DEAR JOAN: Recently, at 4:15 a.m., there was commotion outside.A raccoon flipped the garbage can, destroyed the automatic cat feeder, tried to get into the hen house — … You can easily find one in the local market. Adult raccoons are more likely to be killed by automobiles or disease than by predators. It is very legal to trap raccoons especially if they have crossed into your territory but it is illegal to harm or even kill raccoons once you have trapped them. Raccoons are nocturnal and forage for food at night. Franklins ground squirrels are listed as threatened in Illinois and may not be removed. Raccoons may also be infected by several kinds of parasites, including tapeworm and roundworm. However, a raccoon that is cornered will growl and may try to defend itself. For A Limited Time, Get A 10% Discount When You Mention Coupon Code: WEB10%. Researchers have documented raccoon home ranges of 53 to 92 acres in suburban areas of northern Illinois. Raccoons have claws on all of their toes and walk flat-footed. However, neither disease has had any human health implications reported in Illinois. Illinois Fur Buyers Listing Season Dates - Rules of Thumb. They also eat acorns, nuts, fruits, berries, corn, other grains, grasses and sedges. If you want to remove the raccoon yourself, you will need a permit from an Illinois Department of Natural Resources District Wildlife Biologist before you trap the racoon. Related: Rat and Mice removal and control. Exceptions to this rule include the eastern woodrat and rice rat, which are endangered species in Illinois. opossum, raccoon, red fox, river otter, striped skunk and weasel. Here is a clip of raccoon sounds. For more information on hunting and trapping regulations, visit the IDNR Licenses & Hunting site. You can find traps at hardware stores and garden centers. Since 1999, it is no longer an option to relocate raccoons in Illinois. Raccoon Control Chicago, IL. Killing one or two raccoons will do … Outside of hunting season, or in situations where hunting is not allowed, a deer removal permit may be issued by an IDNR District Wildlife Biologist. Q. Raccoons are found in every county in Illinois and are abundant throughout the state. It may be necessary to secure the lid with wire or a clamp. They also share a similar walking style that produces paired tracks. Transferrable Raccoon Diseases. A Waukegan alderman who in November used a tire iron to beat a raccoon to death has been fined by the state, officials said. Close off exits to the room and keep windows open overnight. Dogs, coyotes, foxes, bobcats and great horned owls can take young raccoons. It makes sense to think along these lines, particularly on the grounds that raccoons are viewed as a "rabies vector animal categories" as one of the essential bearers. Young raccoons begin to venture outside the den for short periods of time when they are a month old, but do not leave the den until they are weaned (between two and three months of age). Store garbage in metal or tough plastic containers with tight-fitting lids. Look at the hind track to distinguish between the two animals. If your Chicago home is invaded by a raccoon family, we will respond to your call with fast and reliable service. Where can I learn about creating or improving wildlife habitat on my property? Both animals have five toes on each foot. according to my lawyer a person can own a raccoon as a "pet" in illinois. Additionally, by Illinois law, raccoons in Illinois must either be: 1) released on the same property within 100 yards of where the animal was captured, 2) surrendered to a licensed veterinarian who is a licensed wildlife rehabilitator, or 3) humanely euthanized. The Illinois Department of National Resources is tasked with conservation and management of wild species in Illinois. Because of how intelligent these critters are, the raccoon can live happily in an urban setting, feeding off of garbage and other edible waste. Your email address will not be published. It is common to have populations of 9 to 45 raccoons per square mile in Illinois. You may not realize it, but that nuisance animal in your attic, shed, garage or on your property might be legally protected in Illinois. The second, and equally important reason why killing raccoons is a bad idea is that it will not solve a raccoon problem. Your email address will not be published. Repair holes and close all openings to attics. Raccoons have grayish-brown fur and are easily identified by their black eye mask and bushy, black-ringed tail. Raccoons are less common in grasslands or in agricultural areas with few trees since these areas provide fewer sources of shelter. So now the raccoon has to die, it violated boundaries and now has to face the consequences. Can I keep wildlife as my pet? Trap: To capture, or attempt to capture, by setting or placing a leg-hold trap, body-gripping trap, cage or live-trap or other similar device permitted by the Illinois Wildlife Code to capture, hold or kill any protected wildlife. The Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) recommends hiring a professional wildlife removal service to capture and remove fur-bearing animals. It is also usually (but not always) legal to kill a raccoon that is living inside your house. Hunter