If that is the case you need to remove the flooring and examine the subfloor. What is the acceptable water/moisture content in cassia bark?- in south east asia, My potential house in North Carolina Fayetteville area was just checked for moisture content in the crawl space. Moisture content (MC) in raw slabs can take additional time to reach its Equilibrium Moisture Content. When determining the acceptable moisture levels in wood flooring before installation, the NWFA states that the flooring professional should establish a baseline for acclimation. I hope this helps. A company sealed off the foundation vents and removed all the insulation from the crawlspace with the humidifier mitigating the moisture from the leaks. I hope that helps. I live in coastal South Carolina .we are definitely afraid of mold formation. Please give us a call at (800) 634-9961 or email info@wagnermeters.com, if you’d prefer. Failure to do this will result in warping, cracking, and other problems after the construction of the wood product. My question is regarding finishing. Moisture Testing, The average annual relative humidity will play the biggest role in determining what the optimal MC should be. I wanted to know if is there any standard which specifies the acceptable range of moisture content for wood used in packaging industry like pine wood. Chemical techniques like Karl Fischer Titration, desiccation, freeze-drying, distillation and chromatography are suitable alternatives. There will most likely be some shrinkage, so if possible, choose the clearest boards possible to lessen the possibility of any major cracking. Wagner Meters has a couple of resources to help you determine the moisture content more suited to your outdoor environment. Hug the ones you love when you see them! These are slabs roughly 2′ thick. Thank you. 2×4 and 2×6 framing studs should measure 19% moisture content or less. 2. When you do this, you not only ensure that the entire batch is okay on average, but you’re also far likelier to catch boards that are statistical outliers and could cause problems. Working with some slabs of spruce. Thanks Before we start to explain how to measure it, we’ll try to explain what is wood moisture content and what values are you searching when you measure it. I am renovating my kitchen and installing hardwood floors. Is your electrical outlet that is 3 inches above the floor inside the house? So, i had one installed a few weeks after we met. If the water leak was bad enough, dry rot can occur causing possible structural integrity issues. This is all very helpful information, thanks! My question for you is: after a smallish unheated underground space (similar to a basement, i.e. Live in Tn. I requested the treated lumber be brought in a few weeks prior to build, stickered and put under cover to acclimate and dry it. Knowing firewood moisture content can make the difference between creating steam or heat. I have a couple questions. An easy, catch-all method to get at water content levels remains elusive. The variation in the moisture affects the reported heating value and analysis. The purpose of the vapor barrier is to keep moisture away from materials that expand and contract. WME? Was told that’s not done. The purpose of acclimating is to allow the flooring to equalize to the surrounding conditions, no matter how large the room is. The fastest way to test the moisture content of wood is to use a moisture meter. Either one should be acceptable for finishes. Thank you for sharing such valuable information. I had engineered hard wood installed and it is curling at the joints. Good luck. Also, the glue manufacturer should ideally give you some specifications for max and min moisture content. Thanks!!! Accuaracy is of course more important.. hello I been getting very sick in my home so I had my manger do a mold and moisture test which came back high level of moisture levels which a contractor wants to take the sub floor up and 2 to 4 inches of the wall but my apartment manger is not releasing to report and he’s is saying the spore test didnt pick up any mold spore… question is it safe for me and my family to be in the home with high level of moisture in the restroom which the floor have been really soft for over 9 months now as well as the kids bedroom where a pipe burst. Currently reading a 12.5%. Here is a good source for mold and wood: Your email address will not be published. Karl Fischer Titration, Typically, allow about 3 weeks for hardwood to acclimate in the environment. Too little or too much can alter food properties. About 5/16 penetration into the wood measures 8% using pins only. I suspect the screws may be skewing the measurements. We have had an abnormally wet spring and part of summer. Set the meter to the species that makes up the bulk, in this case, the plywood. If a board reads 100% (Difficult to measure accurately) then the weight of the water equals the weight of that wood. Moisture content of 11.5% for the oak is a little high for furniture grade hardwoods. As it dries, you should expect slight changes in width and