Thanks for the info on canning chokecherries, I just picked a huge bowl full and still have more to do. But the recipe and process for making syrup is very similar to making most berry syrups. I found a stainless steel steam juicer at a Ace Hardware Store. Going on a hike today so I can enjoy a different type of syrup on my pancakes. My son divided his waffle and tried all the syrups [...]. Cheers, Calli, To extract the juice from the cooked chokecherries I let them get cooled down, then put them in an 8 inch piece of nylon stocking. Hi Kerrie, I’m not sure if the crop is still on, since it was so hot this year, things seem to be a bit early, but we pick them right here in Alpine. I knew immediately what happened when I heard the pop from the canner… but there was nothing I could do about it, so I just let it keep processing. We have 28489 grandma chokecherry syrup Recipes for Your choice! Measure juice into 6- to 8-quart kettle. My syrup as myself is still a work in progress! Boil for 10 minutes. This year I invested in a water bath canner made specifically for pint jars and I love it! Syrups Made With Juice. You will only need a few items to make this. Don’t ask me why, but I find this job oddly satisfying. Add lemon juice. If the temp. If you enjoy your visit, be sure to follow me:, Then the juice is made into syrup, the old fashioned way, slow cooking in a steel pot, never aluminum — cup for cup ratio of juice to sugar until it’s spoon tests for the right thickness. Cover with water and boil for 30 minutes. does anyone know about the pits in chokecherry’s and if they are truly toxic? (This apparatus may then be suspended over the pan for several hours to allow as much of the juice as possible to drip out. Place in 8-10 quart kettle and add enough water to completely cover the cherries. I don’t dare change the recipe. Combine chokecherry juice, apple juice, lemon juice and sugar in a saucepan. However, I did not use any lemon juice and I think it resulted is a softer set. Liking the blog so far. Were glad we put our strained mixtures through one last run through some clean pantyhose wrapped around a metal strainer. You can just pour the juice off the now hardened mash and put it through a strainer and then cheesecloth. Then just add boiling water to cover the mash and let it sit overnight. Love your blog. Picking chokecherries brings back fond memories. I hope that helps. I love to use it for little projects. Tie cheesecloth closed; hang and let drip into bowl until dripping stops. 1 cup apple juice. We have our juice and moving along to the next step an inch at a time. I hate to do more work than necessary, but I never know if there is an important reason for the amounts. ! For tarter syrup, add 1 tablespoon (15 mL) lemon juice for each cup (250 mL) chokecherry juice. CHOKECHERRY SYRUP. Remove from heat, ladle into jars. your syrup is beautiful! Next pour the hot syrup into hot and sterilized canning jars. I used a steam canner to process my syrup today. In a heavy, deep, metal kettle place the following ingredients:Â, Stir the mixture thoroughly and place on the stove over medium high heat, stirring occasionally. Once the mixture has come to a boil, reduce heat to medium, and continue cooking for about 20 minutes. Pay attention to the kettle at this point, it can boil over very easily. You will need to stir constantly and may even have to pull the kettle off the burner to control the overflow.Â. Dump cherries into a large saucepan. Step 2: Supplies Needed. Baked Apples With Squash And Maple Syrup. Place chokecherries and water in medium saucepan. Let me know if that works. They grow wild, you just need to learn what to look for. This lemon syrup is for the true lemon lover. I sterilize the jars in my dishwasher and leave them in there to keep warm until I need them. Heat chokecherry juice to warm, but not hot, temperature to ready the juice for the fermentation process. Can you please tell me where you get yours? I have used both red (not quite ripe) and purple (ripe) chokecherries for syrup, and haven’t been able to tell any difference in the final product. Syrup Instructions-this is a large batch, make sure to use a large kettle. You can also cut the recipe in half for a smaller portion. I like the pure juice instead of the watered down juice you get from boiling berries in water! She grew up in Logan and my grandpa passed a while ago. Boil for 5 minutes. Thanks! I know vinegar is a natural preservative. of the liquid is not equal in all aspects it breaks. Seal, leaving 1/2 inch (1 cm) headspace and process in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes. Do you pick your chokecherries when they are red or when they turn purple. Prepare your jars before cooking the jelly, we use pint jars for our syrup. ½ pints are too small in my opinion; you donât get a lot of syrup in those, though they might be good for single serving options. You can also use quart jars if you have a large family. I realize this is rather late in coming, but I’ve made chokecherry jelly many, many times. What a beautiful batch of syrup! The lemon lime version seems to need more syrup to balance the flavors, but seems to end up fizzier: 8 ounces of pop 2 ounces (4 tablespoons) of chokecherry drink syrup If you wish to make syrup, use twice as much juice to 1 package of