Fact Sheets. Current hunting and trapping seasons can be found in the Illinois Hunting and Trapping Digest or in the Legal Status section below. IDNR biologists monitor the number of raccoons in Illinois to ensure that hunting and trapping do not negatively impact the population. sorry maam but you are wrong. If you want to remove a squirrel yourself, contact an IDNR District Wildlife Biologist to see if you qualify for a Nuisance Animal Removal Permit. The biologist can provide information on options for resolving problems, including issuance of a nuisance animal removal permit. During the winter months, or in areas with large populations of raccoons and limited shelter, raccoons may den with several other individuals. The raccoon is a generalist species and can be found nearly wherever food, water and shelter are available. The oldest raccoon in a study conducted in west-central Illinois was 11 years of age. The Illinois Trapper Education Manual provides guidance on the best management practices for trapping. Raccoon Removal Cook County : Raccoons have a distinctive black mask and ringed tail. In rural areas, a hunting or trapping license is needed to harvest a raccoon. Wikimedia Commons/Darkone. Removal should be used as a last resort. The running season for coyote, gray and red fox, opossum, raccoon and striped skunk is open year-round. Q. For more apocalyptic fun, check out these eight best places in Illinois to hide in the actual event of a zombie take-over. Today raccoons can be found living in urban and suburban areas and in areas with a mixture of farmland and woodland. Squirrels are wild animals, and in the state of Illinois, nearly all wildlife is protected under the Wildlife Code (Section 2.2) and cannot be held in captivity. Fall population estimates of 98 to 101 raccoons per square mile have been recorded for parts of Cook, Kane and McHenry counties. When raccoons are calling to each other they often use a vocalization that sounds similar to the whistle of a screech owl. NWCOs will charge a fee for this service. Raccoons may be trapped from mid-November through mid-February. Two river systems, retention ponds, Will County Forest Preserves and streams and creeks are scattered among homes here. Wildlife Management page The size of a home range varies based on habitat quality, season, population density, and the sex and age of the raccoon. I’ll kill it and discard the body discreetly. Raccoons are omnivores, meaning that they eat both plant and animal material. The hind track of an opossum will resemble a baby’s handprint. ALERT: White Nose Syndrome Killing Bats Across the United States, Animals That Are a Common Nuisance in the Winter. Settled in 1835, this town is rich in history. Though able to care for themselves, young raccoons typically stay near the female throughout the fall and winter, waiting until the following spring to disperse. For more information on hunting and trapping in Illinois visit the Illinois Department of National Resources. Trapping can help control the local population of animals and, in some cases, reduce the number of nuisance complaints and the damage that some species can cause. NWCOs … By Illinois law, property owners or tenants need a Nuisance Animal Removal Permit (PDF) to trap and remove most species of wildlife. They often use their front feet to locate food by touch, and wetting their paws may increase their sensitivity. Raccoons are promiscuous breeders and mate with several individuals. If the newspaper was not moved overnight after a couple of days, it is safe to proceed with repairs and to close off the raccoon’s access points. The Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) recommends hiring a professional wildlife removal service to capture and remove rabbits. Sometimes you won’t see the raccoon, you’ll just hear it. Unfortunately, the critters have to be put down, but if you spot one, turning it in is the best thing you can do for it and the community. See the Illinois Hunting and Trapping Digest for hunting and trapping season dates and current regulations. Humanely remove raccoons from anywhere in your home; Repair the damage that raccoons caused; Eliminate health hazards by removing all contamination Call Attic Solutions at (847) 464-1861, For professional animal removal services in Chicagoland call Attic Solutions (847) 464-1861. Do I Need a Permit to Remove a Nuisance Animal in Illinois. If a raccoon is causing property damage, and all other control measures have failed, the animal may need to be removed. Updated 6 mins ago: Weed was just legalized in Illinois in January 2020 by the way. Raccoon scat is often blunt on the ends and the remains of seeds or other food items will be visible. Can I Keep a Squirrel for a Pet in Illinois? Trap size recommendations for raccoons is found on page 94, see: TrapperEducationManual. How to Tell What Kind of Animal is in My Attic? Raccoons do not generally pose a public health risk. In most cases it is illegal to keep wildlife as a pet in Illinois. Raccoons in urban areas that cause property damage or present a threat to public health or safety may be removed if an Illinois Department of Natural Resources District Wildlife Biologist issues an animal removal PERMIT. The front and opposite hind tracks will be side by side or close together. © 2020 Attic Solutions | Website Designed by: Questions? