undertaken in a way that is culturally appropriate. These themes include critical aspects of tikanga Māori (such as the existence and significance of appropriate protocols for particular situations). Ka whāia ngā tikanga whakatakoto kupu a te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori. Tūpāpaku – body of the deceased
This page summarises the West Coast DHB Tikanga Recommended Best Practice Guidelines policy. Kai – Food, to eat
Tikanga, kawa (protocols) and mātauranga (knowledge) shall underpin the protection, access and use of Māori data. Knowledge of these rituals is
Dietary changes, while recommended for an individual, often need to be adopted by the whole whānau to be successful,
Whānau – family group, give birth, It is important to be aware of Māori lifestyles, including diet. This may include speeches and waiata. Available from. This text was compiled to help staff and other members of Victoria University of Welllington’s community incorporate more tikanga Māori (Māori customs and protocols) into our university environment and culture. Find out more. Being hospitable and looking after visitors is given high priority.4. ; Ko Te Matatiki te tino papakupu. Themes identified from the qualitative data This document is not for all tribal affiliations and some iwi may have differing protocols. Oku Wawata - My Aspirations Kaituhi: Wendy Rameka. When I first started at the centre I only noticed a few protocols that all the children had to abide by in their everyday routine. The Early Childhood Education Community can be viewed as progressive in its dedication to honouring the rights of the tangata whenua of New Zealand and ensuring this is reflected in the curriculum teaching of children. Mana – prestige, respect, authority
Each teaching base has kaumātua and kuia who advise on protocol and enhance the understanding of te ao Māori. because preparing separate meals is unrealistic. Manaakitanga – nurturing relationships, looking after people and being very careful about how others are treated is
Create a Māori whānau group with the purpose of supporting your team to increase their knowledge of tikanga, or seek support from Māori members of staff. A Pōhiri/Pōwhiri is a ritualised encounter between two groups of people, the tangata whenua (people of the land/local hosts) and manuhiri/manuwhiri (birds from afar/guests) at a marae (meeting house) of the tangata whenua. ; Ko Te Papakupu a Wiremu tētahi atu papakupu whai mana. Tikanga is about logic and common sense. The person requiring the change in diet may not be responsible for shopping
Rather than advocating their complete
We would see rangatahi operating within the confines of the rules. Stop. Tikanga Māori guides teaching practices. important in whānau meetings and in meetings with the local Māori community and providers.5. not partake in this aspect. Tikanga can be described as general behaviour guidelines for daily life and interaction in Māori culture. Tikanga are the customs and traditions that have been handed down through the passages of time. Fridges/freezers used to store food or medication for human consumption should be clearly marked and not used for
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; Kia penei te whakatakoto o ngā rā: 21 Haratua 2007. In the glossary of Health and Physical Education in the New Zealand Curriculum, tikanga is defined as 'custom, rule, way of doing things'. Preventing and managing bronchiectasis in high-risk paediatric populations, Managing cows' milk protein allergy in infants, Weight loss: the options and the evidence, Hereditary diffuse gastric cancer: an overview for primary care, Asthma education in primary care: A focus on improving outcomes for Māori and Pacific peoples, The optimal management of patients with COPD - Part 2: Stepwise escalation of treatment, The “supporting weight management in primary care” programme, Managing patients who are obese: Encouraging and maintaining healthy weight-loss, Smoking cessation beyond the ABC: Tailoring strategies to high-risk groups, Gynaecology and urinary tract disorders (female), Integrated Performance and Incentive Framework, Decision support for health professionals, Practice acquisition and careers in health, We acknowledge these fruits laid before us. Some activities in this resource are designed to give teachers and students the opportunity to explore, understand, and use local tikanga during te ao kori activities. Don't have an account? Wellington: Huia Publishers: 2003, Tapsell, R. Māori Rituals of Encounter: the Whānau Hui. pöwhiri. The joy of finding parallels – Steiner philosophy and Te Ao Māori. In Ako: Concepts and Learning in the Māori Tradition (Pere, 1982), tikanga is described as rules, plans, methods, approaches, customs, habits, rights, authority, and control. Add onions,
There was a need for the development and establishment of bicultural competencies for early childhood education delivery in the Aotearoa New Zealand. Available from, Medical Council of New Zealand. Although some protocols are followed, others are not. To socialise even briefly will greatly assist in developing rapport and building an effective
garlic and herbs instead of salt for extra flavour. The aim is to nurture relationships and to respect the mana of other people no matter what their standing
In The Quality of Assessment in Early Childhood Education (November 2007), ERO mentions that they looked in to how well services reflected holistic development in their practice. Tikanga Recommended Best Practice. Early Childhood Education Monday, November 15, 2010. Tapu – sacred, restricted
Tikanga is commonly based on experience and learning that has been handed down through generations. karakia All areas used in the care of Tüpäpaku e.g. When students go to collect raupō, toetoe and harakeke, you will need to get permission from the owners of the land the plants grow on, for example local iwi/council/farmer. Tikanga whakatakoto reo. ... Māori as tangata whenua, and recognises the importance of honouring Te Tiriti o Waitangi by weaving Māori protocols, traditions and te reo Māori into sessions. Since learning about Tikanga Maori, I have realised that my centre is not fully successful in implementing it. Hakari. WHĀINGA PURPOSE All meetings open and close with karakia. The children in my centre are told that it is bad manners to sit on tables but this is not always followed through with. The principles and values attached to it underpin all tikanga Māori. Tikanga dictates normally that the right-hand side of the meeting house (the ancestors right hand) is to be occupied by the tangata whenua, while the manuhiri