pectin. Generally I start with 1/2 to 1 cup less sugar/sweetner than called for until I get the taste I want. Directions: 1. Larchwood Farms Naturally Organic Wild Montana/Idaho Chokecherry Syrup made exclusively with Organic Evaporated Cane Juice, fruit pectin and lemon...tart and sweet, with a bitter twist.An old fashioned staple that was popular in yesteryear. Once you have processed all the berries, you can refrigerate or freeze the juice until you are ready to make your jelly or syrup. To make Chokecherry Jelly. Strain juice through a fine strainer or cheesecloth into a large bowl or pot. lemon blueberry pound cake 3; duncan hines german chocolate cake caramel bars 2; tomato jelly 1; coconut custard pie 6; country herb chicken and dumplings 3; creamy macaroni and cheese; mexican chicken casserole 13; scalloped chicken & stuffing casserole; casa ole's chili conqueso 10; tomato jelly; to freeze sweet corn 2; roast turkey 33 Thanks for the info on canning chokecherries, I just picked a huge bowl full and still have more to do. BUT I have never used almond falovoring in it. : Can we double the recipe and do 6 cups juice to 12 cups sugar at a time in one big pot? Chokecherry Syrup. that I found which explains that. For the rest you who aren’t at altitude, the typical process time is 10 minutes. (Yes I know, it’s a lot of sugar… but it is syrup after all!) I will have to try that one next year. I would very much like to try this recipe out and can it. Because I am at a higher altitude, I processed my cans for 15 minutes. Some recipes call for added lemon juice and some don’t; those that do often call for up to half a cup. The speed of doing it that way, to me, is not a good enough tradeoff for the less intense flavor. The Lakota and Shoshone were and still are making pemmican and dried chokecherries which they ate pits and all, and the state document explained that the heat of sundrying made that possible. Place them in a pot and just barely cover with water. My jelly actually was a little too jelled for me but everyone else thinks it’s great. Quickly add sugar to the juice mixture. We all share my mother-in-law’s juice steamer, Victorio strainer (which I use to make the best applesauce in the world) and her pressure cooker. We are finding out this syrup creation is quite labor intensive from pick to cooled jar. Or even better, to use my new Chokecherry syrup to drown some homemade buttermilk pancakes. Hey there! ... cups chokecherry juice. I can’t wait to put them on my pantry shelves. Lemon Simple Syrup is such a delicious way to use up a harvest of lemons. So, named for their … Odd and weird but true! I have a lot of canning jars… both handed down to me from my husband’s grandmother… and given to me by a mother’s hair stylist (bless his heart!) I think when people know you are canning, the equipment just makes it’s way to you. I also made a batch of chokecherry syrup with this recipe, and eliminated the addition of the pectin. Here’s the link: September 3, 2012 at 4:32 pm. Now, starting with the syrup, take 5 cups of juice and add about 4 cups of sugar. It’s a little cheaper here, don’t know why. Get full Chokecherry Syrup Recipe ingredients, how-to directions, calories and nutrition review. I did not add any pectin. Place 3 layers of damp cheesecloth or a jelly bag in large bowl. Hi! One year I even got 3 boils in of the fruit. Then drained in cheesecloth, never squeezing the bag, it will drain nearly dry overnight. If you don’t have access to a juice steamer, I am told you can can boil your cherries and then let them drain through a strainer. I’d be so excited to finally try this syrup! Squeezing can add a bitterness. Glass needs to be heated slow up and slow down, or it will break. If you don’t get a seal, you can always reprocess syrups, or stick it in the refrigerator and use it up. Amazing! Nov 16, 2014 - Making Chokeberry (or any other berry) Syrup from Make It Do! Thanks for posting this – it’s really helpful! I keep my batches small, have increased the amount of pectin and boil for the appropriate altitude… still the same problem. Even better, you only need 2 ingredients and one pan. Syrup. If the temp. Add Tip Ask Question Comment Download. Wild Chokecherry Jam. Doris, from Alberta, Canada. It is a lot of work, but SO worth it. That way I am never wrong! [...] the middle of winter, today it was plain waffles with your choice of syrup… maple, blueberry, chokecherry, or my personal favorite, huckleberry syrup. For tarter syrup, add 1 tablespoon (15 mL) lemon juice for each cup (250 mL) chokecherry juice. all the best, Calli, Hey very nice blog! CHOKECHERRY SYRUP : 7 c. chokecherry juice 6 c. sugar. Thanks. A chokecherry is a small cherry that often grows wild here in the West, but you can purchase a chokecherry tree. All temp. This will thicken your syrup and it will get the needed texture. or a county extension in S Dak. Add Tip Ask Question Comment Download. As for the steam canner, I tossed mine, yes, I tossed it, after far to many broken jars! You don’t mention whether or not water is added to the berries to get out the juice in the beginning of the process. The addition of the lemon juice and almond extract offsets the potential bitterness of the berries and brings out the chokecherry flavour. Will be proud of our finished product for sure! Making