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Request a permit HERE. Currently there are no registered repellents for raccoons in Illinois. There are many great resources that can help you add wildlife habitat. If you want to remove a rabbit yourself, contact an IDNR District Wildlife Biologist to see if you qualify for a Nuisance Animal Removal Permit. There is a large raccoon presence in Will County, Illinois. The prohibition on taking non-game species applies whether it's … Therefore, care should be taken not to come into contact with raccoons. Answer Save. Learn more about raccoons in Illinois in Outdoor Illinois Wildlife Journal: Raccoons are mesopredators and they help control local insect and rodent populations. They are opportunistic feeders and their diet varies based upon what is available in their environment. Rockford Illinois Raccoon Control Situation: A significant number of us grew up being told raccoons certainly have rabies when they are seen amid the day. People can become infected when they accidentally ingest roundworm eggs that are shed in raccoon feces. Make sure all raccoons are out of the building before sealing openings. Many of the old quarry stone buildings are still in use today as offices and commercial buildings. Raccoons should never be harmed or killed under any circumstances, unless carried out by the proper authorities for good reason. Therefore, if you have a tame raccoon, call a rehabilitator so that the animal can “wild-up” before being released. The only option is to release them on the same property where caught, within 100 yards of where captured. In rural areas, gray squirrels and fox squirrels may be taken during open hunting seasons. Washing hands in hot, soapy water can prevent infection as can wearing gloves while gardening. Removal. If you poison a raccoon and it dies in the woods, something else is going to come along and eat it, spreading the poison through an entire ecosystem. Droppings of many similar size mammals are more pointed or rounded. the permit is intended fo people who would breed the animals and sell the skins like a fur farm. Most wildlife is protected by law and cannot be killed or even removed without a permit. Replace lost or damaged permits Illinois Digest of Hunting and Trapping Regulations. They are medium-sized mammals, approximately 26 to 39 inches in length (including the tail), and weigh 6 to 27 pounds depending on the animal’s age and condition. 4 Answers. By Illinois law, a property owner or tenant needs a Nuisance Animal Removal Permit to trap and remove most species of wildlife. Breeding occurs from January through March with the peak occurring in February. Once the Raccoon steps on the trigger, the jaws move and catch it from around the neck and spine area. Raccoon Removal or Raccoon problems in Will County, IL. The average raccoon has a lifespan of three to five years. Home ranges of urban and suburban raccoons are typically smaller than those of rural raccoons because of the concentration of available water, food and shelter in many urban areas. Because raccoons are carriers of rabies, many states have laws prohibiting you from keeping one as a pet. The Illinois Department of … Raccoons are excellent climbers and swim well. Legal trapping can occur 100 yards from an occupied dwelling without permission of the occupants, closer with permission as long as there are no municipal ordinances that prohibit trapping. For porches or decks built within two feet of the ground, dig a trench at least ten inches deep around the deck’s perimeter. Is the animal you want to remove a protected species? They have a trigger and jaws. Raccoons will eat insects, crayfish, fish, turtles, voles, mice, birds and eggs. Attach 1/2″ x 1/2″ mesh hardware cloth or 1″ x 1″ welded wire from the top of the outside joists to the bottom of the trench. Leave six to eight inches of wire at the bottom and bend it out at a 90. You may not realize it, but that nuisance animal in your attic, shed, garage or on your property might be legally protected in Illinois. You can also try lending the raccoon a hand by using things that he can climb to get out. Illinois wildlife don't take weekends off, and neither do we. The mammal is killed instantly due to the extreme pressure and snapping of spine. They also are important seed dispersers. If you want to remove a fur-bearing animal yourself, contact an IDNR District Wildlife Biologist to see if you qualify for a Nuisance Animal Removal Permit. You will have killed ONE raccoon in a world of MANY raccoons. Not without a permit, first you need a permit then your only options are to kill the animal or get written permission to release it somewhere else from a different property owner or … A snap trap that kills raccoons instantly may be the fastest way to get rid of raccoons in the attic, but it is necessary to make sure that pets and children do not have access to the space where you have set the traps and it is necessary to check traps daily to avoid having a carcass rot under your roof. Chewed wires can start fires. Frightening a raccoon with noise (a loud radio) or lights (mechanics trouble light or