length. We don’t know if we still have leaks? Free Moisture, Sometimes it is the economics of water vs. other components of products. However, if the moisture increases beyond a certain limit, compacting strength starts to decrease. Let us indulge in a short digression to the main techniques we use to get closer to some answers. water leaked over the edge. Typical wood shrinkage from green to ovendry moisture content is typical 3-8% in radial grain direction and 6-12% in tangential grain direction. The boards have dried nicely so far with minimal warpage or checking. The acceptable moisture levels of wood and lumber are in the range of 6% to 8% for interior and 9% to 14% for exterior wood or for building envelope components within constructed assemblies. The same study showed a 40% loss in joint strength and concluded that a 20% MC may significantly compromise shear resistance of exterior walls. For solid strip flooring (less than 3” wide) there should be no more than a 4% difference in moisture content between properly acclimated wood flooring and subflooring materials. We built our home from ground up and have a sealed crawl space dehumidifiers, etc… In January of 2019, we had our builder and hardwood floor contractor come out because our hardwoods were starting to separate a lot. Thank you for your very informative knowledge about all of the items on this page. Wagner has a free app called “WoodH2O” to help you determine the proper moisture levels based on … The best way to do this is to use an accurate moisture meter. Wood – freshly cut or kiln-dried – is always interacting with environmental moisture. You can hardly see the humps except the first pier that popped up ¼”. Water content is used in a wide range of scientific and technical areas and is expressed as a ratio, which can range from 0 (completely dry) to the value of the materials’ porosity at saturation. To establish a baseline for wood flooring acclimation, the installer will need to calculate the optimal moisture level of the wood by dividing the region’s high season and low season EMC. That doesn’t make much sense to me. According to Dr. Eugene Wengert, professor and specialist in wood processing at the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Department of Forestry, wood should be dried to a water MC that’s within two percentage points of the EMC where the wood is going to be used. Hello, Basically, wood moisture content is the I am planning an under-house excursion tomorrow. However, this range will vary slightly according to the geographic region because of varying RH levels. 9mm thick plywood compose of 7 layers, 2 layers acacia, 4 layers of Eucalyptus\2 layers Acacia and one layer Poplar. in its initial green state, and ended up weighing only 20 lbs. Water is found in all food products. Let’s go over the basics of each…, Oven dry testing is the oldest method for measuring the moisture content of wood. The floor (under carpet) had long-term water exposure supposedly from a shower in the adjacent bathroom (according to the plumber). Calculation of moisture content Calculate the moisture content on a wet-weight basis using the following formula: Moisture content (%) = W2 - W3 x 100 W2-W1 where, W1 = weight of container with lid; W2 = weight of container with lid and sample before drying; and W3 = … Then placing his pin meter on the screws. In the end, we must compromise rather than seek absolutes, focusing on what actually works for each product, process and end result desired. The containers that we have received so far have arrived wet and mouldy. When the wood neither gains nor loses moisture, we say that the wood has reached its equilibrium moisture content (EMC). Percent moisture content in wood is the ratio of the weight of water compared to the overall weight of a piece of wood. We have a free app called “WoodH2O” for Android or iPhone. How to test moisture /water content in cassia bark? the curb is built with 3 2/4’s stacked on each other. Here’s how it works…. Here is a link to our new line of meters: https://www.wagnermeters.com/moisture-meters/. Mold starts to grow in the mid to high 20 percent moisture contents. Sometimes it is what takes place over time. Finally the question I have is I-used your Wood H2O app and the humidity here (outside) is 55% and the temperature is near 70 (inside)am I correct that 10% is what Is the acceptable moisture of the wood should be for furniture building? I have 1 1/2 ” thick cherry boards that I had milled from a tree in my yard last fall. It can be helpful to think of it as the percent by mass of water in a sample of a mixture or form of matter. Have I been wrong? I checked it with my new moisture meter and had a reading of between 8-13.5%. In the world of material testing, moisture content is different things to different people. Can I get a away with this? The thinner veneers won’t have much bearing on the reading. i cored out a small section of the bottom beam (3 inches wide) all the way down to the foundation. Thank you, In wood products manufacturing, 6-8% is pretty much the norm, at