fruit syrups is easy as can be, and the taste is divine. Mix 3cups of juice, 1/2cup lemon juice, 1pkg Pectin, in a pot, bring to a full rolling boil, high heat. It’s easy to make, lovely as a gift and can be used in everything from fudge to cocktails. The other bit of advice I can give is to be sure to measure your ingredients very carefully… I use a spatula to level my sugar and I follow the directions exactly. This can create a problem with thickening, so more pectin and boiling may be needed, but taste is of more importance to me than the runniness if I need to choose. To extract the juice, place the cleaned chokecherries in a large pot and add enough water to just barely cover them. 3½ cups chokecherry juice 4 cups sugar 1 (1¾-ounce) package powdered pectin. I would definitely look for a used one at garage sales or thrift shops, as it isn’t something you use very often… only during canning season. Great on pancakes. I just finished a batch of choke cherry jelly. I always run a clean, damp cloth around the rim of my jar to remove any spilled syrup. But you continue to be an exception to the rule. We love the Pincherry tartness though and use it to make jelly all the time but I think I will try your recipe using both berries this year! Add sugar... from heat and stir and skim for 5 minutes. 3.5 cups chokecherry juice-I will tell you how in the following step ½ cup fresh lemon juice (optional) 1 teaspoon butter or margarine . Squeeze 1/2 a lemon for juice. No matter what you are going to do with the chokecherries – chokecherry syrup, chokecherry-apple butter, chokecherry liqueur – it seems the first step is to make juice. try adding a little apple juice to your chokecherry jelly to ensure it gels. I have yet to process it. Add the proper amount of pectin (follow directions on pectin box), bring to a hard boil for 2 minutes, stirring all the while. I know, I’ve said that before, haven’t I? Fresh lemon juice. Then put on the lids and bands… making sure to tighten the bands “finger tight.”. Remove the syrup from the stove and add 1/2 tsp. Add pectin and stir. Grandma & Katie's Frozen Dessert. Thank you. September 3, 2012 at 4:32 pm. 1 pack of Pamona’s Pectin . Pour prepared fruit into cheesecloth. I used Balaton Cherry juice to make it to 4 cups and used 5 cups of sugar. Stir pectin into the juice. Corn syrup can be added for a smoother texture for syrup, jelly just takes a little longer And a side note, most of my jars are 50-70 years old, it’s temperature changes, and tiny flaws that break jars, not age, I lose about 1 a year. (Personal Note: She gives great directions and personal tips) Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, if you have any. Because they do have small pits in the middle, you’ll need to extract the juice. It’s about 1 cup water to every 3 cups berries. Chokecherry Syrup | Tasty Kitchen: A Happy Recipe Community! I can’t say that for other brands. Bring this mixture to a rolling boil (one that does not stop when stirred) over high heat, stirring constantly. Heat the juice on medium flame and keep stirring until it is boiled. If you’re worried about it not jelling because they’re very ripe, you can always chunk up one apple and add it to the picked chokecherries. All Rights Reserved. Yummies. Remove from the heat, skim off the foam and pour into ½-pint or … Pick your chokecherries when they are a deep red color, remove the berries from the main stem of the bush/tree. Itâs interesting to note that your results in processing chokecherries are entirely dependent on the ripeness of the berries. If the berries are a little green, your syrup may actually gel up and you might get jelly. I have never had 2 batches of syrup turn out exactly the same, so be prepared for diverse results from season to season. Pour the chokecherry juice into a large pot. I’ve never made jelly, so have no suggestions, as to pectin. 4 cups sugar. Jul 21, 2016 - Making Chokecherry Syrup from the Mom-In-Laws - why don't they sell it?? I also was told to add some green apple to the batch for added pectin, which I did this year. I wish you the best and hope your chokecherry syrup is just what you remember. This will thicken your syrup and it will get the needed texture. Make sure your canner kettle is at least ½ full of water, you will be processing your jars of syrup in the kettle once they are filled. saucepot. I have used one for canning for 25 years. Beyond the jars, you need a lot of sugar and a little almond extract to make delicious syrup. But keep in mind, if you don’t have Chokecherries growing in your neighborhood, there are plenty of wonderful fruits suitable for syrups. If you don’t have canning jars and equipment given to you, the first year of canning can be a bit expensive. bottle saucepot. I live in SLC and my mom always talks about her father’s chokecherry syrup. Add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice for each pint of fruit juice. Combine juice, sugar, and pectin in saucepan; boil until mixture coats a metal spoon. Remove from heat and pour into hot sterilized jars. Step 2: Supplies Needed. I am told they are way out of fashion in the canning world these days… but I love my steam canner for processing simple and short cans like syrup, jams or jellies. What am I doing wrong? A wide mouth funnel works really well for getting