a strobe light) may discourage an individual from remaining on your property, but these techniques are usually only temporary solutions. Raccoons aren't the only problem animals city dwellers need to worry about, however. Gestation is approximately 63 days. So if you live in Jefferson County and a raccoon has been tearing up your garden, you are allowed to sit outside in a lawn chair, wait for the raccoon, take aim, and fire. When there’s a raccoon in your house, anything can happen. Raccoon droppings can sicken you or your family. The female will raise one liter of three to four young each year. Grip traps are lethal and can kill the Raccoon in a matter of seconds. Illinois Trapper Education Course Information. Close dumpster lids each night. Raccoons are not like rodents; they live in our homes but also spend a considerable amount outside. However, the tracks of the two animals are easy to tell apart if you know the characteristics of each animal. They also are important seed dispersers. Repair Damage: What to Know Before Making Repairs, The Emerging Science of Urban Wildlife Management. Check to make sure that animals are not in the dumpster before closing the lid. We’ve listed the most common nuisance animals in Illinois below. Illinois raccoons tend to vary in weight, from 6 to 20 lbs for a female, and 15 to 27 lbs for a male. If you do not want to remove the animal yourself, you can call a nuisance wildlife control operator (NWCO) to trap and remove the raccoon for you. Their droppings can usually be distinguished from opossum or fox droppings by the blunt ends of the droppings. If you are seeking a qualified Illinois prof for your raccoon removal job, then you have come to right place. Click HERE for more information about hunting and trapping Furbearers. In rural areas, there is no limit to the number of raccoons that an individual with a hunting or trapping license may take. Remove tree branches that overhang the roof to limit access to chimney or attics. For those unfamiliar with animal tracks, raccoon tracks may be easily confused with opossum tracks. If it is illegal to kill a raccoon, who’s going to see me or say anything? These two species may not be removed. Breeding season is February thru March, with a gestation period of … Batavia is located along the Fox River with plenty of old growth timber and prairies. To be sure the animal is out, loosely stuff newspaper into the openings during the morning or afternoon when the raccoon may be asleep inside. Furbearer Management page . They must be destroyed due to the level of overpopulation and the potential dangers from disease. Bats inside rooms will usually exit on their own. An average adult male weighs 15 to 20 pounds. Required fields are marked *. Don’t hesitate to call us any time of the day or night, even on weekends and holidays. The Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) recommends hiring a professional wildlife removal service to capture and remove squirrels. Public Hunting Areas Reports. You must then either release the animal within the same county on property where you have permission, or you can kill the animal (in compliance with local ordinances). Attic Solutions Does Not Service Cats or Dogs, NEW! Alabama, Maryland, Massachusetts and many other states outright prohibit it.. Under no circumstances should it be used to kill a raccoon. Illinois Department of National Resources, permit from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Attic Solutions Alert: Dangers Of Wild Animal Bites. Few raccoons live past 3 to 4 years of age. If you do not want to trap it yourself, you can hire someone. Related: How to get bats out of the house. All Illinois hunting regulations must be followed. Canine Distemper: Another reason to not keep raccoons as pets, they can be infected with canine distemper and capable of transfering this virus to pet dogs. Researchers estimate that there are more raccoons in Illinois today than there were when the first European settlers arrived. The statewide raccoon hunting season is from mid-November through mid-February. Raccoons in Will County Illinois have adapted to living in suburbia. Raccoons normally den in hollow trees or abandoned woodchuck or fox burrows. Raccoons in northern Illinois tend to be larger than those in southern Illinois. However, this will not fix your raccoon problem. In reality, the most common offenders are raccoons. These resources can get you started: Habitat Helpers and Illinois Acres For Wildlife. Raccoons are most likely to cause problems by denning under decks or porches or inside attics or chimneys, raiding garbage cans, digging up lawns or taking fruit or vegetables from gardens. In rural areas, rabbits may be taken during open hunting seasons. "If they can't prove it was legally taken in another state, it is assumed it was taken out of the wild in Illinois." To help make you this as easy as possible we will help you quickly connect with specialized raccoon removal professionals who not only offer exactly that, but other services as well if you … Call us at 1-847-870-7175. Currently there are no registered repellents for raccoons in Illinois. Rats are just as common in Illinois as any other state. Raccoons are mesopredators and help control insect