least in North America. Sometimes it is process yield. L − 1 KCI by suspending a soil aliquot in solution for 30 min, followed by measurement with a standardized Fisher Scientific Accument 50 pH meter. Doesn’t sound like this has been a problem in the past. Thank you for the well described article. What do you recommend? We’re so sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks for the question. Toilet overflowed and moisture meter is reading 30% in worst area. Methods for applying these corrections are explained here. Should I wait? What is the optimal MC of the fir stock for construction of the windows? Also, if the leak was bad enough, it will be necessary to have a contractor make sure the strength of the subfloor isn’t compromised. You mentioned the humidity outside is 55%. What % does it have to get down to before it would be usable to make a table top ? With a degree in Computer Systems, Larry is involved in both hardware and software development of wood moisture measurement solutions. Most folks agree that water doesn’t burn, not unless you break H2O down into H and O, both of which are highly flammable, and that doesn’t happen in your stove or furnace. I strongly recommend using a moisture meter, along with a thermo-hygrometer, or even a smart logger before you start building, to ensure the wood is at an optimal moisture content in an environment that has an acceptable relative humidity and temperature range. The EMC of wood or lumber exposed to an outdoor atmosphere varies across the U.S. For instance, in the coastal city of Seattle, the EMC of wood or lumber is higher than the EMC of cities inland or in the Southwest. Wagner has a free app called “WoodH2O” to help you determine the proper moisture levels based on consistent humidity and temperature. I manufacture ice cream sticks and disposable wooden cutlery from European Baltic birch wood in India. Keep monitoring it. If an interior location has an average RH of 40-52%, wood placed there will have an average EMC of 8-9%. They do no give up moisture unless rubbed hard. The other was for a $100 retail gift card. For example, from 25% to 45% or from 45% to 65%. The following four moisture states are defined: It seems to me the supplier is drying the Teak to 14% because that is what is needed in Indonesia. The water content of honey will determine honey’s ability to remain fresh and avoid spoiling caused by fermentation. Why You Should Use Relative Humidity (RH) Testing, Become a Wagner Meters Authorized Distributor, Flooring, Millwork, Furniture and Cabinet Manufacturers, Musical Instrument Manufacturer and Luthiers, Building Restoration and Inspection Professionals, Acceptable Moisture Levels in Wood – Knowing the Moisture Content. The maximum subfloor moisture level for solid strip flooring or wide-width solid flooring is either 12% or 13%, depending on the manufacturer. Many thanks for your advice, really appreciate it! Considering all that, we wonder how best to determine total water. I’m on a grade-level concrete slab, and the water made its way over (under the tiles) to my sink vanity. The water wasn’t properly dried and organic growth was discovered by previous owner. The supplier says they dry the wood to an MC of 14%, which is according to them the standard for outdoor furniture. We haven’t gone any further since the condition was found so close to us purchasing the home. we are presently constructing a new timber frame residence on ocean front in BC, Canada. In contrast, Las Vegas in the drier Southwest has much lower EMC percentages than most other U.S. cities. So how do you know whether firewood is dry enough, how can you measure moisture content in firewood, and can firewood be too dry? The cedar I have is now at 12-16%. Hi Larry, thanks for the great knowledge sharing. I was able to get the MC down to 15%. https://www.wagnermeters.com/moisture-meters/. Should I remove more foam to be sure. There will be statistical outliers on both the low and the high end and you’ll want to catch these by using a quality moisture meter. Wood moisture meters for flooring applications come in two varieties: pin-type and pinless. Two questions – I need a reliable, easy to use meter that can cover all species as I now have a portable mill and that can be used for treated. What is important involving moisture content? However, I did little to define moisture content. © 2020 CSC Scientific Company, Inc. All rights reserved. It is possible, in some species, to have a moisture content higher than 100 percent. Second, would the same pine slab, would it be okay to use for a side table or Kitchen island. Dryer wood produces more resistance than wetter wood. Moisture content analysis in food is the cornerstone of prevention. Room size, L-shaped, is 21.5’ x 12.5’ and leg of L is 8.5’ x 11’. look forward to your comments. Is it possible to get a 99.9% moisture reading (using a Cassain GM-200 hydrometer) on a particle board floor which looks and feels completely dry? When exposed to a constant RH, the moisture content of wood or lumber will come to equilibrium with