occupy the left-hand side including the rear and then positions left vacant by the tangata whenua. Therefore, it is important that schools consult with local iwi wherever possible, to acknowledge and follow local tikanga when participating in te ao kori activities. practice tikanga and te reo Māori at face to face meetings. Rituals can vary, so be guided by your hosts about what is appropriate. Endures that the school/ECE service, teachers and whānau work ... Māori/tikanga ā-iwi, Place-based education, All learning and interaction occurs within a cultural context, Knowledge of whakapapa – knowing who ... .Actively acknowledges and follows appropriate protocols when engaging with Māori parents, whānau, hapū, iwi and communities. Every iwi with its hapū and whānau has a rich heritage with its own set of tikanga. Tikanga are cultural practices or protocols exercised by Māori in their daily lives. in society may be. Ngā tikanga ki roto i te mahi - Tikanga in Practice. Manaakitanga – protection, blessings, show respect or kindness to. Mihimihi – to greet
1-2) Health professionals are held in high esteem and so it is important to acknowledge the welcome. Seek whānau advice and guidance about how to practise tikanga appropriately in the early childhood programme. The placing into practice that which is correct. quizzes are posted out with journals and GPs are invited to submit their answers for CME credits. Although aspects of tikanga are common to all Māori, the way in which they are upheld may differ from iwi (tribe) to iwi, hapū (sub-tribe) to hapū, and even whānau (family group) to whānau. Register to use all the features
A whānau hui involving proper rituals of engagement and closure can be invaluable in developing
You’ll further advance your technical and practical skills of tikanga within their proper context. Register or
Use pre-trimmed meat or trim fat off meat. Kaua e tuhia ki tētahi atu reo. pdf version of this article,,,,, Strategies to improve nutrition in elderly people, The nutritional management of weight loss in COPD, Dietary advice for people with coeliac disease, Vitamins and minerals: dietary sources supplements and deficiencies, Improving Māori health - increased awareness of issues, Eltroxin (levothyroxine) formulation change, Upfront: Mandatory fortification of bread with folic acid. any other purpose. Some foods have special meaning and can be an important part of cultural preferences. practices, Tapu and noa are entirely consistent with a logical Māori view of hygiene and align with good health and
“favourite” articles, taking part in quizzes and much more. Māori concepts and tikanga are woven throughout our programmes and are combined with the best in international ECE research and practice. And although I am only in the centre for a few hours a week, I wonder if the other staff members even know all of the Maori protocols because I have not heard them being mentioned to children. NEW
The notes on tikanga in this resource provide a general guide for teachers, but they cannot encompass the iwi, hapū, or whānau variances that are particular to every region of Aotearoa New Zealand. Tikanga Pōhiri. towards others. Tikanga – Protocol. Tainui protocols is regarded as a major part of that responsibility, and works to ensure that there is no miscommunication. They found that over a third did not reflect a number of aspects of children’s learning and development in their assessment information with very little focus on attitudes and cultural dimensions. that the Treaty of Waitangi extends equal status and rights to Māori and Pākehā alike … [graduates will] use te reo Māori me ngā tikanga-a-iwi [principals, protocols and practices of the iwi (Māori tribes) of the local community] appropriately in their practice … [and will] demonstrate respect for te reo Māori me ngā tikanga-a- iwi in their practice. Tikanga Maori Stop: The centre where I am doing my work experience does not really implement Tikanga Maori in some aspects. This item is 12 years and 4 months old; some content may no longer be current. Experience shows regular practice will help you retain information, improve pronunciation and become confident in the application of tikanga and te reo Māori for any occasion where it is appropriate to observe cultural protocol. When visiting Māori on a marae or at home, it is important to allow sufficient time for any welcome and refreshments
Practising Te Reo. Mā te rongo, ka mōhio Mā te mōhio, ka mārama Mā te mārama, ka mātau Mā te mātau, ka ora. Tikanga – rule, customs, protocol, lore
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Māori teaching staff lead the delivery of the bicultural components of our programmes. removal from a diet, it may be more practical to discuss how they can be prepared to minimise the salt and fat content. There are a range of models of Māori research ethics which guide researchers and ensure that tikanga (protocols and practices) and cultural concepts are acknowledged [appendix two]. Planning and implementing culturally and socially appropriate programmes for Māori children is another component of tikanga whakaako. Particular protocol must be followed when on a Pa (village), in a marae and during a powhiri. Manaakitanga Tikanga related to food healthy kai. safety practices. For the purpose of this unit standard, tikanga are the identified practices or protocols of any Māori The primary care update series is a new premium service from bpacnz
Teachers demonstrate respect and humility in all areas of their work. While health professionals do work under considerable time pressures it is considered impolite to
Food or drink should never be taken into a room containing a tūpāpaku, Auckland DHB. Encourage rangatahi to do the right thing by providing them with the essential information. and advocated the inclusion of tikanga Māori as part of formal ethical decision-making processes [appendix one]. Concepts upon which they are cooked with its hapū and whānau has a heritage... Being very careful about how to practise tikanga appropriately in the care of Tüpäpaku e.g from bpacnz Find out.! To eat manaakitanga – nurturing relationships, looking after people and being very about!, Auckland tikanga protocols in ece add lots of vegetables then boil and continue to simmer meat... Apply to all aspects of tikanga Māori as part of formal ethical processes! Philosophy and te ao Māori about tikanga Maori and learning that has been handed down through the powhiri and guidelines. People to rise above their personal attitudes and feelings towards others and traditions that been. 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