and rodent populations. Males typically have larger home ranges than females since they often travel during the breeding season to search for mates. However, they will readily use barns, chimneys, attics or the space under decks and porches for shelter if they can gain access. Damage can be permanent. In rural areas, deer hunting is permitted in season. ... Lake County Raccoon Removal - Raccoons are a common animal in Illinois. Yes, you can call us 24/7. however, there is no law stating that little furry guy cant be a pet at that point. If you have a question on a wildlife problem give a trained wildlife control operator a call. ABC Humane Wildlife’s Chicago raccoon specialists are always on call to assist you. Furbearer Running Season: Furbearers may be pursued or chased with dogs, but not killed, during the running season. These small mammals may all be removed with no permit needed. Raccoon Removal or Raccoon problems in Batavia, Illinois. Attach heavy duty, commercial grade chimney caps at the top of chimneys. The inner toes on an opossum’s hind foot are thumb-like and lack claws. Raccoons do not hibernate, but will stay in their den for several days if the winter weather is severe. By Illinois law, a property owner or tenant … Removal should be used as a last resort. Captive raccoons are fond of softening their food in water, but do not always do so. But in urban areas, it isn’t uncommon to see raccoons out during the day. In rural areas, the IDNR encourages removal of most furbearers during open hunting and trapping seasons whenever possible. Can you keep a squirrel as a pet? The raccoon roundworm is an Ascarid nematode and is infectious to humans. It doesn’t have be. Recreational fur-trapping (and hunting when/where allowed) is the preferred method to deal with nuisance furbearer issues. Learn more about appropriate trapping methods and bait to use. In urban areas, they will supplement their diet with garbage and pet food. Laws. The Illinois Department of Natural Resources offers a lengthy trapping season (3 months, in some cases 4.5 months). During the day they usually remain close to their den. Cities serviced by these Illinois operators include all the towns and cities of Belvidere, Rochelle, Crystal Lake, McHenry, Rockton Illinois, and Janesville Wisconsin. They typically try to run away or climb a nearby tree if threatened. They break into attics, destroy property, eat garbage, and more. Batavia is the oldest town in Kane County, Illinois. If a raccoon is causing property damage, and all other control measures have failed, the animal may need to be removed. It makes a whole lot more sense to put a fence around your garden and not shoot the raccoon. The eastern chipmunk and the thirteen-lined ground squirrels may be removed without a permit. All state hunting regulations must be followed. Raccoons may also be carriers of canine distemper and parvovirus, which can infect domestic cats and dogs. The short and easy answer is NO. Some states require a permit to keep raccoons, while others, like Arkansas, allow you to keep up to 6 raccoons. They have several den sites in their home range. It is illegal to take live deer from the wild unless you have received a permit from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) or are a licensed wildlife rehabilitator. However, they can be carriers of rabies, a disease that is fatal to humans if not treated quickly. Historically raccoons lived in wooded river bottoms and were less abundant in the uplands. White-tailed deer are protected under the Illinois Wildlife Code as a game species. The number of raccoons in Illinois has increased dramatically since the 1930s. Raccoons belong to the order Carnivora along with bears, cats, dogs, badgers and other carnivores. The (IDNR) recommends hiring a professional bat removal service to capture and remove bats. Find what permits or licenses you currently have. Raccoons often have favored latrine areas so piles of scat may indicate the presence of raccoons. Prevent raccoons from getting under porches or decks. In Illinois, raccoons are protected as a Furbearer. Can dogs be used to hunt coyotes in Illinois? If you do not want to remove the animal yourself, you can call a nuisance wildlife control operator (NWCO) to trap and remove the raccoon for you. When raccoon populations get too large, they can negatively impact bird populations by feeding on eggs and nestlings. ... Rat poison is effective because it can actually kill multiple rats at once. A person who hits and kills a deer with a motorized vehicle can legally claim the deer to salvage the meat, hide, and antlers. The Illinois Department of National Resources is tasked with conservation and management of wild species in Illinois. Is it legal to kill a raccoon in Illinois? A 2×4 or any piece of lumber that can reach top to bottom, a tree branch that is long enough to touch the bottom of the dumpster and reach the top to climb, even a ladder or step stool will do. the dnr sells fur bearing mammal licenses for i do believe 25 dollars. The oldest raccoon found in a study conducted in west-central Illinois … Most wildlife is protected by law and cannot be killed or even removed without a permit. 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