its environment, resulting in an EMC for that species of a wood-based composite. Mobeen, If a wooden sample gains moisture, then the sample will increase in size. I want to use it to build a table and will be moving it to the location where I will work on it shortly. The EMC in the recommended temperature/humidity range coincides with the 6% to 9% range used by most flooring manufacturers during the manufacturing and shipping process. Hi Moisture Experts, Perhaps try to seal the vapor barrier better around the piers. Thanks! I buy many Artificial Trees for our Stores, which has Wood Stems/Barks, mainly produced in China & Shipped to UAE. Moisture content on dry basis is the mass of water to the mass of dry solid:. If your subfloor is a wood product, make sure the reading is less than 20% on the moisture meter. Even a slight deviation from a defined standard can adversely impact the physical properties of a food material. The Las Vegas EMC of wood or lumber ranges from 4.0% to 8.5%. Moisture Analysis, Three years ago, the floor sank in a heavy traffic area and an engineer told me Masonite was used to shim and had compressed. Hi Larry, just finished a black Walnut dining room table back in November. You are correct, furniture grade hardwood is typically dried between 6 to 9%. We really can’t overstress the importance of taking plenty of moisture readings. The manufacturer of the oil-based poly should have a specification on the maximum allowable moisture content of the wood. In this example, soil runoff was analyzed using a simulated rainfall study in order to determine the retention of a compound in moist soil. Wood moisture content is always varying. Is this dry enough that I’d be able to reinstall the trim over the particleboard? Both times, the tables were flawless, but after 2-3 weeks in their new home both table tops had major crack issues. Commonly used moisture analysis technologies are the moisture analyzer and the … Any suggestions .thanks. We have a free ‘App’ called WoodH2O that will tell you the moisture content given certain temperature and humidity conditions. Just across the threshold to a white oak floor installed in ~1914 and the MC is 15%->16%. The other thing to consider is examining how water is entering your crawl space. (It’d effectively seal the cavity under the vanity, so once the trim is back on, i don’t think it’ll dry out much more.) i am baffled. Last week, as I was reflecting on a recent moisture content problem, I recalled our series “Loss-on Drying and Other Moisture Mysteries.” In that series I examined moisture chemistry in products. At Chaunceys, our suppliers season the timber for 9-12 months and then kiln-dry it. In the Midwest, the EMC of wood or lumber in Des Moines, Iowa, ranges from 12.4% to 14.9%. Most are reading are between 13-15%. The National Wood Flooring Association (NWFA) has a chart that indicates the moisture content of wood at any given combination of temperature and humidity. Subfloor material such as plywood or OSB should measure between 10 and 14% moisture content. It is also possible high moisture has entered the container during the trip to Europe. When questioned, he said because Room is under 200 sq feet it is not a problem. If the middle is wet, you may experience cracking/splitting if dried too fast. My house is 25 years old located in Oregon City OR (near Portland). I have come across this and haven’t made the purchase from my friend because I am not sure about the warp or breaking it will come. If you know such International or Amercan or any other standard please let me know. We then carefully store our boards at around 9% moisture content. I have about 3,000 sqft on my first floor and this was relatively consistent throughout. That’s why I think the wood is either not dried to 14%, or it has picked up too much humidity after drying. These devices can be used to test the moisture content (%MC) of wood flooring in mere seconds. At that point in time, we did not have a conditioned house. Thanks in advance for your input! You must be careful with a thick slab once you cut it. The common understanding of “moisture content” is the water content of … I don’t know what type of floor you have, but if it gets wet enough, about 25% moisture content or higher, mold can grow. Beekeepers must be able to control the moisture level with a good degree of accuracy. Thanks for the question. Had fans and dehumidifer running for 17 days starting 2 days after leak. Now would the pine be okay to use as a top cover piece to an radiator cover? First time this has happened (splitting that is). The acceptable moisture content in wood depends on two factors: These two factors make it difficult to say anything specific about acceptable wood moisture content. The normal outside equilibration moisture content (EMC) for Indiana is anywhere from 13% to 16%. He, of course, said that type of product is insufficient. So a friend of mine has some pine and oak blabs at MC levels of (oak – 11.5%) and Pine 13-14%. Varying humidity levels can cause wood to lose or gain water and shrink or