the hot liquid in the jar. Place the lid on the top of the jar and screw the ring on tight. Wipe any excess syrup off of the glass. For everything else I love my big boiling water canner. Now, starting with the syrup, take 5 cups of juice and add about 4 cups of sugar. It always seems to jell after the second processing, however. Ingredients 4 cups chokecherry juice 4 cups sugar ½ cup lemon juice ½ package powdered pectin Next. Secure lids and process in a water bath canner for 5 minutes (Altitudes above 1,000 ft require an increase in processing time). Strain berries in a large sieve pressing down to get pulp with the juice. Bring this mixture to a rolling boil (one that does not stop when stirred) over high heat, stirring constantly. Even though it is old and slightly beaten up, it works wonderfully. Pour into sterilized jars or into pretty decorative bottles. - 3 1/2 cups chokecherry juice - 1/2 cup fresh lemon juice - 1 (1 3/4 ounce) package ball pectin - 6 cups sugar 0. Or use one-quarter to one-half apple juice for the total juice in the jelly recipe. BTW you have a great website with great photos and explanations. I had a few containers full of chokecherry juice in my fridge just waiting for me to take the next step. Crush chokecherries thoroughly, one layer at a time. Salt and pepper to taste, 1/3 c. Maple syrup, 1/4 stk butter, 2 tsp Fresh lemon juice This is my favorite pancke topping and icecream topping etc. Yummies. I love your Blog! Bring to boil; add sugar, stir, and bring to a rolling boil. Kind of followed the mint jelly ratio. When you pour some of the syrup off your spoon, and the drops sort of join each other and fall off together, it’s done. Stir in lemon juice. on a recipe card… because even though I have made applesauce for 9 years running, I still forget how long it needs to process in the canner from year to year. Measure exactly 3 cups juice into 6- or 8-qt. 4 cups juice. My syrup is not as thick as artificial maple syrup, but a lot like real maple syrup consistency. This brings up another good point about canning. Place in saucepan. Almond Extract. See more ideas about Chokecherry syrup, Chokecherry, Chokecherry jelly. So maybe it is the steam canner that breaks my jars occasionally! As to pint jars: If they were washed in my dishwasher with last heat cycle I consider them sterile. LEMON PUDDING CAKE. Chokecherry Liqueur. Could you please e-mail me back with some info. Reply. of liquid have to match the glass. This will thicken your syrup… too long and it will be very thick…. !….I’m an instant fan, I have bookmarked you and I’ll be checking back on a regular….See ya. … Place in 9 half pint jars and cover with paraffin at once. If the crop is spent here at the lower elevations, you might have luck looking in the Canyons or up toward Heber. Sourness can very in berries from year to year, and as I do not like a heavy sweetness, I sample my juice as it is finishing. My syrup didn’t work with the same ratio of sugar, even though it is sweet enough. I love to read your blog….you always give great details on your projects! Next you have to extract the juice. I was just thinking the other day how overwhelming blogs can be because they never show any of the mistakes. Will certainly return. For example, if you're using 3 cups of fruit juice, add 6 cups of sugar to the mixture. If any how much should I use? Place in saucepan. The steamer I use is many years old and borrowed from my mother-in-law. I have a light but active sweet tooth, so am concerned about Diabetes, which is rampart in our country! The yield depends on the quality of the fruit. If you are trying to go healthy stay away from artificial sweeteners. Bring to a boil and boil two minutes. Reduce heat to low; cover and simmer 20 min. Boil for 5 minutes (or until sugar is dissolved) and remove from heat. I was wondering if you’ve ever made chokecherry jelly and if you have, have you ever run into the trouble I’m having? 12 cups chokecherry juice/pulp (if the juice if frozen, make sure to thaw before … It was the best jelly ever but now I read that the pits are supposedly toxic? I have been making choke cherry syrup for years. Still, just to be on the safe side if I’m going to make chokecherry ‘leather’ or something, I’ll GENTLY smash up the fruits without crushing the pits, and then sieve out the pits before drying the pulp. Place the sealed jars in the canner kettle, making sure they are completely covered with water. Make sure the kettle has a jar rack, you donât want the bottom of the jars to touch the bottom of the kettle; they can break if they get too hot. Bring the water to a boil and cook the jars for 5-10 minutes. Remove the jars from the water, set on a wood board or cooling rack. Be careful not to bump the jars together, Iâve had them break from tapping them too hard when they are hot. 1/2 cup to 1 cup honey OR 3/4 cup sugar to 2 cups sugar. T have one casualty today: one of my chokecherry syrup with lemon juice parts is hearing all the comments and your. Continue to be boiled to soften the rubber on them so they will break almond falovoring it. To making most berry syrups until sugar is dissolved ) chokecherry syrup with lemon juice remove from heat and into. Then I can ’ t say that for other brands the juice the... 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