expand. The levels were between 20 and 23%. Hi, we live in a coastal area, had a recent water leak, and a hard wood floor MC is measuring about 25% – the water did not contact this area directly. wood products), textiles and a host of other miscellaneous materials. Thank You. We don’t know if we still should be having a commercial drying process? However, there is a common concern. The moisture content at winter time can be estimated to be 3-4 %. It’s hard to gauge anything off of a cheapo meter, but if and I mean if, we were to assume it was reading effectively, the numbers are too high. We also have an ‘Orion 950’ moisture meter that will automatically give you EMC (Equilibrium Moisture Content) and other useful statistics. A wood moisture content of 47% is too high. Moisture was around 25% when milled, and the ends were sealed. Hardwood flooring needs to acclimate at least 2 weeks, in service conditions, before it is installed. Installers should also measure the moisture in wood subfloors and concrete slabs as they can also affect wood flooring. wood using pins while the MDF uses pinless? It is important to food scientists for a number of different reasons: Legal and Labeling Requirements. Colorado is cold and dry. Many of our customers are successfully using our hand held moisture meters on engineered flooring. Thanks for the reply. Would you be able to say anything about the optimal MC range for this specific situation? for a mere $4900. Moisture States: Since aggregates contain some porosity, water can be absorbed into the body of the particles or retained on the surface of the particle as a film of moisture. A contractor is measuring sill plates by driving 2″ SS Screws into the wood about 1-1/2 or so inches. I had a pin meter but found I had to put the pins in the ends or try to find an area that wouldn’t be seen, so I’m thinking a pinless might be better. I installed a sump pump and 6 mil vapor barrier, but the barrier is not sealed around piers and the ground is moist under the barrier all year. It will be there for a few months before I begin working on it. Moisture content is one of the most commonly measured properties of food materials. I have an unusual question, if I was to sandwich recycled paper (similar to hardwood floor paper only heavier) between 2 layers of wood as a draft stop what should the moisture content be to avoid the paper absorbing any water and ending up with a mold issue thanks in advance for any info you can provide. The home inspector failed to report all the sewage stains on the plastic and organic growth on some of the joists have which had been exposed to moisture the whole time even though the dehumidifier has been mitigating the plumbing leaks. Question: Just to make sure that you get accurate moisture measurements, has your moisture meter been checked for calibration? This moisture content is called the equilibrium moisture content and because it is constant for any species at known temperature and relative humidity, it can be used as an approximation of the actual seed moisture content. It is best to allow the wood to equilibrate to the room environment. Click on the button. The flooring pieces should be removed from the packaging to allow the ambient conditions to equalize the wood. These include warping, cracking, buckling, diminished wood strength, corrosion of fasteners, and even fungal growth. It’s always a good idea to check with the manufacturer of the finish also. In your blog I read that furniture for outdoor is dried to a MC between 9 and 14%. So we are seeking redress, but there are jacks present underneath the home which the home inspector didn’t report either and didn’t know if this was extra support for the water heater or what. If this is confusing, don’t worry. Hello, Paul here. our question is do we need to replace the floor to avoid fungal problems? This is the standard in the construction industry. Some of the unfinished wood you see on the market has been kiln-dried to reduce its water moisture content to around 8% so that it won’t suffer from moisture-related defects like warping and buckling. Failure to allow the wood to acclimate or come into balance with the RH at its end-use location could result in any number of moisture-related problems after the wood product is constructed. Water was coming out of this outlet and onto the floor? MC d = m h2o / m d (1). However, the wood species and the thickness or size of the wood may also factor in. 2nd question, will lacquer on surface of flooring affect the reading. This weight difference is then used to calculate the wood’s original moisture content. The laboratory analysis is required to be corrected to the actual moisture content in the field. The optimal humidity in a home is generally 35%-55% and anything under 20% is actually considered unhealthy, as it dries out the skin. A study by Imamura and Kiguchi (1999) showed that wood moisture content in excess of 20% can cause a 5% loss of nail shank diameter in four years and a projected 25% loss in 30 years. 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